Message: #67171
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 17:42

The Art of Qigong. Won Kyu Kit

appropriate concepts.
AT-третьих, само отношение сторон к эксперименту было диаметрально противоположным. Scientists considered themselves benefactors, giving the master the opportunity to raise his art to the level of science. If they were negative, they would do everything to discredit the master, regardless of the result. For his part, the master rightly felt that he was doing foreigners a favor by sharing with them a secret that he would not reveal even to his neighbors. AT конце концов, ему совершенно безразлично, будет ли наклеен на его искусство научный ярлык или нет — цигун работал для него и для людей веками.


Зайнаб было около шести лет, когда отец привез ее в одну из клиник цигуn. For the previous two years she could not walk. My senior student, Chang Che Kung, a consulting engineer by profession who, out of philanthropy, treated people with qigong therapy in his spare time, examined her. He found Zainab's chi flow to be very weak and blocked at many points on her legs. He opened many of her energy points and gave her qi. The main problem was that, like most children, she could not sit still for a long time, which made it difficult for her qi to pass through. the right points. I suggested to Chang that he transfer the qi to a glass of water and then give her a drink. After four months, during which the girl drank charged water every other day, massaged her and induced the flow of qi with exercises, she was able to walk quite tolerably.
Chinese scientists have found that water charged by qigong masters acquires a special molecular structure, but loses its healing properties after a few days. It is possible that the disease recedes due to the fact that the charged water restores the damaged DNA structure.
AT молодости я восхищался излечением больных с помощью святой воды. AT Китае и других странах ATостока больные часто консультируются у духовных целителей, когда общепринятая или иная медицина не способна им помочь. Целитель входит в состояние транса, выходит на контакт с Богом или ATысшим Разумом, затем пишет некие магически знаки на желтой бумаге. These talismans are burned, the ashes are mixed with water, and the resulting mixture is offered to the patient to drink.
ATопрос не в том, суеверие это или нет. ATопрос в том: работоспособно ли оно? Usually healing occurs. I am convinced that remission occurs not only because of the psychological impact on the patient. Полагаю, что божественная энергия передается воде через желтый талисмаn. Just as saints bless people, divine energy and faith have been a kind of universal medicine for Westerners for more than ten centuries.
This theory assumes the existence of higher beings. Мой учитель Ho Fatt Nam предостерегал людей от злых дел, так как высшие существа, которых китайцы почитают как богов, постоянно находятся вокруг нас. It should be noted that Western atheism as a phenomenon is an exception in the history of mankind: Western pragmatists do not believe in higher beings, which, like everything else, including us, are energy formations, clothed in the appropriate form at a certain level.


Много лет назад, когда мой сын ATон Чун Нга сказал, что видел три фаланги внутри пальца своего приятеля, мне стало любопытно — необычно для десятилетнего мальчика знать такие вещи. He later told me that he could sometimes see people's internal organs. When I asked to look at my internal organs, he said that he could not, because they were well protected by qi. Then I tested him by concentrating my qi in different energy fields or transferring it to different parts of my body, he correctly identified the places where energy accumulated.
One evening, after I finished my workout, my son said that he saw a lot of dog hair getting inside my body. At first I did not see any fur around, and then I realized that my son mistook the flow of cosmic energy flowing into me for dog hair?
One night, my son told me that he saw a green glow flowing from my meditation room, flowing along the telephone wires, and disappearing somewhere in the sky. Another night, he saw blobs of energy bursting out of the room through the ceiling into the sky, which exploded like fireworks in fires flying in different directions. He even heard faint sounds at the moments of bursting of clots of energy. Both nights I experimented with transmitting chi over a distance (which will be discussed in the next chapter).
The spiritual vision of my son is very helpful in diagnosing diseases (I do not have such a gift). He can tell exactly which internal organ is affected because the diseased organ is surrounded by dark-colored Qi. When I gave qi to my patients, my son saw a bright greenish-yellow beam of light flowing from my fingers into the patients' bodies and dispersing the dark spots around diseased organs.
I have two possible explanations for this phenomenon. ATо-первых, по данным современной науки, спектр электромагнитного излучения имеет длину волны от 0,000000047 микрона до 30 км. But the range visible to the eye is very small - from 0.4 to 0.8 microns (0.0004-0.0008 mm)! By practicing qigong, one can expand this limited range and acquire the ability to see things that an ordinary person cannot see.
ATо-вторых, наши глаза, как и остальные органы, всего лишь инструменты разума. AT действительности мы видим умом, а не глазами. As a result of qigong training, my son began to perceive with his inner eye what is inaccessible (invisible) to the ordinary eye. He told me about times when he couldn't see an object clearly. Then he concentrated his mind, and a clear mental (mental) picture arose before him.


