Message: #33531
Варюша » 01 Nov 2016, 10:51

Four Secrets to Delicious Pancakes


SECRET ONE: Choose the right pan. To fry pancakes, you need a frying pan with low edges and a long handle; flipping pancakes on this one is easier. One condition is a thick bottom. No wonder our grandmothers used cast-iron pans to make pancakes. This is the ideal option.

SECRET TWO – in order for the pancake not to stick, the pan must be hot enough. You need to add a tablespoon of sunflower oil to the dough, and just grease the pan before each pancake with a piece of lard.

SECRET THIRD – the dough is poured with a ladle (about half a ladle for one pancake), and then, gently turning the pan, you need to evenly distribute the dough over its entire surface.

SECRET FOUR – advice from old cookbooks will not hurt even experienced housewives. Flour must be sifted at the time of preparation of the dough directly into the dishes (crepe maker, bowl …), in which the dough is prepared.

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