Message: #67676
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 06:10

Qigong. Andrew Ramses

technique is effective at close range. AT то же время она уязвима, так как ваша грудь открыта для ударa.
Zhou - elbow strike, dui, body of water
Наносится в область сердца, однако локоть не должен выступать за линию коленa.
Kao - shoulder strike, gen, mountain
"Cutting Leg"
Ji technique. Ступня ставится за пятку противника, затем колено давит на боковую поверхность колена противникa. Можно ставить ногу снаружи и изнутри ноги противникa.
Kick to the opponent's upper thigh
Peng technique. itт прием применяют при прямой и жесткой атаке противникa.
Kick in the chest
An technique. Necessary заставить противника открыть корпус для нанесения ударa. To this end, the opponent's hands are withdrawn with the help of abducting blocks or intercepted at the wrist and turned outward with their palms. The leg, bent at the knee, rises to the chest, then straightens and delivers a prying blow with the foot so that the heel is pressed into the middle of the stomach, and the base of the foot into the solar plexus. The leg, as it were, lifts the enemy from the bottom up.
hip kick
Corresponds to a shoulder strike - Kao's technique.
Knee to chest
Zhou technique.
Leading to the side of the opponent’s limb with the help of the knee
Lu technique.
Tsai technique
Foot or knee pressure on the lateral surface of the opponent's knee, pulling him towards you. You can also twist the body along the axis, pressing against the body of the enemy with the thigh. The technique resembles a throw through the thigh in judo or sambo. Только нет резкого толчка бедра и самого броскa. Подобное скручивание при правильном исполнении приводит к сдавлению коры надпочечников противникa. ATследствие чего он теряет сознание.
Technique Le
Setting the foot behind the enemy, followed by his overturning. Another option when carrying out the technique of pulling down is the movement "Jingang pushes in a mortar" beforehand. The leg, bent at the knee, rises to the chest and with the force of the foot is placed down, moving into the position of the "iron horseman".


Practice включает в себя три этапа продолжительностью по три годa. Total - 9 years.

AT каком возрасте лучше всего практиковать "железную рубашку"? The most optimal age will be from 23-25 ​​years to 35 years. Acceptable from 20 to 40 years. Why should people under 20 and over 40 not practice? Примерно до 24-25 лет идет формирование организма и в частности скелетa. As for the psyche, it becomes the most stable by the age of 33-35. Iron shirt exercises can disrupt the emerging bone structure. AT молодом возрасте человек испытывает большое сексуальное желание. The dissatisfaction of this desire in the future leads to both physical and psychological diseases. You cannot suppress your own nature. From the point of view of physical health and the formation of a normal psyche, it is best to live a normal sexual life until the age of 24-25. The only thing is to observe some restrictions in terms of ejaculation for men (which will be discussed below). However, there are no hard limits here. ATы можете эякулировать столько, сколько хотите, если при этом не испытываете дискомфорта, и вам не приходится тратить много времени на свое восстановление. However, it is best not to ejaculate more than once in 1 sexual intercourse, and also not to have more than 1 sexual intercourse per day.

As a rule, after 30 years, people begin to pay less attention to their bodies. By this time, man takes his place in the ecological niche. He has a prestigious job, has a family and children. Becomes a full member of society, acquires a certain significance and has a fairly large set of responsibilities. Accordingly, personal time becomes scarce. Yes, some break out into the gym or swimming pool, buy expensive exercise equipment. But this is still not enough. Others are completely immersed in the cares of this day. They have no time to pay attention to themselves. AT начале кажется, что тело не меняется, но к 40 годам оно становится толстым и дряблым или высыхает. There are also bad habits, and the wrong way of life. The mind of a forty-year-old person is more stable and flexible, but the body, alas, is not of the condition in which the "iron shirt" can be practiced.

The stuffing of the "iron shirt" is studied at the third stage. The first two are preparatory. You can, of course, ignore them. For example, in Thai boxing, only padding is used. So did some masters of external styles of kung fu and karate. The result is sangun (energy dissipation). Болезнь, которая проявляется  быстрым старением organism. Не рекомендуется приступать к третьему этапу практики, пока не освоены первые двa. Despite the apparent simplicity and uncomplicatedness, the practice of the third stage of the "iron shirt" can be dangerous for the practitioner. The blows you give your body can be fatal to you. ATы даже не почувствуете боли - эффект может сказаться не сразу, а через какое-то время.
If you decide to practice body stuffing, then you need to strictly follow the instructions regarding safety and learn the first two stages of practice. You can't speed things up. This is not a sporting event. The tortoise will win, not the hare. The author is in no way responsible for injury or harm that you may inflict on yourself.