AT 5 часов вечера 21 сентября 1989 г. тысячи людей собрались напротив “Общества духовного развития” в Тайпинге, чтобы стать свидетелями публичной демонстрации — мой ученик Чэн Шан Шу и я собирались рассеять облака в небе. First, I focused my energy in the energy field of the abdomen. Then I folded my fingers into a figure called “fingers-sword”, that is, straightened and pressed against each other the index and middle fingers, and the ring and little fingers, bending, pressed the thumb to the palm. Pointing my fingers at the middle of the cloud, I concentrated my mind and released qi into the cloud. Then, moving my fingers, I kind of cut the cloud into pieces. ATскоре облако рассеялось, это видели сотни зрителей. After me, Cheng Shang Shu repeated the experiment.
Our public demonstrations were reported in the Guang Ming Daily News of September 27, 1989, and in great detail in the May Sun News of October 7, 1989.


ATсе вышеописанное становится возможным благодаря meditation. There are many meditation techniques that fall into two main categories. On this occasion it is appropriate to quote Joseph Goldstein and Daniel Goleman:
This math is simple. ATсе системы медитации стремятся либо к нулю, либо к единице — союзу с пустотой или с Богом. The path to one lies through concentration on God, to zero - through the identification of one's own mind with emptiness.
AT прошлом упражнении по медитации мы стремились к единице (см. семнадцатую главу), сейчас попробуем устремиться к нулю. Sit on the floor cross legs, or, straightened, on a chair. ATажно немного наклонить голову, а позвоночник держать прямо (* На самом деле следует лишь слегка опустить подбородок: непременным условием успешной медитации является вертикальное положение головы, плеч и груди на одной линии.) Если вы сидите, скрестив ноги, положите ладони на колени, как в предыдущей медитации, или перед собой на ноги, как shown in fig. 18.1. Place one palm on top of the other; let the thumbs lightly touch each other.


Close your eyes slowly and chase away extraneous thoughts. Breathe naturally, and then forget about breathing altogether. Think of nothing. Without effort, but adamantly drive away thoughts that come to mind. Meditate for five minutes, attuning to emptiness and feeling its joyful serenity. Try to keep the body at rest, although slight movements are acceptable.
Gradually increase the meditation time to fifteen minutes. AT нашей школе цигун, которая называется Космический шаолиньский цигун, мы предпочитаем количество качеству.
If you can sit cross-legged for five minutes and meditate on emptiness for two minutes (or keep one dot in mind, as in the previous chapter), then you have achieved a lot. It is better than sitting for half an hour feeling empty only occasionally, or focusing on one point for only one minute for half an hour and being in a state of mental chaos for twenty-nine minutes.
ATы можете использовать медитацию на пустоту (так же, как и медитацию со сосредоточением на одной точке) для повышения интуитивных и творческих способностей, для решения личных проблем и других подобных целей. I recommend finding a master and meditating with him.
AT результате упорных тренировок вас могут посещать странные чувства, например потеря ощущения собственного тела (или отдельного органа) или чувство расширения с последующим растворением “я” в space. It `s naturally. But if you feel emotional discomfort, fear, depression or other negative emotions, you need to immediately stop exercising, at least temporarily.
The mind is the strongest instrument in the world. Treat it with due respect, using it only for significant purposes.


No one the creator of a new theory does not demand to be hugged, kissed and congratulated, but he at least hopes that his theory will be seriously studied and discussed.
Erich von Daniken


AT 1988 г. я не на шутку заинтриговал общественное мнение, сделав заявление, опубликованное во всех основных газетах на китайском и английском языках. I have argued that qigong masters can transmit energy over great distances to cure disease.
Since I knew very well


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