Message: #68826
Лена Калининград » 04 Feb 2017, 14:37

Dietary supplement for training swimmers

The modern pharmacological industry produces a wide variety of drugs, the effectiveness of which has been fully proven in clinical practice. However, their use by athletes requires a very reasonable individualization. The selection of adequate pharmacological regimens should be carried out during the preparatory period of the first training macrocycle of a one-year training of swimmers, with careful consideration of their effect on the functional state and fitness of athletes. In accordance with individual pharmacological schemes for highly skilled swimmers, individual pharmacological maps can be developed (Fig. 26.6). At the same time, special attention is paid to an individually adequate dose of vitamins, taking into account the fact that the need of highly qualified swimmers for water-soluble vitamins is at least 1.5 times higher than the daily requirement for non-athletes. This also takes into account the fact that a deficiency in such vitamins is noted in more than 80% of swimmers, while a deficiency in fat-soluble vitamins is much less common. Of the many vitamin complexes produced today, the most suitable combination of water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins for swimmers is contained in supradin and unicap T, miltrium. However, it is advisable to use several multivitamin complexes, alternating them every 2 weeks of admission. The use by athletes of special foreign-made nutritional supplements containing vitamins requires extreme caution, since some of them contain substances classified as doping. You should be fully convinced that there are no substances prohibited for use in sports in the food supplements used. An effective pharmacological map involves the reasonable use of trace elements, the dosage of which is set taking into account their increased consumption by athletes.
Modern vitamin complexes – unicap T, M, Yu, supradin, miltrium and others, along with vitamins, also contain the main trace elements – potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, sodium, iodine, manganese, the presence of which contributes to better absorption of vitamins. In addition, the industry produces special highly efficient микроэлементные комплексы — ультракальций, золо­той коралловый кальций (произ­водство США), пенистый калий (Югославия), магнум С, магнум 600 (Германия) и др.Юный возраст многих квалифи­цированных пловцов и переноси­мые ими большие нагрузки требу­ют достаточного потребления пре­паратов кальция, необходимого дляПостроения костной ткани в рас­тущем организме. Напряженная спортивная подготовка может при­вести к острому дефициту кальция в костной ткани и развитию остеопо-роза, а иногда даже к переломам трубчатых костей голени.Эффективное применение плов­цами микроэлементных комплексов предполагает чередование 2 —3-не-дельных курсов их приема с не­дельным перерывом.Фармакологическая карта плов­ца (см. рис. 26.6) предполагает ис­пользование адаптогенов, оптими­зирующих адаптационные процес­сы в организме. К их числу отно­сятся женьшень, элеутерококк, эхинацея, а также препараты, изго­товленные на основе меда — апимод, аписвит (прополис), медоцвит, ме-додар.К адаптогенам относятся и анти-оксиданты — гинко-билобо, раве-нол, коэнзим Q10, которые способ­ствуют защите клеточных мембран от разрушения их токсичными ме­таболитами, образуемыми в ходе напряженной мышечной деятель­ности. Antioxidants of plant origin are also used – wheat germ oil, pine nut oil, pumpkin seed oil. The courses of their reception are short – 10-14 days with a 10-day break. Their reception is necessarily shown when changing time zones – during flights and transfers to competition sites. In this case, the intake of adaptogens begins 2-3 days before the flight, moving and continues for 4-5 days upon arrival. For this, preparations of riboxin, inosine, inosium F, creatine, ATP, creatine phosphate are used, which are especially indicated during periods of the most intense training, and immediately preceding important competitions.

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