Message: #61051
Татьяна Юсупова » 21 Jan 2017, 22:25

Apple Curd Pancakes

Such tasty and healthy pancakes smile Thanks to the cottage cheese, they are hearty, and due to the apple in the composition, they are fragrant.
Curd pancakes with apple


cottage cheese 1.8% 100g
2 eggs
sugar 1 tbsp
flour 4 tbsp
vegetable oil 3 tbsp in the dough + 1.5 tsp for greasing the pan
milk 100ml
1/2 apple


1. Beat together eggs, sugar, milk, cottage cheese, 3 tbsp. vegetable oil

Curd pancakes with apple

2. Add flour

3. Grate the apple on a coarse grater, mix into the dough

4. Смазывать антипригарную сковородку мизерным количеством vegetable oil (ну совсем чуточку), ведь в самых блинчиках уже есть масло и приставать к сковородке они не будут. Bake until golden brown.

Below is a complete breakdown of the products in grams

Calories per 100g – 226kcal
1 pancake (80g) – 181kcal

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