Message: #67691
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 06:14

Energy practices of yoga and qigong. Secrets of the sum of technologies. Igor Isaev

Igor Isaev Energy practices of yoga and qigong. Secrets of the sum of technologies

"The most incomprehensible thing in the world -
that he is comprehensible" Albert Einstein

Dedication to the reader

These tales of strength
Lines of ancient legends.
outstretched wings
What is carried away at dawn.

Flashes of light play
Beam oblique rays
The gates of heaven are shining
In the blinded night

And flight to the abyss of light
Over a gloomy country
Where below are like shadows
People wander in a crowd.

Astrologers and magicians
Eyes catch your trail
And on ancient paper
Draw a path between the planets.

Let the Pharisees scream
The crowd murmurs muffled,
And in the gardens of Judea
The guards are looking for you...

But from thousands of wingless
Where are your brothers?
Where are the apostles of power?
Where are the prophets of love?

My call is deaf, unanswered.
But the legend keeps
Like warriors of light
Ascended to the zenith.

Do not forget, do not reject
Don't drown in darkness...
These are tales of strength
What is hidden in you...



"We assume - and this we have been taught by other natural sciences - that a certain type of energy operates in mental life; but we do not have data that would allow us to come closer to knowing it by analogy with other types of energy"
Sigmund Freud

