Message: #67201
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 17:58

Iron shirt qigong – I. Rooting of Cosmic Inner Energy. Mantak Chia

and sealing them.

- Hold on as long as possible. Inhale more if you can, and then exhale very slowly and evenly. Maintain pressure. Relax and allow/feel the flow of Qi into the organs and fasciae, filling them with Qi energy. Feel the absorption into the Dan Tien and feel the breath and vibrations of Chi.

With the help of this breathing method, there is a compaction, compression and intensive massage of the organs.

Normalize breathing with abdominal/energizing breaths, take a few circuits in the Microcosmic Orbit and release excess energy from the chest. Walk around a little and shake your hands and legs.

Always remember: Do not use force. Relax the chest and allow the costal arches, ribcage, sternum and diaphragm to descend.

Youполняя Packing Breath вы должны оставаться мягкими внутри. If you feel uncomfortable and can no longer hold your breath, exhale a little in between, but maintain pressure.

Do no more than three Pack Breaths per day if you are a beginner.


Данное предупреждение относится ко всем practitionerующим, особенно к тем, у кого высокое кровяное давление, эмоциональная нестабильность, боли в области сердца или грудной клетки или любые острые заболевания.

1. Если у вас высокое кровяное давление, то прежде, чем приступать к practitionerам Железной Рубашки, проконсультируйтесь с врачом. Avoid strenuous exercises and breathing techniques.

2. Женщинам не следует выполнять дыхательные practitionerи Железной Рубашки во время менструации, но можно заниматься структурным выравниванием органов и частей тела, выполнять медитации в положении стоя и Костное Дыхание. Беременным не разрешается выполнять practitionerу Упаковывающего Дыхания Железной Рубашки; do only Energy Breathing and meditation while standing.

3. Следите за тем, чтобы во время выполнения этой practitionerи диафрагма была опущена, чтобы избежать накопления энергии в сердце и чтобы облегчить циркуляцию энергии по Микрокосмической Орбите. Do not condense the energy in the chest, as this can cause it to stagnate, which will affect the heart.

4. Always breathe into the lower abdomen and perineum to avoid blocking negative energies in other parts of the body, especially in the brain, heart or liver.

5. After you have learned to do the postures correctly, see to it that the tongue is placed on the palate to close the Microcosmic channels so that all the energy from the head can go down the Functional Channel to the navel to be stored there. Do not leave energy in the head or upper body.

Postures in Iron Shirt Practices

Iron Shirt Qigong practices include five standing postures. В practitionerах цигун существует очень много поз (положений). Master Chia took the essence of all the postures and identified five of them. Each posture teaches the following:

a) Align your musculoskeletal structure with the gravity of the earth and with the forces of the sky. Each pose represents a slightly different kind of energy and teaches a new attunement skill.

б) Practice Упаковывающего Дыхания выполняется в разных позах, чтобы увеличить давление Ци, особенно в области живота, органов, желез и позвоночника, а также для улучшения укоренения.

c) How to check the structural system and rooting in different positions. Grasping the Tree is the most important posture as it teaches the basic alignment on which all standing positions and tai chi qigong are based.


1. Rider Pose and Grab the Tree

A. Stand in a shoulder-width position with feet parallel.

B. Distribute body weight evenly across all nine points located on the feet.

Grab onto the surface by grabbing the ground with your toes, especially your thumb. The human body is like a tree. The roots are in the feet, the legs and torso are the trunk, and the arms are the branches. Внутренней основой practitioner Железной Рубашки является жизненная сила, внешней основой – ступни. The feet bear the weight of the whole body, and at the same time they are connected to the power of the earth. Feel the Dan Tian Qi being pushed down.

You should feel how the weight of the body is evenly distributed over all nine points of the feet. Make sure and feel which parts are too tight or under excessive pressure. This will cause the body to be misaligned and the spine to deviate to the side.

B. Relax the soles of the feet and turn the thumb slightly inward and root the feet.

The second toe should be pointing straight ahead and the outer sides of the feet should be parallel. This will help to open or keep the sacrum open by rotating the pelvis. Feel that the rotation of the pelvis coincides with the circle around the fingers / feet.

