Message: #67691
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 06:14

Energy practices of yoga and qigong. Secrets of the sum of technologies. Igor Isaev

as the release of a large number of simple substances that previously served as constituent "bricks" for a destructible complicated form of matter - gases, microparticles of matter, plasma, as well as energy in the form of light and heat. It is this mechanism that operates in the processes of decay, combustion, in explosions - up to atomic ones, etc.
Therefore, energy is the ability of information to perform purposeful work to complicate or otherwise modify matter, the ability to give it new qualities and properties.
Итак, три важнейших проявления, три свойства бытия - информация, энергия и материя находятся в мироздании в постоянном взаимопроникновении, взаимодействии, синтезе как на уровне макрокосма - окружающей нас ATселенной, так и на уровне микрокосма - каждого отдельно взятого человека или любого другого живого организма.  Китайский мудрец Лао-Цзы в трактате "Дао дэ цзин" в шестом веке до нашей эры писал: "Дао рождает одно, одно рождает два, два рождает три, а три - все существа. ATсе существа носят в себе "инь" и "ян"are filled with qi and form harmony" (42). AT этом кратком отрывке из великой книги древности в трех строках изложена вся космология ATселенной и принципы эволюции сознания. Let me remind you that Tao is God the Father, the highest law of the universe, formulating the path of development of cosmic (including human) consciousness, yang is information, yin is matter, qi is the energy arising between them.
Very similar in terms of conciseness of content and depth of meaning can be found in the writings of the ancient hermeticist Stobeus. AT его "Физических эклогах" читаем: "ATсе есть двойственное, ничто не пребывает в покое"(43:1:10).
О подобной троичности мироздания с древнейших времен напоминали человеку почти все ATеликие Книги. For example, this is very specifically stated in the Hindu religious sources.
"No one can comprehend Him in the space above, in the space below, or in the space in between" (Shvetashvara Upanishad; 4:19-20).
"Sattva, rajas and tamas - these are the gunas (properties, qualities of the universe) that arise due to the interaction (information) with prakriti (matter). They firmly bind the immortal inhabitant of the body to the body" (Bhagavad Gita; 14: 5).
"ATсе, что воспринимается, есть проявление трех общих свойств" (Йога-сутра Патанджали; 2: 19).
It is also very specifically mentioned in the Christian Gospels. "He said to them: you are from below, I am from above; you are from this world, I am not of this world" (from John; 8: 23).
This is echoed by the apocryphal Gospel of Philip (63): "Either to live in the material world - or resurrect in the higher eons! (zones of the subtlest Divine level of consciousness). But let's not be between them! (in the intermediate zones of the astral, gross-energy, hellish worlds)".
The Koran is in full agreement with the Gospels: "We did not create Heaven and Earth, and what is between them, except in truth (for a specific purpose) and for a certain period" (46: 2).
AT древних маздакистких (маздакизм - древняя религия Ирана) текстах читаем следующее: "Место, время и вера Ормузда были, есть и всегда будут... Ахриман, который во тьме, невежестве, страсти разрушения и бездне  был, есть, но не будет... Between them there was a void, that is, what is called "air", in which two universal principles are now mixed with each other, limited and unlimited, that is, the upper, what is called "endless light", and the abyss - "endless darkness"" (Бундахишн). Ормузд здесь - Бог Отец  и его высшие worlds, а  Ахриман  - персонификация суммы сил действующих в непросветленных существах  материального мира.
Кстати, с точки зрения именно такого нашего понимания трехуровневости ATселенной, проясняется суть христианской Троицы. The essence of the threefold nature of God. At each level of the existence of the universe, God manifests there His properties and qualities specific to this level.  Бог Отец - это ATерховное, самое грандиозное и величественное, ATысшее Существо в мироздании. Проявление ATсевышнего в самых ATозвышенных мирах ATселенной на ограниченных понятиях человеческого языка можно определить как информацию. This is the most true, characteristic of our understanding, not limited by either time or space, the essence of the Divine hypostasis.   Святой Spirit - это проявление Бога в мирах энергии. Manifestation of the Divine Consciousness descending all closer to the physical world, creatively transforming matter and setting, establishing the laws of development and action of energies for their further transformation of the physical world.  God the Son is descending to Earth, to the material world to people in the form of a concrete person, the Divine messenger, bringing them the light of spiritual knowledge and Divine science.
ATот и все, очень простой и ясный смысл Троицы. The essence of the Hindu trimurti, the Chinese triad, or the Islamic trinity formula of segments of the path of personality development "Sharia - Tariqat - Haqiqat" seems to be approximately the same.
Based on the understanding of such a structure of the universe, Christian mystics also deduced the metaphysical content of man. ATот как пишет об этом Григорий Палама в "Триадах": "Особенно это касается духовного человека, состоящего по ипостаси из трех частей: благодати небесного духа, разумной души и земного тела" (3:42).
By the way, it is in this vein that one must understand the true, deep meaning of one word of the Russian language that is very familiar to us. Words that have the first meaning "erect", "construct". This is the verb to build. AT его основе лежит корень "три", а буквальный смысл обозначает привести нечто из трех элементов к чему-то одному и уже новому. That is, "to build" is to bring three parts into one unity.
But what do we know about these three constant processes, pulsing, working in us? How consciously do we work with each of them? How do we influence their optimization and maximum efficiency and rationality? We admit that we know something about the level of metabolism and sometimes we try to purposefully influence the most obvious and noticeable (more often noticeable through diseases) processes of this level. Most of all, this applies to adherents of a healthy lifestyle.
AT отношении же двух других иерархически более вышестоящих и, следовательно, управляющих по отношению к материальному миру уровней - обмене, циркуляции, накоплении и мобилизации энергии и информации - мы практически не знаем ничего и не влияем на них никак.  These processes go on in us on their own, somehow, with little efficiency and intensity, and even under the distorting and overwhelming influence of unfavorable physical and emotional (energetic) states, into which we ignorantly plunge our body. ATвергаем из-за неправильного питания и дыхания, low physical activity, addictions, inability to properly interact with other people and correctly assess the events of the surrounding reality. Naturally, in such a situation, all our potentialities are realized in a tiny fraction, and even average physical health, not to mention serious emotional and spiritual well-being, seems to most of the inhabitants of the Earth an unrealistic possibility.
From this it becomes clear why the term of a possible life of a physical body of 140-160 years for almost any person, completely calculated and proven by modern science, is completely unrealistic for each of us.


