Message: #341732
Аннета Эссекс » 29 Apr 2018, 09:10

What to eat for nursing mothers

From a conversation with nursing mothers:
- I had no particular problems with breastfeeding the baby, it was just a pleasure!
- Yes, what are you! And I suffer from the fact that I have to monitor what I ate and whether it will harm the baby. You can’t imagine how tired I am of these constant restrictions ... you can’t have a pickled cucumber, you can’t have a salad with mayonnaise for the holiday - your favorite Olivier, not a sip of wine in honor of your birthday, everyone eats a chop - I don’t, I cook borscht only for my husband. I myself eat only boiled meat, porridge, some vegetables, soup on the water, cottage cheese. I never loved him at all, and now I have to eat for the sake of the child ... I would rather finish feeding and eat like a person!

Indeed, many nursing mothers suffer from the fact that they have to constantly monitor their diet and refuse food that has been familiar for many years. Some will say that this is not such a big price to pay for the health of the baby, and you yourself will be healthier. And others will say that they did not adhere to any diet at all and breast-fed their children and ate as they liked, well, with slight changes. Who is right? Let's take a look at some nutrition tips for breastfeeding women and see if they should be followed.

Myth one: A breastfeeding mother should eat a lot. Feed the baby - and eat something yourself, and so the whole day! If the mother does not eat, then she will not have enough milk.
Lilya (she has been breastfeeding Misha for 6 months) tells. This is just about me ... As soon as I gave birth to Mishan, I ate just like that, it was just an obsession with me, I was afraid that if I didn’t eat soup once again, there would be less milk. And what is the result? I now have such a figure ... once again I try not to look at myself in the mirror, but I was so slender before pregnancy! And most importantly, I had a period when I could not eat so often, but ate only 2 times a day. И, что вы думаете? There was as much milk as when I ate 5-6 times a day! I don't overeat anymore - for nothing.
Nature made sure that the mother in the first months of the baby's life did not think that she needed to "get" food for one more family member, that is, eat for two.
All the calories needed to make milk nutritious and produce as much of it as the baby needs are in her body. And the secret is this: during pregnancy, a woman gains weight in such a way as to form certain fat reserves for the period when she begins to feed the baby with their milk. Usually "reserves" are distributed in the abdomen, thighs, forearms. And immediately after childbirth, the mother's body begins to use these fat depots to make the milk meet the needs of the little man as much as possible. No matter how many times a mother eats a day, milk will be produced in the right amount. She can eat only black bread and water and produce good milk at the same time. Although, this is certainly an extreme, but such is the task of the female body! He will work to his detriment to produce quality milk for the crumbs and in the right amount.
But by 6-9 months, the baby “eats” these same reserves and at this time, the mother begins to give the baby something else besides her milk, supplementing his diet. By this time, the figure of a nursing mother is becoming slimmer and, closer to a year, becomes approximately the same as it was before pregnancy, although there are exceptions. But this does not mean that her milk has become poorer in composition.
The Ministry of Health experts believe that a nursing woman should increase her diet by only 500 kcal, that is, add another light dinner to her usual diet so that the baby receives high-quality milk and the mother's body does not suffer from a lack of nutrients.

Myth two: Milk and dairy products - kefir, cottage cheese and others - must be present in the diet of a nursing woman. Otherwise, there will be little milk and it will be malnourishing.

First, the amount of women's breast milk does not change in any way whether you drink cow's milk or not. After all, cows, dogs, pigs, while feeding their cubs, do not drink milk on purpose.
Secondly, it is necessary to listen to such recommendations with caution. There must be a reasonable approach to everything. A lactating woman should eat dairy products at will, you should never force yourself to eat something that you do not like. Do not eat cottage cheese - eat yogurt, do not like milk - drink kefir. In general, you don’t want anything - that’s fine too! Take breaks.
Always listen to yourself, to your feelings. You have to drink milk or you want to drink it - there is a difference! Never before have foods been useful if they were eaten by force. What you do not take into account will not be accepted by your body, respectively, and the crumbs will not work either.
Veronika (nursing mother of 3-month-old Lisa) tells. Our health visitor said that I should drink 3-4 once a week kefir, so that the milk is good. But I usually don’t drink it at all, because I get bloating from it. Well, if it is necessary, then it is necessary, I will suffer. I began to drink and noticed that as soon as I drink kefir, my Lisa’s tummy immediately swells and she becomes restless, and the day that I don’t drink, everything is fine. So kefir did not go to us. At my own peril and risk, I stopped drinking it, why torture the child?

Myth three: Before each feeding, you should drink a glass of tea with milk, or just compote or juice. And per day you need to drink at least 2-3 liters of fluid. And if you drink more, even better - there will be more milk.
Of course, a nursing mother needs to drink, because her milk contains a lot of water - up to 86% - 90%. But there is no direct relationship - how much liquid you drink, so much milk will be. Even so - the more water you drink, the harder it is for your body to "give" milk!
And let's think, if you feed your baby on demand, that is, you have from 12 feedings a day, and you will drink a glass of liquid before each feeding, how much will it turn out per day?
So, if you do not drink before feeding, the milk will still arrive and you will be able to feed the baby in full. It is also important in this case to stick to the "golden mean", that is, drink as much as you want and try not to be thirsty.
But tea with milk should also be drunk with caution and at will. Many believe that tea with milk is a lactogenic remedy, and immediately after childbirth they begin to drink it constantly. However, and this is again another myth - there is no more milk from it. It is not recommended to drink tea with milk and sugar (or tea with condensed milk), which are prone to allergies.

Myth four: A nursing mother should not eat red, orange, yellow fruits and vegetables - the child will have an allergy.
If a nursing mother knows that she or her husband has or had an allergic reaction to bright fruits and vegetables in childhood, then their woman should eat with caution, but still eat. Our baby should “get acquainted” with all the foods that are customary to eat in this family during breastfeeding. Because it is by receiving information about different products through mother's milk that it will be easier for him to go through this “acquaintance”, because milk gives the baby protective mechanisms.

For convenience, you can keep a food diary to know for sure which product could have had an allergic reaction. baby. If you experience a reaction to a product, take it out for at least a month and then try again. It will be easier for the baby to adapt to it through breast milk. It is not recommended to exclude it from the diet forever. It is desirable that in this case you are controlled by a dietitian or a good homeopath.
If no one in the family suffers from food allergies, then the mother can eat everything, vegetables and fruits, regardless of their color. Introduce them gradually into your diet, because some children may have an individual reaction.

If the baby was not attached to the breast in the first hour after birth or was given something other than colostrum before breastfeeding, he may be at risk and subsequently find an allergic reaction to any product.

Fifth myth: Eat carefully for the first months - nothing fried, nothing fresh (only stew, baked). For example, an apple can only be eaten baked.
This is most likely a diet for mothers who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Because any negative reaction of their body will immediately be transmitted to the baby. Therefore, a woman who already adheres to a certain sparing diet all the time does

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