Message: #67171
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 17:42

The Art of Qigong. Won Kyu Kit

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Various thoughts will start to arise in your mind. As soon as a thought appears, get rid of it and focus on a spot of light. It will be difficult at first, and you will only see the mental image for a second or two. With regular practice, you can increase the time of mental concentration.
Meditate for five minutes the first time. During this time, you will see and lose sight of the image many times. Gradually, you will be able to hold it longer and longer. Don't let difficulties stop you. If after a while you can keep the mental picture for thirty seconds, you have achieved a lot. Gradually, the time of meditation can be increased. Remember, success is measured by the quality of the visualization, not the amount of time spent meditating. At the end of your meditation, rub your palms together and place them over your eyes. After warming the eyes, massage the face and legs. Then take thirty quick steps.
ATыполняйте упражнение ежедневно в течение по крайней мере четырех месяцев. During this time, you will gain the ability to concentrate and inner peace. After that, you can move on to meditation aimed at awakening intuition, inspiration, creative or other abilities. This technique is performed as follows.
Sit on the floor cross ноги, или на стул и погрузитесь в состояние meditation. Having reached the subconscious level, that is, the state of detachment from surrounding objects and phenomena, without tension, but with concentration, meditate on a specific problem or work project. ATы можете зафиксировать ум только на одном аспекте своей деятельности, например на картине, которую вам надо написать. In your mind, you can visualize the whole process, such as the development of the various stages of a research project. If you have images related to the subject of meditation, fix them in your memory without trying to explain. На этом уровне подсознания вы имеете доступ к ATселенскому Разуму. Therefore, the image you created should appear in all the splendor of heavenly light, the flow of which stimulates your intuition and creative inspiration. This process occurs either during meditation or later, during relaxation.
Simpler tasks are solved in a similar way: ask a question and wait for an answer from the subconscious. ATопрос следует ясно и точно сформулировать до начала meditation. ATсякий раз задавайте только один вопрос, причем конкретный. For example, you shouldn't ask, "How can I improve the marketing of my products?" ATместо этого мысленно скажите: “Моя компания вышла на рынок с новой разработкой, говорящим компьютером. How to organize the sale of goods with the greatest benefit for the company and for me personally and without prejudice to customers?
ATам следует повторять вопрос или просьбу в течение многих медитаций. Sometimes the subconscious can give an answer immediately, but usually it takes time to accumulate the necessary information, select possible solutions and make the best choice. The solution may come during meditation, during regular work hours, or during relaxation. Sometimes the data comes in the form of symbolic images. Even if the answer seems a little strange to you, then later it always turns out that this is the best solution.
The subconscious mind is a very powerful tool. Therefore, they should never be abused. Remember that evil is always rewarded with evil. This is not a banal warning, but the law of the universe. We become what we think.


... whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you will receive - and it will be for you.
Gospel of Mark 11:24


Would you believe it if someone said that qigong masters could transmit qi through walls, causing people in another room to sway involuntarily? That they charge water that heals those who drink it, that diagnostics of internal organs is subject to their spiritual vision? Can you believe that qigong masters are able to disperse clouds and stop rain, that they can mentally see an object from a distance or travel astrally to different places, return to past incarnations and communicate with higher intelligence? Some people tend to believe it. Others will call the listed charlatanism. Very few are able to believe it. However, now I know that all of this is actually happening because my older students and I do such things!
Even if I present evidence and demonstrate these possibilities, there will be those among the audience who will not believe; они скажут, что здесь какое-то совпадение или обмаn. It's human nature that we can't believe in something if it doesn't fit with the worldview, no matter how convincing the evidence is.
In writing this book, I didn't feel the need to omit details related to the paranormal powers of qigong, as they are an integral, albeit mysterious, aspect of the art. If you stubbornly refuse to believe in such "nonsense" - please remain a skeptic. But I hope that the information given in the book will be useful to people with an inquisitive mind, and they will discover new horizons of Knowledge.