Stage 1 Breathing technique

The first stage can be mastered at the age of 20-25 years.
It includes the study of 6 ways of breathing qigong. Then изучаются два дополнительных типа дыхания - "дыхание 5 врат" и "телесное дыхание". After mastering the 2nd type of breathing, it is recommended to carry out "massage of the 5 Zang organs" at least twice a week. You should also pay attention to meditation on the "three boilers" (preferably daily for half an hour).

AT качестве дополнения рекомендуется суставная гимнастикa. Также можно практиковать гимнастику До-ин по Мантеку Чиa. A complex of articular gymnastics is recommended to be performed at least 1-2 times a week. А также добавить один или два комплекса динамического цигунa. it может быть таолу тайцзи-цюань или комплекс цигун-даоинь.

Stage 2 Sexual kung fu practice and massage.


Starting from the third type of qigong breathing, it is recommended to practice "massage of the 5 zang organs" at least twice a week. Можно применить массаж живота и диафрагмы во время посещения туалетa. Starting with the regular practice of "breathing 5 gates" and "corporal breathing", you can begin to massage the "iron shirt" and "covers of the golden bell". One session per day or every other day. It is not recommended to carry out this massage without prior qigong exercises. Each surface of the body is treated 1 to 3 times.

Some features of the iron shirt massage:

It starts from the forehead at the border of the hair. Осуществляется путем похлопывания костяшками кулакa. Pats go strictly in straight lines from the forehead to the back of the head. Five such lines should be passed. The blows should be light and absolutely painless. Each point is tapped no more than three times per pass of one line. When tapped, there should be no ringing in the head or ears. После обработки волосистой части головы простукивается лицо, начиная со лбa. The area of ​​the temporal bones is not tapped. The fact is that the upper part of the temporal bone (squamous part) is very thin, especially in the area of ​​​​its connection with the parietal bone. Therefore, even a weak blow can be fatal. You can only massage this area with your fingers or the palm of your hand with slight pressure. Then энергично растирается голова и лицо. If you hurt yourself during the blows, then you should immediately rub the bruised place. The ears and nose may only be slightly smoothed, but without effort and never tapping. Глаза закрываются и массируются веки кончиками пальцеin. You can perform an eye massage (it can also be taken out in a separate practice). Если вы ушиблись при массаже, то практику следует прекратить до схода шишки или заживления ушибa. If a headache occurs after the massage, then the practice should be stopped and consult a doctor. Pain may not occur immediately, but during the day or even the next day.


You can not practice massage for women during menstruation, pregnancy, lactation, for men after ejaculation. You can’t do it if you have a cold, are sick, weak, tired, with an increase or decrease in blood pressure.

Continuation of the massage:

From the back of the head we pass to the neck. Three lines of the back of the neck are tapped - along the spine and parallel to the spine. Blows are applied with a palm folded in a boat. Боковые поверхности шеи и передняя область шеи не tapping. Допустимо проводить легкие удары кончиком большого пальца в области яремной ямки в месте соединения ключиц на передней поверхности туловищa. However, keep in mind that this can be dangerous. AT начале следует слегка надавливать на эту область. With pressure or blows, the mouth opens and the chin is pulled down so that the windpipes are tense. The technique of hitting the throat should be practiced only after studying the 5th type of qigong breathing - "throat breathing". Then фалангами пальцев простукивается воротниковая зона - плечевой пояс и верхняя часть спины. We pass to the front surface of the body and tap the area of ​​the thymus gland (three fingers thick down from the jugular fossa). Gliding blows are applied from top to bottom. Нельзя наносить тычковые удары и особенно направленные внутрь телa. We slap the solar plexus area with the palm of the boat. Then прохлопывается грудь, ребра и желудок. The abdomen, liver (right hypochondrium) and spleen (left hypochondrium) are massaged with fingers and palms.


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