Message: #67691
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 06:14

Energy practices of yoga and qigong. Secrets of the sum of technologies. Igor Isaev

воздействие они осуществляли не прямое и активное, а опосредованное и пассивное.  All they had to do was get out to a huge audience from the TV screen and inspire in the majority of viewers boundless trust and genuine faith in their own strength, bordering on blind adoration. Only and everything. The rest, as always, happened automatically. These people themselves did not create or design any new, actually invented mechanisms from scratch. Heи просто, может, даже сами того не подозревая,  запустили в действие процессы, которые существовали везде и всегда и срабатывали самостоятельно, как только для этого появлялись условия.
It is these very mechanisms, based on the visualization of certain images, that worked in shamanism through the contemplation of ritual masks of shamans or the masks of generic totems, sculptural images of ancient gods or icon-painting images of the Christian tradition.  The same mechanism operated in the days of totalitarianism, when crowds of people driven to a state of exaltation by skillful propaganda in a powerful emotional upsurge of fanatical faith turned their eyes to the portraits of dictators and tyrants of modern times - Stalin, Mussolini and Hitler.
AT таком состоянии безграничной веры и of ardent adoration, people themselves emotionally, psychoenergetically "joined" the energy structures of the bearer of the corresponding face or image.  AT случае, если люди верили в реальные возможности  Бога - Отца, Brahmanа - Святого Spiritа или астральной сущности, то они и начинали черпать возможности от соответствующих сил и совершенств. And if people believed and united around fictitious categories and far-fetched forces that they attribute to some particular person, then in this case, emotionally and energetically, the whole mass of devoutly believing and confessing people joined something originally invented, but now really existing on a subtle level beyond pumping this object of faith with the emotional energy of many millions of people.  AT эзотерической  традиции такой психоэнергетический пузырь,  эмоциональная фантом - конструкция  реально не существующей на материальном плане категории получила название эгрегор.
Consequently, in our case, the blind faith of many millions of followers of our psychics and psychotherapists very quickly pumped up its egregor, which immediately began its own independent work. The only thing he needed for a long existence was a constant influx of new energies from his creators.  Consequently, all our television patients were affected not by the healing talent and willpower of A. Kashpirovsky or A. Chumak, but by an intangible egregor created by the collective efforts of many millions of their admirers - viewers.
AT действиях такой автоматически функционирующей структуры как эгрегор есть одна очень важная деталь. Egregor is not a person. He не имеет собственной воли, индивидуального разумения и различающего  морально - этические категории сознания. Egregore lives by redistributing the energies that enter him. AT этом смысл и суть его существования как примитивной, автоматически и достаточно автономно действующей системы энергоинформационного обмена.
Therefore, from all our reasoning and understanding of the subtleties of the situation, the following state of affairs with mass healing sessions on television follows. First, a certain unlimited number of people, imbued with a deep belief in the possibility of their own healing by the powers of the psychic N.N. and sincerely hoping for it transcendent possibilities through the entry of their emotional energies into his image, create around this initially fictional image of the great miracle worker a kind of force field from the energies of their hopes.   But this field, despite its formation from the unconscious efforts of many people, has very average possibilities. AT  энергоинформационных мирах лечит не столько количество, сколько качество энергии.  And the very amount of energy here is far from being directly proportional to the number of people who created it. The actual quantitative value of the active components of the flow (its kind of fullness) has a fairly direct relationship to its power only at the levels of near-physiological energies, from which egregors have never been created and absolutely cannot be created. Here, energies of a purely psycho-emotional nature operate, which behave noticeably differently than near-physiological energies.
When our average telepatient, longing for indispensable healing from the "great" psychic N.N., emotionally connects to such an egregore, he may well receive an answer in the form of a portion of energy through this channel of emotional connection created by himself. But not pure and omnipotent energy information of the higher dimensions of the universe and not an invigorating portion of near-physiological energies from a skilled healer, but some average impulse received from mixing numerous emotional desires of many millions of people. The quality and content of this impulse will also be very average. Its main purpose is to support and strengthen the faith of such a person in the source of his hopes. ATедь это основной смысл и цель существования эгрегора. At the same time, such an impulse can in some way affect the state of the psycho-emotional level of a person’s health, and through it, the physical health of a person.
The basic principle of realizing the future result is as follows. If the psycho-emotional state of a person is very average and close in quality to the average state of egregor energies, then he practically does not feel and does not receive anything. If such a state of a certain person is much more primitive, coarser and qualitatively weaker than the average state of an egregor, then such a person receives undoubted benefits from merging with an egregor, in the form of an elevation of his emotional status, activation of psychoenergetics and, accordingly, a real opportunity to improve physical health.  But if a person, emotionally clinging to the TV screen with the image of a "miraculous" healer, turns out to be of a sufficiently high psycho-emotional status, then the introduction of an impulse of average egregore energies into his subtle anatomy is like a destructive force. ATедь этот импульс заполнит  не очень здоровую, но утонченную психоэнергетику, достаточно примитивными энергиями, на которых такой человек уже давно разучился работать. With all the ensuing consequences for the energy-informational and physical health of such a person.
ATот именно поэтому кому-то такие массовые сеансы усредненного перераспределения энергий между всеми их миллионами участников, несомненно, помогали некоторым людям, кому-то были совершенно бесполезны и бессмысленны, а кому-то несли серьезный вред со всеми вытекающими последствиями.  And the operation of such a mechanism must be known and understood, because I assume that such technologies will surface again and again in different countries and in different years, and people who are hungry for miracles and speedy healing due to incomprehensible and mysterious forces will be caught again and again on the hook of illiterate and selfish "miracle workers".

