Message: #118018
Аннета Эссекс » 27 May 2017, 00:50

11 main products for cleansing the body

The human body has a natural detoxification system to get rid of the toxins it accumulates from food and the environment. Physicians and nutritionists argue whether a natural detoxification system is enough in a situation where we are exposed to many toxins daily due to unimportant ecology. Most still believe that “additional” help to the body in the form of a large amount of pure water and certain foods is absolutely necessary. Here is a list of 11 natural detox foods that you can use in your daily diet to help cleanse your body.

1. Apples. Excellent at detoxifying the body, and apple juice helps to deal with the consequences of the vital activity of viruses when we catch an infection, such as the flu. Apples contain pectin, it helps to effectively remove heavy metal compounds and other toxins from the body. It is no coincidence that pectin is included in detoxification programs in the treatment of drug addicts who take heroin, cocaine, and marijuana. In addition, apples help get rid of intestinal parasites, some skin diseases, help treat inflammation of the bladder, and prevent liver problems.

2. Beets. The main “purifier” of our body from toxins and other “unnecessary” substances is the liver. And beets naturally help detoxify the liver itself. Beets, like apples, have a lot of pectin. Many doctors recommend constantly eating beets in all forms – boiled, baked, stewed, use it in the preparation of savory dishes and desserts

3. Celery. Essential for detoxification. It helps purify the blood, prevents the deposition of uric acid in the joints, stimulates the thyroid gland and pituitary gland. Celery also acts as a mild diuretic, making it easier for the kidneys and bladder to function.

4. Bow. Promotes the removal of toxins through the skin. In addition, it cleanses the intestines.

5. Cabbage. Its anti-inflammatory properties have been known for a long time. Cabbage juice is used as a remedy for stomach ulcers. And lactic acid. Which cabbage contains, helps to maintain the health of the large intestine. In addition, like other cruciferous vegetables, cabbage contains sulforphan, a substance that helps the body fight toxins.

6. Garlic. Contains allicin, which helps to eliminate toxins and promotes the maintenance of white blood cells. Garlic cleanses the respiratory system and purifies the blood. A lesser known property is that it helps eliminate nicotine from the body, and can be a great addition to your diet when you quit smoking.

7. Artichoke. Just like beets, it is good for the liver, as it stimulates bile secretion. In addition, artichokes are high in antioxidants and fiber.

8. Lemon. It is recommended to drink lemon juice, adding it to warm water, such lemonade is a kind of tonic for the liver and heart. In addition, it prevents the formation of kidney stones, which are alkaline in nature. A large amount of vitamin C helps to cleanse the vascular system.

9. Ginger. Its anti-cold properties are widely known. But the diaphoretic action of ginger also allows the body to expel toxins through the skin.

10. Carrots. Carrots and carrot juice help in the treatment of respiratory, skin diseases. Used in the treatment of anemia and regulate the menstrual cycle.

11. Water. All of our tissues and cells need water in order to function well. Even our mental health depends on the amount of water we drink. When the body is dehydrated, it negatively affects all bodily functions. Modern man has lost the habit of drinking clean water, replacing it with coffee, tea, sweet soda. As a result, in the US, for example, about 75% of the population is chronically dehydrated. Thus, increasing water intake (modern nutritionists consider the norm 1.5 – 2 liters per day) is an important task.

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