When the soles are open and relaxed, you can feel them suck in and connect with the ground. By turning the feet inward, we help establish connections between the tendons of the big toe and thumb, and the little toe and little finger, thereby increasing the rooting force. Remember that if the big toes and balls of the feet are raised, then you have no connection with the earth. will be.

D. Alignment of the ankle and knee joints

Allow all points of the foot, especially the big toe, to press firmly and evenly on the surface, and very gently rotate the ankle joint outwards. If you can properly press the soles of your feet into the ground and gently rotate your ankle joints, this will help transfer your weight into the ground. If one part of the foot is raised or loose, this is a sure sign that the ankle joints are out of alignment.

Next, keep your ankles closed and your feet flat on the ground, rotate your hip bones slightly and twist your knees slightly at the same time. This will help align the ankle and knee joints. In this very important joint alignment, the "saddle" of the tibia (lower leg) sits above the talus (ankle joint), which acts as a stabilizer for everything above. In this case, all the internal pressure of the synovial fluid is maintained constant, and the protrusions and depressions of the joints become aligned.

The rotational movement that started at the ankles is now connected to the rotation of the knees, the next vital element in carrying the life force from the ground to the hips. If you rotate your knees correctly, then all the tendons, alternately wrapping around the bones, will create a healthy elastic force. In this pose, the ground, ankles, knees, and hips are in the same line of force. Instead of putting all of your body weight on your knees, weight is transferred from your ankle joints through your heels and soles of your feet into the ground. With all these rotations, it is important to realize the importance of lightness and softness in this posture. Listen and lighten your body. If you feel pain in your joints, stop.

E. Open Gua. Align the Hips, Sacrum and descend from the Gua area

a. Положение бедренных суставов и крестца имеют важное значение для структурного выравнивания телa. As your ankles, knees, and hips align, your sacrum and hip joints open up, making the tendons in the groin area firm and relaxed.

b. You go down from the gua, not from the knees!

Sacral alignment reveals where your structure is weak and where it is strong. You descend into the gua, relaxing the lower back and slightly lowering the pelvis and sacrum, as if you were tucking your tailbone under you (“tucking your tail”) while sitting on a chair. If you place your hands in the inguinal folds, you will feel it more deeply. Если вы почувствуете стопы, особенно крепко прижатые к земле пятки и большие пальцы ног, то выровняете крестец и legs. You почувствуете одну силовую линию, идущую через ступни, пах, крестец и вверх к позвоночнику.

Perineum strength, sacral and cranial pumps, and the Dan Tien will help you open and align your hips and sacrum. When activated, they help to tuck your tailbone under you, tilt your sacrum, and stretch your sacrum and lower back.

in. The opening of the gua is also directly related to the psoas muscles. The success of opening the gua largely depends on the relaxation of the psoas muscles. Iron Shirt Qigong, Tai Chi Qigong and Tao Yin are a system of internal exercises that aim to increase the expansion of the functionality of these muscles.

E. Chi Belt Activation

You можете активировать пояс Ци следующим образом:

a. Activate the Dan Tian Qi energy and allow it to spread to the kidneys and the Door of Life and the G-11.

b. Hold the Chi tension in the Dan Tian. Inhale, pull up the left side of the anus and allow the energy of the left kidney to spread down the left side of the waist and from there to the navel in front. Inhale again, pull up the right side of the anus and allow the energy of the right kidney to spread down the right side of the waist and from there to the navel. Bring both sides together at the navel. Hold your breath and exhale slowly as you expand the Qi belt around your waist.

The Qi Belt acts as the main bridge connecting the lower torso to the upper torso. Если Пояс Ци развит неправильно, то у ступней, голеней и бедер отсутствует связь с верхней частью телa.

The psoas muscles are also closely related to the diaphragm. If they are flexible, then this allows you to breathe more deeply and easily. You можете полностью использовать силу диафрагмы и дыхания, чтобы помочь соединению нижней и верхней частей тела в Поясе Ци.

G. Alignment and stretching of the spine

To stretch and straighten the spine, you must open the spinal joints and pressurize the entire spine with Chi. You можете начать practitionerу с активации давления Ци в нижнем Даньтяне, как описано above and in the Dan Tian Qigong brochure. Затем сделайте вдох, выдох, опустите диафрагму и подтяните анус в направлении копчикa. Используйте

Message: #67201
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 17:58

Iron shirt qigong – I. Rooting of Cosmic Inner Energy. Mantak Chia

and sealing them.

