Message: #118053
Аннета Эссекс » 27 May 2017, 01:39

How cucumbers are good for the human body

When the cucumber season is coming, people, consuming them almost every day, ask themselves, what are the benefits of cucumbers for the human body? Thanks to cucumbers, a person can throw off a few extra pounds and cleanse the kidneys and intestines. It turned out that cucumbers are the most dietary food, as they consist of 95% water. Therefore, they contain a minimum of calories.
In addition, doctors recommend using cucumbers as a preventive measure so that stones do not form in the kidneys. Thanks to the use of this product, the work of the intestines improves in humans.

For those who want to lose weight
For weight loss, it is recommended to organize fasting days for yourself 2 times a week, on which low-calorie foods should be consumed. For example, in one day you can eat some meat about 400 g, the main thing is that it be lean, and without salt. In this case, you should not eat bread. On another day, you can stop on a cucumber diet. In the diet should be only cucumbers, also consumed without salt. Canned or pickled are not suitable, only fresh. You can prepare a salad of cucumbers and unrefined oil with the addition of a minimum amount of salt, but it is best without it. Cucumbers should be finely chopped and chewed well when eaten.
Women are advised not to forget about the excellent ability of cucumber to whiten the skin. What is relevant for those who have freckles on their face or have age spots. You can apply chopped fresh cucumber slices on the face and eyelids, for about 20 minutes. After that, wash with warm water without soap.

It is important to responsibly approach the choice of cucumbers. Experts advise giving preference to those species that have a soft and thin skin. If a cucumber has a hard skin, then it contains such fiber that it will be difficult for the body to cope with, they are more suitable for canning. In addition to the fact that this vegetable is rich in fiber, it also has a great effect on bowel function. But there is one difficulty. When constipated, it can lead to bloating and pain. Also, with certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the use of cucumbers may be contraindicated. Therefore, you should not use cucumbers in the postoperative period, a patient with chronic cholecystitis and chronic inflammation of the ovaries. More from them it is worth refusing to those who have a lowered intestines and stomach.

cucumber juice
With a disease of the esophagus, it is contraindicated to drink many juices, as they provoke irritation. But cucumber juice in this case, on the contrary, has no contraindications. It does not cause irritation of the urinary tract and does not cause increased secretion of gastric juice. It has a weak diuretic effect and is good for kidney function. In addition, cucumber juice contains mineral salts that stimulate digestion. The juice has an enveloping ability, and there is no pungency in it. Therefore, it can be used almost every day. You can combine vegetables. For example, mix cucumber, carrot and potato juice. Such a drink is very useful for the intestinal mucosa and stomach.

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