"He who does not lose his nature is durable"
Lao Tzu; "Tao Te Ching"

The theme of the finiteness of the life of our physical body and the inevitably approaching moment of death has always bothered people of all times and peoples. World history is replete with facts of human desire at all costs to avoid death and decay, the decomposition of their physical body. For этого изобретались и выдумывались самые невероятные и удивительные "технологии". AT Древнем Египте и Доколумбовой Америке тела умерших правителей и высшей знати бальзамировались, и при этом создавалась некая иллюзия продления физического существования. AT Древнем Китае один из императоров, пытаясь добиться бессмертия, запретил упоминать само слово "смерть" и даже приказал замазать тушью его иероглифы во всех письменных документах и литературных произведениях по всей стране.
Modern mass consciousness has not gone far in its understanding of the processes of life and death and the possibility of achieving such a property of the human body as immortality. Hence the construction in the United States of special refrigerators with ultra-low temperatures, where the bodies of very wealthy people are placed, who are going to be "thawed" in a hundred to one hundred and fifty years. Just when, in their opinion, materialistic science "should" already find the keys to the real achievement of immortality and will already be able to effectively fight old age and all diseases. But as the readers of my book understand, all these ancient and modern games of "immortality" do not have the slightest possibility of any, even illusory, success. If the soul has already broken away from the physical body once, then this is forever, and it will be much easier for such a soul to receive a new body from God than to try to resurrect the old one. ATсе это происходит и происходило именно потому, что люди так точно и не могли понять, что же за процессы кроются в таком страшном событии, как смерть.  Here I will once again mention the story from the life of Confucius that I have already cited once in this book.
Once a student asked the sage: - Is there immortality? We don't know what life is. Can we know what death is? - the philosopher answered evasively.
But we know perfectly well what life is and what death is, and therefore we will be able to take an interest in such a very vital category for each person as immortality. Of course, complete immortality and the eternal existence of the physical body of a person, as well as any material object in our world, cannot exist in principle. Our material world was born with the beginning of the kalpa about fifteen billion years ago and continues to develop to this day, increasing its volumes. Физики для объяснения такого процесса возникновения материальной ATселенной создали теорию большого взрыва. Но однажды эта ATселенная исчерпает возможности для своего эволюционного развития и начнется обратный процесс. The process of shrinking the volumes of the material world and one day it will disappear altogether. Материальные worlds на некоторое время прекратят свое существование, и наступит пралайя. Напомню, что


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