Message: #67928
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 08:42

Meditation. Sri Chinmoy

You you wish."
Prayer is best expressed in my daily life when it becomes a spontaneous, self-denying willingness to submit to the Will of God.
Q How to pray effectively?
A For your prayer to be most successful, it must be outwardly inaudible, but you can make a sentence of a few words that will convince your aspiring mind. The heart is already striving, but the mind needs striving. Therefore, it is better to give prayer a verbal form.
You can make a sentence by writing it in your heart. Then try to see it there. Once the words are written down, you can go back many times to see them. If you want to repeat a sentence, fine, but not required. How to repeat a prayer? There are two possibilities. Either write it once in your heart and read it there again and again, or keep writing the same thing over and over, whichever gives you the most joy.
Q How can you make prayer more intense?
A You can make your prayer most intense with a gratitude heart. When you pray, feel that the prayer comes from your heart and you must feed the prayer with gratitude. If you don't feed your prayer with your gratitude-heart, it won't become strong. Nothing Divine will be strong until you are grateful to the Almighty. Every moment, your gratitude-heart must feed your inner call. This will strengthen your prayer, your aspiration, your devotion and all your spiritual qualities.
When I pray, I go down on my knees in self-forgetfulness and in solitude. When I meditate, I lift my heart with all my soul and completely.
Q What is the best way to pray for others?
A First, before you start praying, you should call on the Almighty. When you call on Him, He will surely appear invisibly. You won't see Him in human form, but you can feel His presence. In the presence of God, try to see and feel the one you are praying for. If you know how to call on the Almighty and feel in His presence those for whom you are praying, this is the most effective way to help them through prayer.
But before asking the Almighty in prayer to help someone, first ask Him if you should pray for this person. If you receive a message or have an inner feeling that you you should pray for that particular person, only then should you do it. Suppose someone is very sick and you want to pray to God to heal them. You should know that probably God wants him to have this experience right now for the sake of his own inner development. You must know that God has infinitely more love for this particular person than you or anyone else can have. If you ask God to heal him, you may only be going against God's Will. But if you are praying for oneness with God's Will, then God can say, "You have become one with my Will. Now I will be happy if you ask to heal this person."
Q Do you ever pray?
Oh To be perfectly frank with you, I don't pray; nor do I need meditation, although I do meditate. After one has realized the Supreme and has consciously become one with the Absolute Supreme, one does not need to pray or meditate. But I have students, so I meditate for them the way I used to meditate for myself many years ago. When I meditate on them, prayer is automatically present because, in trying to help them in their spiritual awakening, I invoke God's infinite blessing, light, and compassion on them.
It is said that prayer is the daughter of suffering. But I say that prayer is the mother of delight.
Chapter 8
The power of the mantra
I cleanse my body by chanting the name of God.
I purify my vital by serving God.
I clear my mind, set it free for God.
I cleanse my heart by meditating on Compassion - the Love of God.
Chant: mantra and japa
Mantra is a magical formula. It can be a syllable, a word, a few words, or a sentence. When you repeat a mantra many times, it is called japa. A mantra reflects a certain aspect of God and each mantra has a special meaning and inner power.
If you cannot enter into the deepest meditation because your mind is restless, this is the right opportunity to use a mantra. You can chant "Supreme", "Supreme", "OM" or "God" for several minutes. Also, if you are under attack on the emotional, vital plane and bad thoughts or bad vibrations enter you, you can chant OM or the name of the Supreme. In this case, try to do it as quickly as possible. When you are trying to free your mind of impurity, you should chant the mantra as quickly as if you ran to catch up with the moving train. However, during regular japa, recite the mantra at a normal pace, but with all your heart. But don't drag out the sound too long, otherwise you won't have time to chant the mantra five hundred or six hundred times when needed.
Achieving complete cleansing
If you want to achieve the ultimate purification of your nature, then japa will give the greatest effect if you perform it systematically, step by step. On the first day, repeat "OM" or "God" or the mantra given to you by your teacher five hundred times. Chant six hundred times the next day, seven hundred times the third day, and so on until you reach one thousand two hundred times by the end of the week. Then start decreasing by a hundred each day until you reach five hundred times again. This way you will be able to climb the tree and get down from the tree.
Please continue this exercise week after week for a month. And then, whether you want to change your name or not, the world will give you a new name: Purity.
It's okay if you make a mistake during japa and lose count, it's okay. Just continue with any close number. The purpose of counting is to isolate your mind from other things. When you count, you will not think of anyone or anything else. While counting, you should try to enter the realm of silence that is deep within the mantra. Subsequently, you will not need to count at all. Your mind will be focused on what you are repeating and you will begin to feel like you are meditating only on the inner meaning of the mantra.
In most cases, it is better to say the mantra out loud. But if after a few minutes of repeating the mantra you can feel that there is someone inside you - your inner being - who is repeating the mantra for you, then you will not need to speak out loud. In the silence of your heart, your inner being will do japa on your behalf.
Japa should be done in the morning or during the day, but not immediately before going to bed. If you do japa when the body is tired and wants to go into the world of sleep, the mind will only get excited and lose its one-pointed concentration. You will just load the mind mechanically and you will not get any benefit. If japa is not done sincerely and with soul, it is useless. Therefore, you should do only one hundred, two hundred or, in extreme cases, three hundred repetitions before going to bed. If you meditate before how to go to bed, you will call for peace, light and bliss, but by repeating the mantra five hundred to two thousand two hundred times before going to bed, you will call on strength and energy and you will not be able to fall asleep.
Often when you complete your japa you will hear the mantra repeating in your heart. You don't say it, but your inner being spontaneously started repeating the mantra.
Internal sound
During meditation, seekers sometimes hear the sound of OM, although they did not utter it aloud, and no one in the room did so. This means that someone sang or sings OM to himself and the meditation room keeps this sound.
You can say the mantra when you are driving or walking down the street or in a public place. If you sing to yourself as you walk down the street, you are not withdrawing into yourself; you are just trying to protect yourself from the vain world. You increase your inner strength and inner possibilities. Later on, when you are strong inwardly, you will no longer need to chant the mantra; you will be able to walk the streets and not be disturbed.
Any method of spiritual discipline will necessarily have two inevitable and inseparable wings: absolute patience and unwavering determination.
If you are trying to maintain a high consciousness while in a public place, it may be difficult for you to go deep within and bring peace to the fore. But even when you are surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the outside world, you can easily pick out the louder sound from them. This louder sound is not a destructive sound, but a sound that contains indomitable power. It gives you a sense of how great and divine you are potentially. If you can bring to the fore the divine inner sound that comes from your heart, or if you can enter into that inner sound, then you will see that the outer noise of the world is incomparable. To your surprise, you will find that the sounds that bothered you a minute ago don't bother you anymore. On the contrary,


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