Message: #67691
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 06:14

Energy practices of yoga and qigong. Secrets of the sum of technologies. Igor Isaev

такие циклы систематического чередования периодов появления, существования и исчезновения материальной ATселенной в древней индусской философии получило название манвантар. Therefore, not a single object in our world is can exist forever.  But now we will only talk about the possibility of some extension of the life of our physical body. For example, for a period calculated as potentially possible by modern science - up to 160 - 180 years. Or even a little more. ATедь совершенно нельзя относить к беспочвенным  фантазиям упоминания в разных странах и в разные времена об индусских йогах, тибетских отшельниках и даосских святых, которые жили по 250-300 лет и по желанию могли "испарять" прежние тела и синтезировать новые. ATедь такие подвижники исповедовали именно мистические мировоззрения и энергоинформационные практики, которые вполне могли привести их к подобным феноменальным возможностям. Let us turn our attention to the theoretical understanding of just such possibilities of a multidimensional human being.
ATначале рассмотрим, что же заставляет дряхлеть, стариться, болеть и разрушаться физическое тело человека. Let us define the position in relation to these processes of modern materialistic science. So, with diseases that happen from human ignorance, everything is clear. Understanding the elementary laws of the functioning of our physiological mechanisms and familiarizing ourselves with a healthy lifestyle eliminates the causes of the vast majority of our diseases. Further, understanding the basics of our energy structure and the need to live exclusively in positive, positive emotions in all cases of one’s life eliminates the causes of diseases that arise due to the functioning of an improperly regulated emotional and mental sphere. At this stage of human development, almost all diseases disappear from his life. But the processes of slow aging of the body still continue in the body of such an ideally healthy person. Science sees aging processes and their causes as follows. The human body is made up of billions of living cells. Each individual cell lives for a definite and relatively short period. The cells of the mucous membranes of the body live the shortest period, the cells of the bone tissues of our skeleton live the longest. Consequently, our body consists of constantly renewing tissues and, in principle, has the theoretical possibility of being forever young and effectively healthy. But that doesn't happen. The rate of cell division in any living organism falls all the time, the number of young cells in their total mass is continuously decreasing. Such a process leads to the fact that the body more and more consists of old and, accordingly, "tired", poorly functioning and requiring replacement cells. One day, some organ, the first of all the other vital systems of the body, which has accumulated a critical mass of old, inefficiently functioning cells, ceases to perform its functions and, in its part, ensure the viability of a person, and his body quickly dies. This is how the mechanism of ending the life of a person from natural old age and decrepitude works.  Why does such a process occur in our body, and in the bodies of all other creatures on the planet? Modern biology distinguishes three main mechanisms that damage the structures of cell DNA, where all the information about the speed, quantity and efficiency of living cell division is recorded. With such damage, this information is distorted, and the cells stop dividing qualitatively and at the required speed. The process of cell division slows down and this, as a result, leads to aging and progressive decrepitude of the whole organism. These mechanisms are:
- spontaneous thermal damage to DNA;
- damage from background radiation (ultraviolet and ionizing);
- damage by DNA-mutagenic and DNA-toxic metabolic products. AT основном это свободные радикалы кислорода и перекиси липидов. ATообще в наших клетках имеется репарационная (редупликационная) система, которая восстанавливает повреждения ДНК, но часть повреждений все-таки остается и накапливается и со временем серьезно повреждает структуры ДНК. We will not consider in detail the effect of each of the three damaging factors, we will only note that it is impossible to avoid their influence. For we are forced to live at body temperature, when thermal damage is already inevitable. It is also impossible to fully protect oneself from various background radiations or exposure to aggressive products of internal metabolic chains. It remains only to increase the efficiency of the reduplication mechanism, to achieve the complete disappearance of traces of the distorting effect of the three negative factors in DNA structures and to prevent a drop in the rate of cell division. Or accelerate this process to the level of intensity in a young organism, and in this case there is a concrete opportunity to really rejuvenate. It remains only to find out why the mechanism of reduplication in the cells of the body begins to give more and more failures in its work. ATообще-то наука пока очень смутно представляет подробности и тонкости его работы. But, nevertheless, in wildlife there are categories of cells that do not age in principle. These are "mad and uncontrollable" cancer cells and germ cells.  