- Hold on as long as possible. Inhale more if you can, and then exhale very slowly and evenly. Maintain pressure. Relax and allow/feel the flow of Qi into the organs and fasciae, filling them with Qi energy. Feel the absorption into the Dan Tien and feel the breath and vibrations of Chi.

With the help of this breathing method, there is a compaction, compression and intensive massage of the organs.

Normalize breathing with abdominal/energizing breaths, take a few circuits in the Microcosmic Orbit and release excess energy from the chest. Walk around a little and shake your hands and legs.

Always remember: Do not use force. Relax the chest and allow the costal arches, ribcage, sternum and diaphragm to descend.

Youполняя Packing Breath вы должны оставаться мягкими внутри. If you feel uncomfortable and can no longer hold your breath, exhale a little in between, but maintain pressure.

Do no more than three Pack Breaths per day if you are a beginner.


Данное предупреждение относится ко всем practitionerующим, особенно к тем, у кого высокое кровяное давление, эмоциональная нестабильность, боли в области сердца или грудной клетки или любые острые заболевания.

1. Если у вас высокое кровяное давление, то прежде, чем приступать к practitionerам Железной Рубашки, проконсультируйтесь с врачом. Avoid strenuous exercises and breathing techniques.

2. Женщинам не следует выполнять дыхательные practitionerи Железной Рубашки во время менструации, но можно заниматься структурным выравниванием органов и частей тела, выполнять медитации в положении стоя и Костное Дыхание. Беременным не разрешается выполнять practitionerу Упаковывающего Дыхания Железной Рубашки; do only Energy Breathing and meditation while standing.

3. Следите за тем, чтобы во время выполнения этой practitionerи диафрагма была опущена, чтобы избежать накопления энергии в сердце и чтобы облегчить циркуляцию энергии по Микрокосмической Орбите. Do not condense the energy in the chest, as this can cause it to stagnate, which will affect the heart.

4. Always breathe into the lower abdomen and perineum to avoid blocking negative energies in other parts of the body, especially in the brain, heart or liver.

5. After you have learned to do the postures correctly, see to it that the tongue is placed on the palate to close the Microcosmic channels so that all the energy from the head can go down the Functional Channel to the navel to be stored there. Do not leave energy in the head or upper body.

Postures in Iron Shirt Practices

Iron Shirt Qigong practices include five standing postures. В practitionerах цигун существует очень много поз (положений). Master Chia took the essence of all the postures and identified five of them. Each posture teaches the following:

a) Align your musculoskeletal structure with the gravity of the earth and with the forces of the sky. Each pose represents a slightly different kind of energy and teaches a new attunement skill.

б) Practice Упаковывающего Дыхания выполняется в разных позах, чтобы увеличить давление Ци, особенно в области живота, органов, желез и позвоночника, а также для улучшения укоренения.

c) How to check the structural system and rooting in different positions. Grasping the Tree is the most important posture as it teaches the basic alignment on which all standing positions and tai chi qigong are based.


1. Rider Pose and Grab the Tree

A. Stand in a shoulder-width position with feet parallel.

B. Distribute body weight evenly across all nine points located on the feet.

Grab onto the surface by grabbing the ground with your toes, especially your thumb. The human body is like a tree. The roots are in the feet, the legs and torso are the trunk, and the arms are the branches. Внутренней основой practitioner Железной Рубашки является жизненная сила, внешней основой – ступни. The feet bear the weight of the whole body, and at the same time they are connected to the power of the earth. Feel the Dan Tian Qi being pushed down.

You should feel how the weight of the body is evenly distributed over all nine points of the feet. Make sure and feel which parts are too tight or under excessive pressure. This will cause the body to be misaligned and the spine to deviate to the side.

B. Relax the soles of the feet and turn the thumb slightly inward and root the feet.

The second toe should be pointing straight ahead and the outer sides of the feet should be parallel. This will help to open or keep the sacrum open by rotating the pelvis. Feel that the rotation of the pelvis coincides with the circle around the fingers / feet.

