Message: #67928
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 08:42

Meditation. Sri Chinmoy

very often they succeed. But a spiritually alert person will take aspiration and enter into desire to transform it. If a желание проникает в устремленность, то последняя гибнет. If a же устремленность входит в желание, в тот же момент оно трансформируется.
At other times you may be unreceptive because you've become too serene, contented. You do not feel an inner call because you are satisfied with your financial situation or the achievements in your inner life. When you are satisfied with everything you have, why would you cry for anything more? When this feeling of self-satisfaction lives in you, then the inner call stops, and your receptivity comes to an end.
If a вы скажете "нет" своим плохим мыслям и   "да"   своей   устремленности   стать совершенным инструментом Бога, то безграничная восприимчивость сразу же станет вашей..

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