ATспомним, как общество относилось к великим людям, смело провозглашавшим революционные идеи, которые впоследствии оказывались состоятельными. When Galileo in the 17th century suggested that the Earth is not the center of the universe, he was imprisoned for life. AT следующем century, the father of modern chemistry, Lavoisier, was ridiculed when he declared that air and water were mixtures. He was reminded that air, water, fire, and earth had been considered elements for centuries. AT XIX в., когда Джордж Стефенсон предложил строить железные дороги, ему возразили, что от локомотивов будут загораться дома, а производимый ими шум будет сводить людей с ума.
The reaction to medical innovations has been even harsher, even brutal. AT средние века Пьер Бриссо за протесты по поводу злоупотребления кровопусканием был подвергнут остракизму и умер в изгнании. And when Miguel Servet came up with the idea of ​​pulmonary circulation, he was burned alive like a heretic.
Already in the 19th century, when Semmelweis discovered that if the surgeon washed his hands with a solution of chlorine before the operation, the probability of infection of the patient was significantly reduced, the innovator faced a complete misunderstanding and ended his days in a psychiatric hospital. AT 1829 г., когда Жюль Клокэ докладывал в Медицинской академии об успешном использовании месмеризма как анестезирующего приема во время операции на пожилой женщине, ака, — демия оказалась настолько наивной или насмешливой, что заявила, будто пациентка притворялась. John Eliotson was considered one of the most eminent physicians in the country. AT 1843 г. он опубликовал несколько случаев из практики применения месмеризма в устранении боли при хирургических операциях. AT результате ему приказали оставить практику в той самой больнице, которую он помог основать. Eliotson retired with an inspiring statement the likes of which I have never heard:
The Institute was founded to discover and spread the truth. We must lead society, not follow its lead. ATсе другие соображения вторичны. We should be interested only in facts and nothing but facts.
I will give just a few of the many examples of the reaction of society to new discoveries and unconventional ideas. Let's look at the deeds of qigong masters from the point of view that theories that are strange today will become the norm tomorrow.


AT 1989 г. “Общество духовного развития” в Тайпинге, в Малайзии, пригласило меня прочесть лекцию по цигун и продемонстрировать некоторые приемы. My student Leon was in a room with open side windows so that the audience could see his actions. Man twenty volunteers that Leon had never seen before, stood in two lines in a hall separated from Leon's room by a brick wall. Leon and the volunteers couldn't see each other. He raised his hands and began to pass qi through the wall to the volunteers. A minute later, they began to sway involuntarily. ATскоре некоторые из них двигались уже довольно сильно, другие исполняли грациозные, импровизированные танцевальные па. Approximately six hundred members of the society were witnesses to the demonstration.
This phenomenon is explained very simply. Leon passed Qi over the wall to the volunteers. His energy set the qi in their bodies in motion. They were relaxed and did not resist, so their own qi caused swaying and involuntary movements.
A similar experiment was performed by a Chinese qigong master several years ago in front of a group of American scientists who were investigating the phenomenon of qi. When, at the request of the scientists, the master stopped transmitting qi, the volunteers in the other room continued to move. The scientists asked the master to stop their movements, but he said that he could not, because the flow of qi would continue for some time.
Then the scientists said that they were deceived, as the master had lost control of the situation. Since the movements of the volunteers were caused by the flow of qi emanating from the master, the scientists expected that he was able to promptly intervene at any stage of the experiment.


The Chinese master's experiment illustrates several important points useful for researchers.
ATо-первых, имело место непонимание в общении. Neither side clearly imagined the desires of the other.
ATо-вторых, традиционные требования к эксперименту в данном случае следует признать некорректными. Apparently, scientists were not ready to go beyond the orthodox approach to a scientific experiment, while qigong methodology is based on a different scale of values. Similarly, any scientific (from the point of view of Western science) experiment cannot be considered successful from the standpoint of the concept of yin-yang or the five elementary processes. It is reasonable to expect that if someone wants to learn more about qigong, he should at least listen to what the master says and evaluate what is happening in terms of the


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