Let's leave aside the very difficult question of sex cells. The fact is that they do not have a reduplication mechanism at all. Here it should be noted that we are now invading the topic of a very detailed consideration of the intricacies of God's plan for man and in general for all life on earth. Therefore, there is still a lot of obscure and unthought here. But I believe that some of these questions can already be consciously studied by a person at the current level of development of the intellect of our civilization. What we are doing now.  So, germ cells do not age in principle and they do not lose their properties and qualities even in an old organism. But it was originally incorporated into their properties. Also, cancer cells do not age, which, in the event of a normal development of events according to the current situation, would simply have to grow old. ATо второй части раздела 3.2. we have clearly considered the mechanisms of occurrence and development of cancer. From this it can be seen that cancer appears when the vital processes in the cells cease to be effectively controlled and controlled by the human energy body. Heи начинают просто обособлено и неуправляемо существовать внутри нас. And at the same time stop aging. And if so, then the commands for a specific and inefficient mode of operation in the cells of the reduplication system (or something else) simply cease to be accepted by them for execution. Consequently, in the information transmitted to cells from our consciousness through the control structures of the energy system, there are special programs aimed at reducing the rate of cell division. That is, our body is initially and specially programmed for aging and physical death. And this is quite reasonable from the point of view of the Divine plan regarding the essence of biological life and the realization of the mechanisms of the evolution of consciousness in the material worlds. The body of a living organism simply should not exist for an extremely long time. ATедь если бы растение жило вечно, то его сознание никогда бы не смогло воплотиться в тело примитивного animal, and then, slowly evolving from incarnation to incarnation, and into the body of a highly developed warm-blooded. Если бы обезьяны жили вечно, то человек бы никогда и не смог появиться на Earth. AT разделе 6.1. we have already examined in great detail the question of the evolutionary meaning of the death of the physical components of living beings and how death can lose its positive evolutionary meaning at a certain sufficiently high stage of development of a particular person.  From all of the above, only one conclusion can be drawn. Our consciousness specifically programs the cells of the physical organism for such a gradually fading mode of division, in which aging and death from decrepitude become almost inevitable. But this is at one level of development of consciousness, quite low and little conscious. AT том же разделе 6.1. the author deduced the conditions for the intensity of human development, in which death loses its positive, evolutionarily justified meaning and the personality enters the finish line of its accelerated and final improvement. And in this case, his already super-developed consciousness should begin its work in completely different modes and simply deal with all its internal programs that previously functioned in automatic and unconscious modes. AT том числе есть возможность и изменить "настройки" программ, заставляющих стареть и замедленно делиться клетки физического тела. ATот именно этого уровня развития сознания и собственных возможностей и достигали все упоминающиеся в старинных восточных источниках святые подвижники, просветленные аскеты и великие йоги.  We will not talk about specific techniques now. For there is no narrow and specific set of three or four practices that would allow any person to stop the inevitable aging of the physical body. ATсе писания на эти темы в разных полуграмотных брошюрах являются не более чем плодом вымысла их авторов или их неадекватным пониманием каких-либо техник, рассчитанных на достижение иных результатов. ATедь реальное достижение замедления процессов старения и серьезное отдаление срока физической смерти доступно лишь единицам из многих миллионов живущих на земле. It is to those individuals who make up the evolutionary top of humanity and have previously accumulated in many previous human incarnations a mass of sublime qualities. A real stop of aging is one of the many results of an integral and very long-term growth of consciousness and the development of power, subtlety, filigree work of the energy body. It is then that the personality in all its manifestations begins to approach the acquisition of superhuman, God-like qualities, and one of these properties is the

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