Message: #341730
Аннета Эссекс » 29 Apr 2018, 09:06

Feeding a breastfeeding mother. The first 10 days

I really want you to be that happy mother who will never know what allergies are, what colic is.

So, such a long-awaited day has come – the baby was born !!!! The whole family is entering a new era. Before, everything was different, before it was important what lipstick to buy, and there was no way to get past those red shoes in the window, and my husband dreamed of updating his phone to the latest version ….
And now… now all-encompassing happiness, now life has acquired an important meaning… now you live for this baby.
You can forget about what you need to eat, because now you have other worries, but this is absolutely impossible to do. You are mom! You are breastfeeding, and you are required to produce full-fledged breast milk, so it is imperative to eat, especially since calorie consumption has increased due to the mechanism of lactation.

How to provide yourself with food in the hospital? You have two options. Ask your relatives to cook fresh every day and bring it to you while you are with the baby in the hospital. Be sure to give clear instructions on what is possible, what is not, in what quantity.
The second option is to cook a few days before the planned date of the menu for 3-5 days, for the period that you will be away from home, pack and freeze everything, and then ask dad to bring you, possibly warming up at home if there is nowhere to do it in maternity hospital.
I will say right away that I have an “excellent student syndrome”, everything I do must be perfect, and I suffer from that :). Therefore, I approached my diet very carefully, having shoveled a bunch of literature and listened to the course of young parents. Nowhere having received unequivocal answers, I went my own way.

Here is a list I got for the first 10 days after the birth of a child:

Drinks up to 1.5 liters per day (except for the 3rd day): mineral water without gas, compotes from apples, pears, dried fruits, rosehip broth, weak black tea

Kefir 1% 200 ml per day

Yogurt and cottage cheese without fruit additives

Hard cheese 50 gr/day (fat content less than 50%)

Gluten-free cereals (rice, buckwheat, corn, millet)

Water-based mashed potatoes (with a little butter)

Vegetable stew (potato, zucchini, squash, cauliflower, broccoli, dill)

Low-fat soup, without spices (potato, zucchini, squash, cauliflower, broccoli, dill)

Boiled meat, tongue (beef, veal, turkey, pork tenderloin)

Fish boiled lean

Baked apples 3 pcs/day (except red ones)

Banana 1 piece/day

Excluded: whole milk (up to 10 days after birth), juices, coffee, chocolate, canned food, salted, fried, spicy, smoked, legumes, raw eggs, red and black caviar, exotic fruits (grapes, pomegranate, citrus, kiwi, pineapple etc.), tomatoes, cucumbers, fresh cabbage, radishes, strawberries, cherries, cherries, plums, pears, raw garlic and onions, alcohol.

To replenish the fluid in the body, you can drink as much as you want (it is favorable to consume about two liters of fluid). On the third day, if there is an active arrival of breast colostrum (milk), you need to reduce the liquid to a reasonable minimum, but not more than 0.5 liters per day, otherwise you can earn mastitis due to a large rush of milk and the risk of blockage of the ducts. On this day, the main thing will happen – your body will begin to produce milk. From the fourth day, return to the usual drinking regimen.

The main rule of the first months after childbirth: We think first of all about the child, and not about the taste pleasures and addictions of the mother. The joy of a variety of food for this period (or better forever) should be replaced by the joy of communicating with loved ones, primarily with the father of the child and the child.
It seems that the list is incredibly small, but this is only at first glance. You can combine foods, for example, instead of regular porridge – cook porridge with bananas or apples, or both. Add boiled meat to porridge, or make yourself a delicious soup with a little butter, butter or olive oil – with porridge and meat. You can make soup with meatballs, just meatballs can be made from only one meat without adding other products.

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