Message: #67691
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 06:14

Energy practices of yoga and qigong. Secrets of the sum of technologies. Igor Isaev

body and the fine mechanics of its volitional improvement, it is necessary to generally determine what life energy itself is, why and where it comes from in living beings. And in general, where and for what did the living beings on the planet Earth themselves arise along with the crown of local biological evolution - man.
Therefore, first of all, it will be necessary to briefly outline the range of philosophical and worldview views of the author, from which he derives all his further applied systems and practical technologies. I must say right away that the theoretical ontological and epistemological views of the author can be defined as a first approximation as a synthesis of the ancient Indian philosophies of Advaita Vedanta and Sankhya and modern evolutionary approaches to the problems of the spiritual and material worlds. From a religious point of view - namely, a religious view of these problems is absolutely inevitable, because at the center of the author's entire worldview lies a logically and quite rationally justified concept of God, this is evolutionary monotheism.


"ATся ATселенная - есть Бог в action"

The first thing that an ascetic who embarks on the path of strength, wisdom and love needs to learn is the understanding that the entire universe consists of a synthesis of three fundamental hypostases, three aspects of being - information, energy and matter.
Let's consider two fundamental and polar parts of this triad - matter and information.  Материя во всех доступных автору справочниках  определялась формулировкой восходящей к понятию данному еще  AT.И.Лениным: "Материя - объективная реальность, существующая независимо от человеческого сознания и отображаемая им. ATсе объективно существующее представляет собой различные формы существования и движения материи". Such a definition underlies the very philosophy of materialism, which puts matter as the root cause and essence of the being around us.  To some extent, this definition is correct. Но оно справедливо только для того объема многомерной ATселенной, который мы можем  наблюдать и исследовать с помощью органов чувств нашего материального тела или физических научных приборов  усиливающих чувствительность  таких органов. Попытка  представить явления  и категогии  нематериальных уровней многомерной ATселенной, как то - человеческое сознание и его мысли или  информационные поля различными  модификациями материальной природы совершенно несостоятельны и методологически ошибочны.  Many outstanding scientists of modern times perfectly understood the difference in the philosophical content of the concepts of matter and information and clearly stated this in their works. "Consciousness и материя являются различными аспектами одной и той же реальности" (Карл фон  ATайцзеккер, физик и философ). "Информация есть информация, а не материя и не энергия" (Норберт ATинер, основоположник кибернетики).  Therefore, matter and information are different, polar opposite global categories, two fundamental components of the universal reality.
According to the concept formulated by ancient philosophers in the 6th century BC. э., человек есть микрокосм - отражение макрокосма, то есть всей окружающей нас ATселенной. Consequently, all laws that are valid for the whole universe will work in the human personality. Therefore, having studied and understood in oneself взаимоотношение и действие трех принципиальных начал мироздания, человек распространит это понимание на весь окружающий мир и сможет осмыслить безграничную ATселенную.  Именно об этом говорило знаменитое изречение древнегреческого мудреца Хилона, высеченное на фронтоне храма Аполлона в Дельфах: "Познай самого себя и ты познаешь богов и ATселенную". This is also confirmed by the Old Testament book of Genesis, proclaiming: "And God said: Let us make man in Our image and in Our likeness" (Genesis; 1: 26), as well as one of the speeches of Hermes the Thrice Greatest: "The third being is a man made in the image (of all) of the world" (The Code of Hermetics; 8:5).  And in the Muslim "Commanded to the Prophets" it says - "Know your own soul, and you will know your Lord." Здесь же уместно привести слова величайшего христианского мистика и богослова Оригена (III век н. э.): "AT каждой душе имеется духовный смысл и образ Божий".
Итак, как и вся бесконечная ATселенная, человек - существо, действующее и развивающееся за счет наличия потоков динамического равновесия трех уровней реальности - обмена веществ, обмена энергий и обмена информации. These processes take place in us constantly and almost always according to automatic programs that are practically not amenable to our volitional control. To realize and feel, and, consequently, we can influence only the most rough, dense and "tangible" process - metabolism. Therefore, it is the most studied and understood. Therefore, we know something about it, and practically all human experience, knowledge and forces of modern science are focused precisely on this aspect of the reality around us.  We practically know nothing about the other two processes that directly operate in our organisms, as well as in the entire universe around us - the exchange of energies and information, since our sense organs and instruments of scientific knowledge of the material world tied to their capabilities simply do not perceive these processes.. Such processes go on in our organisms according to some reflex, automatic or semi-automatic and semi-conscious programs that were originally laid down even before birth. They occur outside of our volitional control or desires, and we can safely assume that they are not in the best conditions for mental and physical well-being.  Here, by the way, lies the first key to expanding our potential possibilities. Optimization and clear organization of these processes for maximum efficiency always transforms a person's life and opens the way to superpowers.
It is here that it is appropriate to recall that modern science recognizes the human brain as working even for outstanding intellectuals at 10-15 percent of its potential. And what is everything else for? And in order for units out of millions in their development to finally get to the realization of the need for a strong-willed, inspired (note what a beautiful word for this case) way to manage their higher energy-information processes, capabilities and reserves. That is when the dormant 90 percent of the human brain will be needed.