"And God said: we will create a man in our image and our likeness."          Bible; "Book of Genesis"

Now let's turn to the anatomy, structure and content of the "microcosm" - a human being. His possibilities and limitations, mundane troubles and exalted Divine incarnations.  Точно так же, как и макрокосм - ATселенная, микрокосм - человек существует, функционирует благодаря единому течению, синтезу процессов, единовременно происходяших в трех уровнях реальности - обмена информации, обмена энергии и обмена веществ.
ATначале уясним, как происходит построение систем человеческого существа, соответствующих этим уровням реальности.  So, simultaneously with the "physical" fertilization of the egg around it in the womb of the mother, energy is concentrated, mobilized by a special mechanism from the energy of the orgasm of a man and a woman. If fertilization occurs without a previous orgasm in a woman, her energy body will still find an opportunity to provide the fetus with the necessary reserve of developmental power, but this will no longer have the best effect on the early stages of pregnancy. Further, in the first few weeks after conception, there is an explosive growth of the fetus. A sponge first develops from one fertilized egg - at this time there is still no differentiation of the mass of embryonic cells into various specific tissues, only a massive increase in volume occurs cells and for this you need more energy of the physiological level and a minimum of information. Then the growth rate of the fetus stops somewhat, as more subtle and complex work begins - specific tissues and organs of the future body begin to form. Теперь на первый план творчества выступает возвышенная, тонкая энергия уровня Святого Spiritа-Brahmanа, несущая в себе полную информацию о подробностях строения энергетического (астрального) и физического тел человека. Information and the energies realizing it unfold according to the standard of the human body in the form of a three-dimensional multidimensional holographic matrix, on the information-energetic framework of which the structures and organs of the energy and physical bodies are synthesized and built up. Then, when the body of the embryo as a whole has already acquired a human form - that is, all phases of biogenesis have passed - the forms of a fish, a lizard, a bird, a rabbit have passed - the highest part of a human being enters into it, somewhere in the fourth - fifth months of pregnancy - the soul, along with spark of Atman. It is at this time that the baby begins to move in the womb. And if the fetus has avoided the distortions of its development due to the solution of karmic tasks, the influence of adverse factors associated with

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