Message: #43290
Лена Калининград » 06 Dec 2016, 23:40

Jin jun mei

Jin jun mei is one of the elite, expensive and revered varieties of Chinese red tea, which is now gaining great popularity all over the world. Jin jun mei was born in 2005, in the mountains of Wuyishan, in the province of Fujian, in the homeland of other elite Chinese drinks, in an area with a specially created, special, microclimate and highly mineral unique soils.

The taste and aroma of jin jun mei tea

The assembly of raw materials for this type of tea is carried out only in the spring. Small, tender tea buds are used for its preparation. These kidneys are collected by skilled craftsmen who understand all the intricacies of the tea drink. After that, the raw material is well dried and fermented, in connection with which it acquires a peculiar twisted shape, and a distinctive appearance from other teas. Jin jun mei has a deep, bright, slightly tart aroma with floral undertones, and at the same time, it is not cloying – a sweet aroma, with the effect of a pleasant sourness prevailing, which creates a magical composition. A sweetish taste with a honey-caramel tint gradually turns into fruit and berry, and with each sip it charges the whole body with positive energy.

Brewed jin jun mei
Useful properties of tea “Golden eyebrows”

Also, this tea is an excellent natural antidepressant, it perfectly restores the emotional state, relaxes well, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels, removes heavy metals and toxins from the body, cleanses the liver and kidneys. It promotes general healing and rejuvenation of the whole organism and has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. It strengthens the immune system well, helps the body fight various infections and can replace preventive medications during an epidemic of SARS and influenza.

At work negotiations, he is able to create at the same time a harmonious, businesslike and calm atmosphere, already by the influence of only one of his aromas. Jin jun mei should be brewed at a temperature of 95-98 degrees for about 2 minutes. Jin jun mei is a completely separate type of tea grown only in China, and in no case should it be confused with hibiscus tea.


Do not abuse this tea for diseases such as gastritis, ulcers and hypertension. Don’t use it too strong. on an empty stomach – this can cause nausea, headache and overexcitation of the nervous system.

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