Message: #67928
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 08:42

Meditation. Sri Chinmoy

you will feel the achievement that instead of hearing the noise, you will hear the divine music played by your inner being.
Essence of OM
OM is a single, indivisible sound; it is the vibration of the Supreme. OM is the source sound of the universe, because with this sound God set in motion the first vibration of his creation. The most powerful of all mantras is OM; OM is the mother of all mantras. Every moment God creates himself again inside the OM. OM has no birth, OM has no death. Nothing but OM has existed, does not exist, and will not exist forever.
OM is a single letter in Sanskrit, represented in English by three letters (AUM), but pronounced as one syllable. The syllable OM is indivisible, but each of its parts represents a separate aspect of the Supreme. A represents and embodies the consciousness of God the Creator, U embodies the consciousness of God the Guardian, and M embodies the consciousness of God the Transformer. Taken together, AUM is the spontaneous cosmic rhythm with which God embraces the universe.
The sound of OM is unique. We usually hear a sound when two objects hit each other. But OM does not need such an action. This is anahata, or non-stress; it is a soundless sound. A Yogi or Spiritual Master can hear OM, self-generating in the innermost depths of his heart.
There are many ways to chant OM. When you sing it loudly, you feel the omnipotence of the Almighty. When you chant it in a whisper, you feel the pleasure of the Supreme. When you sing it to yourself, you feel the peace of the Almighty.
The universal OM used by the Supreme is the infinite ocean. The individual sound OM sung by man is a drop in this ocean, but it cannot be separated from the ocean, and it itself becomes the whole ocean. When a person sings OM, he touches and causes the cosmic vibration of the highest Sound.
It is best to chant OM loudly so that its sound can vibrate even in your ears and permeate your entire body. This will convince your mind and give you a great sense of joy and achievement. When you sing loudly, the M sound should be at least three times longer than the AU sound.
No matter how serious a person's mistakes are, if he chants OM many times from the innermost depths of his heart, the almighty Compassion of the Supreme will forgive him. In the twinkling of an eye, the power of OM transforms darkness into light, ignorance into knowledge, death into immortality.
OM has infinite power; simply by chanting OM, anyone can realize God. All that God has and all that God is, inside and out, all that OM can offer to man, because OM is simultaneously the life, body and breath of God.
Q You said that we can increase our purity by chanting OM five hundred times a day. But chanting OM five hundred times a day is very difficult for me. Can you advise me what to do?
o If it's hard for you do five hundred repetitions in a row, you can do this in several steps. Ten times at different times of the day you can practice OM, each time repeating fifty repetitions. Let's say you want to drink ten glasses of water during the day. If you try to drink all ten glasses at once, you will fail. Therefore, you will drink one glass now and then, at intervals of one or two hours, another. So you can easily drink ten glasses of water. Instead of chanting OM five hundred times at once, early in the morning you can repeat it fifty times, then another fifty an hour later. If you repeat OM fifty times every hour, it will take you no more than a minute or two per hour. Since you can easily devote two minutes per hour to God, distribute the repetition of the mantra in this way.
Chapter 9
Music and Meditation: Sound and Silence
Music has the key that opens the Heart-Door of the Supreme. She herself is the key.
Universal language
Music is the inner or universal language of God. I don't speak French or German or Italian, but if the music of any of these countries is played, immediately the heart of the music enters my heart or my heart enters the music. At this point there is no need for external communication; enough internal connection of the heart. My heart communicates with the heart of music and in our communication we become inseparable one.
Meditation and music cannot be separated. When we cry from the innermost depths of our heart to peace, light and bliss, this is the best way to meditate. Closest to meditation is music, soul-filled music that awakens and uplifts our aspiring consciousness. We не можем медитировать 24 часа в сутки. But we can probably meditate for two hours a day. At other times we can play or listen to music. When we play or listen to soulful music, spiritual music, we are immediately transported to a higher realm of consciousness. When we play music with soul, we rise high, higher, even higher.
Whenever we listen to soul-filled music, we experience inspiration and delight. In the blink of an eye, music can lift our consciousness. But if we also pray and meditate, then we are certainly more enlightened and realized than a music lover who does not lead a conscious spiritual life. Every spiritual the musician consciously spreads the light of God on earth. God is the cosmic performer, the eternal performer, and we are His instruments. But there comes a time in our evolution when we feel that we have become completely one with Him. At that moment we are no longer instruments, we ourselves are musicians, divine musicians. Who creates the right tool? Almighty. And He inspires the performer to a good game.
Let's not try to understand music with the mind. Let's not even try to feel it with our hearts. Let's simply and sincerely let the bird-music soar in our sky-heart. In flight, she will certainly reveal to us what she owns and what she is. What she owns is the message of Immortality. What it is is the way to Eternity.
Q Can certain types of music make us sad and change our spiritual state?
Oh yeah. There is music that is truly destructive to our inner being. This music comes from the gross physical or lower vital. Undivine music tries to awaken our lower vital consciousness and throw us into the world of passions. A spiritually aspiring person will immediately be touched by this music.
Music has a terrible power. We can burn ourselves with fire, but we can cook food with it and do many other good things. It's the same with music. Divine music immediately raises our consciousness, while undivine music lowers it and tries to destroy our sincere inner cry for a better, spiritual life. Vital music lowers our consciousness. For a few fleeting moments or hours we enjoy, but then that pleasure plunges us into the lower vital consciousness where the temptation is great. From the world of temptation we enter the world of disappointment, and from it we enter the world of destruction.
We all know that vital music is the most widespread throughout the world. Soulful music is not widely appreciated and very few people appreciate the music of the soul. People feel that she is like an outsider invading their consciousness. But in fact, this is due to the fact that spiritual music awakens our eternal essence - the soul that is waiting deep inside to come to the fore.
Q Can we use music as an aid in our spiritual life?
О We определенно можем использовать музыку как помощь в нашей духовной жизни. Music and spiritual life is like twin brothers. We не можем разделить их. How can we separate two fingers, two eyes? They exist side by side. If one eye does not see well, we feel that our vision is imperfect. Music and духовная жизнь легко могут идти вместе; one complements the other. Music helps the spiritual seeker to go deep in order to get the ultimate satisfaction from life, from truth, from reality. Spiritual life, in turn, helps music to offer its possibilities and power to the whole world, which are the light of the soul.
Q What does "soulful" music mean?
O What do we mean by soul-filled music? If you say that this is music that embodies the soul, then I want to tell you that you are wrong. You must feel that soulful music is a light that wants to express itself in a divine way. Just as the darkness wants to prove its power on earth, so the light wants to manifest its reality and divinity in a special way. Light is the soul of everything. Light is the soul of music, the soul of love and the soul of all arts. When light divinely manifests itself as music, it is the music of the soul.
Soulful music is music that immediately raises our consciousness to the highest. Soul-filled music introduces us to the world of aspiration. From the world of aspiration, we enter the world of realization, where our inner being is filled with light and delight.
Soulful music is music that seeks to ultimately transform our consciousness. It draws us into the Universal Consciousness and makes us feel that we are in harmony with the highest, deepest, farthest.
It also makes us feel that God Himself is the Supreme Musician. When we play soulful music, we realize that we are

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