Life energy, psychic power, prana of the Hindus, qi of the Chinese, pneuma of the ancient Gnostics - how much has been written and said about these mysterious, almost mystical categories over the past hundred years. Modern materialistic science, despite all its undoubted achievements, recognizes that behind the well-studied and understandable physical body of a person lie some forces and phenomena completely unknown to academic knowledge, in which, it seems, the metaphysical sources of all our life processes and actually the essence of the existence of human consciousness, the meaning of the existence of the immortal spirit of each of the more than six billion of our contemporaries.
It was to these forces that primitive shamanism appealed, and in them the priests and magicians of prehistoric religious cults of early human civilizations tried to find their immortality and unlimited power. All the great religions of the last millennia unanimously wrote about these forces and energies in their sacred books, precisely these bright and great prophets and messiahs worked miracles with sublime powers, shaking the imagination and conquering the souls of fellow tribesmen.
In addition, some systems of mystical, metaphysical improvement of man have come down to our time from ancient times. Hindu yoga and Chinese Taoism are best known to contemporaries. It is in their ancient theoretical treatises that various terms are very often used, denoting numerous modifications of the vital forces of the surrounding universe and the human body itself. The ancient history of these applied systems of volitional development of human energy-information structures is replete with numerous testimonies about the achievement by their adherents of absolutely wonderful powers and abilities. They could live for more than one hundred years, heal serious illnesses of other people, perform miracles of the materialization and dematerialization of physical objects, travel in a physical body through the air, and by perception even reach other cosmic galaxies and even the Divine spheres of the universe.
And these testimonies of hoary antiquity cannot be considered absolute fantasies of folklore characters, because in the modern world, adherents of yoga and qigong can effectively heal patients, both through personal contact and over long distances, perceive information from sources located beyond the reach of their physical senses, and so on. In addition, they themselves reach a very respectable age without any signs of aging and practically never get sick with anything.
All these abilities are far beyond the bounds of possible explanations from the side of materialistic science, and scientists only helplessly shrug at journalists' questions about the rational explanation of such phenomena. И постоянно во всех разговорах, касающихся подобных сверхвозможностей человеческого существа, упоминаются термины, обозначающие некую нематериальную  жизненную энергию - прана, психическая сила,  тонкая биоплазменная энергия, ци and so on.
But, if such knowledge is not available to modern technocrats, then perhaps, in contrast to materialistic science, in the ancient teachings of India, Tibet or China, one can find a clear and detailed science of the psychic life force of a person and the systems of its cultivation, accumulation and improvement in the innermost depths. human body? Unfortunately, nothing of the kind. Our contemporaries find in ancient treatises only endlessly vague and confusing references to such categories, scattered without any systematicity among numerous primary sources from different eras and as if deliberately encrypted and hidden under various names of the same concepts, and sometimes there are even direct contradictions in different texts on the same subject. And if we add to this the obvious methodological and ideological unwillingness of modern translators to understand the very essence of the subject of presentation, then it becomes clear what position the seeker of truth finds himself in when, after reading many thousands of pages of translations of ancient, sometimes very obscure or simply extremely dark texts, he begins to finally feel the impossibility of extracting anything positive and rational-technological from this kind of legacy of the previous millennia.
But maybe one of the modern practitioners or spiritual researchers - intellectuals has taken on this hard work and has already outlined in clear and clear modern scientific and logical categories and concepts the great ancient knowledge about the original, Divine vital forces of nature and man. No, unfortunately not...
More than a hundred years have passed since when, in the last third of the nineteenth century, the first bright popularizers of Eastern mysticism - first Blavatsky with her followers - theosophists, and then the Hindu philosopher of yoga Vivekananda opened to Western culture many treasures of the theoretical aspects of ancient esoteric knowledge. But modern civilization still does not have a scientific understanding of the sources of origin and the essence of the transformation of non-physical energies in the human body. And although all this time a rare pamphlet on esotericism does without mentioning energy centers - chakras, energy - prana and descriptions of some physical or meditative yoga exercises - it still looks like fragments of unsystematic, almost unconnected various fragments of the once unified knowledge, the keys to which has not yet been found.
Most modern interpreters of the metaphysical paths of personality development simply do not understand where the foundations of human life forces are located and how they are realized in our psyche, energy and in the physical body. And in modern literature on this subject, terrifying chaos reigns and the complete absence of at least any unified and positive concepts.
So one of the modern French followers of Steiner's anthroposophy in his book claims that in ancient times the Indians practiced yoga only because a few thousand years ago a person had a very unimportant condition with the vestibular apparatus, and then people were simply forced to practice yogic asanas to train the correctness of maintaining the balance of the physical body... The current person in the process of evolution has already overcome this shortcoming and therefore there is no point in practicing yoga for our contemporaries.
Another modern and very popular Hindu guru, in his book on breathing practices, remarks very authoritatively that the human energy channels (hita or nadis) are so thin that they can only be seen with a good microscope...
And another follower of the esoteric tradition - a modern Russian physician (candidate of science in academic medicine) - but who decided to work in the field of metaphysical treatment, made a serious discovery in healing practice, which he told in an interview with a popular newspaper. It turns out that the best way to treat many diseases is to correct the chakras (intangible energy centers). For this, leeches should be planted on the skin at the location of the chakras. Leeches are the best way to correct and open the chakras and stabilize the metaphysical psychoenergetics of a person...
Such absurdities and outright stupidities in the great flow of information on mystical and esoteric topics are the overwhelming majority. It is for this reason that the author of this book once practically ceased to hope to find reasonable and logical decoding and reconstruction of the echoes of ancient knowledge in the books and articles of numerous modern interpreters and turned mainly to the study of the primary sources of the mystical and religious tradition of many thousands of years ago.
In this work, the author offers readers both the results of fairly lengthy own research in theoretical terms, and work in terms of reconstruction and development of applied systems of volitional energy-informational development of non-material structures of a multidimensional human body. AT This book attempts to clearly and systematically set out the real practical technologies that underlie such ancient and effective systems of self-improvement as Hindu yoga and Chinese Taoism. Эти же прикладные технологии лежат в основах тольтекских мистических практик, описанных Кастанедой, в действующих рычагах всех систем нематериального действия от шаманизма до кабаллы and so on.
When defining the philosophical and ideological foundations of the concepts of vital forces, both of any living being and of a person, it is impossible to do without defining one's attitude to religion and God, but these logical categories of the surrounding being will be said in this book in passing, only to the extent that this is necessary for the consideration of the topic of this work. Those who are interested in the in-depth development of such a worldview concept, the author refers to his other book on the development of these philosophical concepts - "The Evolution of the Divine - from the savage to the superman. Three keys to the secrets of life processes."
So, before starting to consider directly the anatomy of the human energy-informational


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