When the soles are open and relaxed, you can feel them suck in and connect with the ground. By turning the feet inward, we help establish connections between the tendons of the big toe and thumb, and the little toe and little finger, thereby increasing the rooting force. Remember that if the big toes and balls of the feet are raised, then you have no connection with the earth. will be.

D. Alignment of the ankle and knee joints

Allow all points of the foot, especially the big toe, to press firmly and evenly on the surface, and very gently rotate the ankle joint outwards. If you can properly press the soles of your feet into the ground and gently rotate your ankle joints, this will help transfer your weight into the ground. If one part of the foot is raised or loose, this is a sure sign that the ankle joints are out of alignment.

Next, keep your ankles closed and your feet flat on the ground, rotate your hip bones slightly and twist your knees slightly at the same time. This will help align the ankle and knee joints. In this very important joint alignment, the "saddle" of the tibia (lower leg) sits above the talus (ankle joint), which acts as a stabilizer for everything above. In this case, all the internal pressure of the synovial fluid is maintained constant, and the protrusions and depressions of the joints become aligned.

The rotational movement that started at the ankles is now connected to the rotation of the knees, the next vital element in carrying the life force from the ground to the hips. If you rotate your knees correctly, then all the tendons, alternately wrapping around the bones, will create a healthy elastic force. In this pose, the ground, ankles, knees, and hips are in the same line of force. Instead of putting all of your body weight on your knees, weight is transferred from your ankle joints through your heels and soles of your feet into the ground. With all these rotations, it is important to realize the importance of lightness and softness in this posture. Listen and lighten your body. If you feel pain in your joints, stop.

E. Open Gua. Align the Hips, Sacrum and descend from the Gua area

a. Положение бедренных суставов и крестца имеют важное значение для структурного выравнивания телa. As your ankles, knees, and hips align, your sacrum and hip joints open up, making the tendons in the groin area firm and relaxed.

b. You go down from the gua, not from the knees!

Sacral alignment reveals where your structure is weak and where it is strong. You descend into the gua, relaxing the lower back and slightly lowering the pelvis and sacrum, as if you were tucking your tailbone under you (“tucking your tail”) while sitting on a chair. If you place your hands in the inguinal folds, you will feel it more deeply. Если вы почувствуете стопы, особенно крепко прижатые к земле пятки и большие пальцы ног, то выровняете крестец и legs. You почувствуете одну силовую линию, идущую через ступни, пах, крестец и вверх к позвоночнику.

Perineum strength, sacral and cranial pumps, and the Dan Tien will help you open and align your hips and sacrum. When activated, they help to tuck your tailbone under you, tilt your sacrum, and stretch your sacrum and lower back.

in. The opening of the gua is also directly related to the psoas muscles. The success of opening the gua largely depends on the relaxation of the psoas muscles. Iron Shirt Qigong, Tai Chi Qigong and Tao Yin are a system of internal exercises that aim to increase the expansion of the functionality of these muscles.

E. Chi Belt Activation

You можете активировать пояс Ци следующим образом:

a. Activate the Dan Tian Qi energy and allow it to spread to the kidneys and the Door of Life and the G-11.

b. Hold the Chi tension in the Dan Tian. Inhale, pull up the left side of the anus and allow the energy of the left kidney to spread down the left side of the waist and from there to the navel in front. Inhale again, pull up the right side of the anus and allow the energy of the right kidney to spread down the right side of the waist and from there to the navel. Bring both sides together at the navel. Hold your breath and exhale slowly as you expand the Qi belt around your waist.

The Qi Belt acts as the main bridge connecting the lower torso to the upper torso. Если Пояс Ци развит неправильно, то у ступней, голеней и бедер отсутствует связь с верхней частью телa.

The psoas muscles are also closely related to the diaphragm. If they are flexible, then this allows you to breathe more deeply and easily. You можете полностью использовать силу диафрагмы и дыхания, чтобы помочь соединению нижней и верхней частей тела в Поясе Ци.

G. Alignment and stretching of the spine

To stretch and straighten the spine, you must open the spinal joints and pressurize the entire spine with Chi. You можете начать practitionerу с активации давления Ци в нижнем Даньтяне, как описано above and in the Dan Tian Qigong brochure. Затем сделайте вдох, выдох, опустите диафрагму и подтяните анус в направлении копчикa. Используйте

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