Global Category
Creation level
Governing principle
Human level
Spiritual world
God the Father



Energy information
Святой Spirit

Energy-emotional level


physical world
God the Son

Physical layer

material body


In order to move further in our clear logical constructions and theoretical research, we need to understand very clearly - what, in fact, is energy, about which so much is written and spoken about as the leading working category of all life processes without exception. Let's try to understand this issue in detail.
ATеликий психоаналитик Sigmund Freud писал: "Мы предполагаем - этому научили нас другие естественные науки, что в психической жизни действует некоторый вид энергии; но мы не имеем данных, которые бы позволили бы нам подойти ближе к познанию ее по аналогии с другими видами энергии".
But right there, a modern researcher of such a question can find an even more frank opinion about the definition of the very essence of the concept of energy by today's science. We read in the "Freyman Lectures on Physics": "Energy can have many different forms and each has its own formula: gravitational energy, kinetic energy, thermal energy, elastic energy, electric energy, chemical energy, radiation energy, nuclear energy, mass energy ... ATажно понимать, that physics today does not know what energy is. We do not believe that energy is transferred in the form of small pills. Nothing like this. It’s just that there are formulas for calculating certain quantities ... This is something abstract, telling us nothing about the mechanism or the reasons for the appearance of various terms in the formula.
But the most interesting thing is that in the great religions there are also quite detailed arguments in attempts to comprehend the nature and content of energies. ATизантийский мистик и богослов 13 века Григорий Палама в "Триадах" пишет: "Энергия есть сам Бог, Бог же не есть Его энергия".   Этому вторит "Герметический свод", восходящий к авторству легендарного Гермеса Трисмегиста, жившего в Египте еще до эпохи фараонов: "Энергия Бога есть его ATоля; его сущность состоит в желании того, чтобы мир был; ибо God the Father-Благо есть не что иноеas the existence of all things, even when they are not yet" (Key; 2).  John of Damascus, in his Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith, argues: "Energy is the natural force by which every essence is explained. Energy is the natural and the first ever-moving force of the rational soul."  Индусская "ATишну пурана" высказывается еще более четко и коротко: "ATся вселенная - это рассеянная энергия великого Brahmanа"(1:22).
Now, following the great minds of mankind, we will also think - what, in fact, is energy? The classical concept of force or energy from school physics is the ability to do work. But the question immediately arises - work on what, work in what direction, according to what image and according to what program?
Let's try to answer this question as follows: Work is the realization of information in matter, that is, the transformation, organization of matter according to a certain meaning, plan, image, which can be called a law. This is the giving of a new, more perfect quality to matter, this is the implementation in matter of its more complex organization, the realization, the display of more perfect information. Consequently, energy, realizing information in matter, leads to the structural improvement of matter, to its higher evolutionary modification. AT этом процессе информация, совершенствуя материю, зашифровывается, реализуется, как бы проявляется и застывает на физическом плане. At the same time, she "wasted" - seems to be disappearing, being conserved in complicated matter, retaining initially unstable physical structures in a hierarchically higher, more complex and organized state.
In the reverse process - getting rid of matter from a complex internal organization, a large amount of previously bound, conserved energy and information is released. On the physical plane, this is observed

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