Message: #67892
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 08:01

Thalasso and relaxation. Irina Krasotkina

sea music therapy conversation, we would like to wish you success in your endeavors. Feel free to get down to business, do not be afraid of the new, the unknown, especially since this method of alternative medicine can not bring any harm, but the benefits from it will be tangible. The whole procedure of treatment with the sounds of the sea will give you only pleasure!


Unfortunately, not all of us have been given this opportunity: go to the seashore early in the morning, admire the sunrise, listen to the sound of the waves, breathe in the sea air with pleasure, saturated with the strong, pungent smell of algae and the aromas of coastal plants ... And then with fresh start a new day. And so every morning: to the sea, to its freshness, eternal variability, to its soothing sound of the waves, to the nature that you love so much...
Such lucky people can only be envied, because the sea can make us healthy both physically and spiritually. Who knows how much healing power lurks in its depths? We do not think that thalassotherapy has already exhausted all the possibilities of treatment and rehabilitation by the sea: there are still a lot of unexplored possibilities.
But we do not advise those who live far from the sea to lose heart. Don't complain about not living in a seaside town. Теперь вы знаете, что многие приемы талассотерапии вполне приемлемо использовать и в домашних conditions.
You do not live near the sea and do not have the opportunity to travel to it regularly? Do not rush to be upset: buy extracts and powders from algae in a specialized store and ... consider yourself very lucky. Your life will change dramatically for the better! Why? The fact is that having such useful things at hand, you get a brilliant opportunity to conduct sessions at home ... yes, sessions! – whole courses of marine aromatherapy treatments!
We must say that aromatherapy is a science (let's not be afraid of this word: indeed, a whole science!), Which has a decent "experience". A long time ago, people began to notice that some smells have a strong effect on us: some make us relax, others increase vitality, others can rightly be called love scents, and others are simply annoying. Having studied the properties of aromas, people realized that many of them can affect a person no worse than a strong medicine ... However, many aromas are good medicines that help us cope with ailments. And all this was understood even before people discovered that the human body is supplied with a large number of receptors (including olfactory ones) that transmit impulses to the brain.
We have received information that the famous physician Avicenna, who lived in the tenth century AD, used the healing properties of aromas. Although do not think that it was he who laid the foundation for the study of aromas: the “age” of aromatherapy is much more solid than the ten centuries that separate our modernity from the period of healing with aromas by a great healer.
The very term "aromatherapy" was introduced by the French chemist René-Maurice Gattefoss. By the way, this was helped by a case: having burned his hand during one of the chemical experiments, the scientist quickly healed the burn by applying lavender oil that happened to be at hand. It was Gattefos who came up with the brilliant idea to classify essential oils obtained from plants, according to their impact on the human body, and to give a name to a whole independent direction in medicine.
Currently, aromatherapy is one of the leading areas of alternative medicine. This is no coincidence. It is quite rightly believed that the methods of aromatherapy help to cure both bodily and mental ailments. There is no doubt that this is the case: when you buy a new eau de toilette or perfume, you immediately discover how different fragrances control our emotions.
However, we digress a little from the topic. Let's not forget that we are talking about a variety of methods of thalassotherapy. It turns out that in addition to aromatherapy, based on the treatment with essential oils of plants, there is a whole direction in this science called marine aromatherapy.
A distinctive feature of this direction is that, using its methods and techniques, we are cured with the help of seafood. This, of course, is not about treating with the appetizing smell of fried flounder, crab stick salad, or inhaling a sharp, specific smell emanating from an open can of seaweed. Speaking of sea fragrances, we mean the direction of thalasso, in which we get the opportunity to influence the body by inhaling the smells emitted by sea water and algae.
The benefits of seafood are talked about all the time. Therapeutic sea mud, algae wraps, sea salt baths - their benefits are undeniable. But modern research shows that not only seaweed touches, sea mud applications and sea baths are healing. It turns out that even inhaling the smells of the sea is beneficial for well-being.
We will not say what physical diseases can be cured with the help of marine aromatherapy: you can write a separate book. But we will gladly tell you about how to improve your mood, mobilize your inner potential with the help of seafood.
In our time it is difficult to avoid overloading the nervous system. If you даже не страдаете от депрессии, бессонницы или повышенной раздражительности, время от времени все равно приходится волноваться, беспокоиться и нервничать. It’s good if you perfectly control your emotions and know how to improve your mood in no time. Unfortunately, not every one of us has this happy ability, and we have to resort to those effective means that have already been discovered and developed by modern science.
On the pages of this book, we have repeatedly said that in such cases it is necessary to be able to relax in time. It is then that you, as it were, begin a new page in life: a blank white sheet on which you “write” with your emotions and moods.
So that as a result of relaxation you get a positive attitude, a desire to enjoy life, use the simple means of sea aromas, which we will discuss in detail.
But first, we must warn that marine aromatherapy, despite the healing effect that it can have, is still not a panacea (and is there a panacea in the world? Isn't this just another myth that we ourselves for ourselves you thought?).
Let's try to identify the area of ​​influence of sea smells on our tired nerves. In the course of numerous experiments, it has been verified that if you have insomnia, stress or depression, you can and even need to use the aromas of the sea. Of course, if you have prolonged depression that has caused not just fatigue or irritability, but already a tendency to see yourself as a worthless person who should not have lived at all, you should not place too much hope on self-treatment (after all, depression is precisely a disease), it is better to contact a psychotherapist. However, in many less severe cases, simple remedies are sufficient. The healing power contained in seafood will perfectly help to cope with problems, as it has a tonic effect.
If you твердо решили для себя, что морская ароматерапия – это именно то, что вам нужно, обзаведитесь всем необходимым для процедур.
These are seaweed powders (they are sold in many stores) or dried seaweed (in case you do not have the slightest opportunity to get fresh seaweed), sea salt, seaweed extracts, as well as scented candles and bottles with a variety of plant essential oils. oils (extracts from plants). At present, such useful items as incense burners (more modern and sophisticated analogues of incense braziers of the past) are also sold. The aroma smoker is one of the main devices for treating odors, so we think we need to talk about it in more detail.
It consists of a small vase on a stand and a candle. Water is poured into a vase, to which aromatic substances are added. After that, a candle is lit. Due to the slow heating of water (naturally, an ordinary candle will not give a strong flame), the air in the room is gradually saturated with aroma. Thanks to such a simple device, in fact, the aroma will be much stronger than if you simply inhaled it from a bottle.
So, treatment is carried out in several ways. First, you can dilute algae extracts and essential oils in vegetable oils and inhale them.
Secondly, inhale the specific smell of algae and essential oils while soaking in a warm bath. However, you already know about it.
Thirdly, you can inhale healing sea aromas through the most ordinary inhaler, with which we are used to treating colds. Like this! It turns out that depression can be cured with an inhaler!
Finally, light a scented candle or incense burner and add a few drops of seaweed infusion, either on its own or in combination with essential oils. Breathe in, enjoy and relax!
Many aromatic substances can be simply put in a bowl of an incense burner and heated over a fire, but seaweed should not be handled so “indelicately”. Raw algae, as you know, do not burn, and it is not recommended to set fire to dried ones because of the sharp, almost unbearable smell that they begin to emit (of course, in this case, instead of being in a good mood, you risk get the opposite). So either prepare a special algae infusion, or add a little algae extract to ordinary water.
By the way, in order not to really spoil


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