Message: #67868
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 07:48

Meditation with a partner. Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh (Osho)

Bhagawan Shri Rajneesh (Osho) Meditation with a Partner

Massage partner's shoulders with closed eyes

When working in pairs, it is important to constantly touch each other. This implies mutual trust, openness and love. Through touch, partners not only help each other in their work, but also constantly exchange energy. As a rule, touch brings partners together and causes additional emotions and impressions.
To give a partner the pleasure of contact, you need to touch him every time, as a precious vessel, as the personification of a deity, as your beloved or beloved. It is advisable to perform movements as carefully as they do for a child, for fear of injuring a body that is not yet strong and not causing him pain. It is necessary to constantly monitor the reaction of the partner to the applied effort.
Before touching a partner, it is desirable that there be an energy contact. It is good for partners to feel each other even before physical contact. Massage of the partner's shoulders with closed eyes can help develop this sensitivity.
Stand face to face with your partner at a distance slightly less than an outstretched arm. Look at each other, trying to capture the partner in your memory. Close your eyes and try to visualize or feel each other with your eyes closed. Then try to bring your palm to your partner's shoulder and touch it with just one point of your palm, but in such a way that you first feel his warmth, his energy or aura. Since you are not sure when the touch will happen, be ready for it at any moment. In this case, the touch will be gentle and soft.
When the first, subtle contact occurs, when you feel your partner's shoulder, touch it gently with your whole palm. Just as carefully place your other hand on your partner's other shoulder. As soon as you feel that you can massage your partner's shoulders with a gesture or word, let him know about it and gently turn his back to you or go behind his back yourself. At the same time, hold his image with your inner vision.
Move your palms to the trapezius muscles. Feel them and imagine that they are melting, relaxing under your palms. Gently, previously mentally penetrating deep into the partner's muscles, squeeze them with your whole palm. Massage your partner's collar area and shoulders. The same can be done after touching the partner's cheek. You can also perform mutual touch with your eyes closed at the same time. When performing a massage, breathe easily, freely and with pleasure (it’s good if this happens during the whole work) so that you hear each other’s breathing.
During the massage, monitor the reaction of your partner. If you feel that his muscles are relaxing, he trusts you and makes an internal movement towards you, giving up his body, then everything is in order. If you feel tension under your palm, then the touch was not soft enough.
Compare how you feel between normal touch and touch with your eyes closed. Keep this feeling in your memory.
Each time before making direct contact or pressing, do it mentally. At first, a thought, or a soft strong-willed message. Thought must be followed by energy. Behind the energy is a soft movement at the level of the physical body.
It’s great if you know how the inner body “works”, where and where you need to direct energy, or how to help your partner feel the physical body is empty or relaxed. In this case, you can help your partner with words or lightly touch with your fingers or palm to the place where you want to direct the energy. In any case, you need to know why this or that work is performed, this or that movement, so that you can properly help your partner.
When you help a partner to perform a movement, nothing else should exist for you at the moment. Concentrate completely on the partner and on the process of performing the massage.
Sometimes gravity acts as a counterweight, holding one part of the body in place and allowing another part of the body to stretch or move along with the energy.

A partner can help relax the right muscles, hold the physical body in place to allow the energy body to move in the opposite direction. It can help move or stretch the physical body along with the energy body.

With any physical contact - with hands, feet or the whole body, partners need to be in constant energy contact. If there is no confidence in the sufficiency of energy interaction, it is possible to agree with each other in words about the applied effort, direction and time of impact. Requires as little work as possible use your physical body, muscle strength, giving priority to the inner body of your energy. To do this, you need to constantly feel the balance or center of gravity both in yourself and in your partner, to be one with him.

Find a Witness (Birth of an Observer)

“The witnessing entity is something ultimate, you cannot transcend it, because now whatever you do will be subject to witnessing. You cannot go beyond witnessing. Therefore, witnessing is the ultimate, the basis of consciousness.
If you can grasp the point in yourself that is both the knower and the knower, then you will transcend both the object and the subject. Then you will transcend both mind and matter; then you will transcend both the outer and the inner. You will come to a point where the known and the knower become one. There is no division there.
With the mind, division will remain. It is only when there is a witnessing entity that the division disappears. With a witnessing entity, you cannot tell who is the knower and who is the known - it is both. But it must be based on experience, on experiment; otherwise it turns into a philosophical discussion. So try this technique, experiment." (Osho, Tantra).
Sit opposite each other with your knees touching. Sit for a while, looking into each other's eyes. Then slowly place your hands on your partner's shoulders, close your eyes and join your heads together (see pic). Stay in this position until you feel like disengaging. But don't do it right away, stay for a while.
Right after you disconnect your eyes remain closed. Then slowly open your eyes, allowing space to enter you (Fig. b).
Now carefully look your partner in the eyes, give him all of yourself, so that the whole world disappears and only your partner remains - your attention should be so total that it should be completely concentrated on his existence. If attention is total, then the world disappears, because the more attention is concentrated on something, the more everything else disappears. The world disappears; only the object of your attention remains. The partner becomes your world.
This is the first step - focusing on partner. If you find it difficult to concentrate on something else, then it will be difficult for you to move on to the knower, because then your mind will always wander to the side. Therefore, concentration becomes the first step towards meditation.
With the concentration of attention, only your partner remains; the whole world disappears. Now you can move inward because the other becomes the point from which you can move. Look at your partner and begin to become aware of yourself - the knower.
“At first you will be missing something. As you move towards the knower, your partner will fall out of your consciousness. It will become indistinct, will be removed. You will need to return to it again, but forget about yourself. This game of hide and seek will go on and on, but if you persist, sooner or later there will come a point where you will suddenly find yourself in the middle. The knowing mind and your partner will be there at the same time, and you will be right in the middle, looking at both. This middle point, this point of equilibrium is the witness.

Once you know this, you will become both. Then the partner, the knowable, and the mind, the knower, will become just your two wings. Then the object and the subject become just two wings, and you are the center of both. And this center is just a witness.
Whatever you concentrate on, the very concentration changes the whole structure of your existence, the whole structure of your mind. By focusing your attention, you create the world. You create your world with your own attention. And when you are totally absorbed, when you flow towards the object like a river, then suddenly there is an awareness of the original source from which this attention flows. The river flows; now its source is recognized.
At first you will always be missing something; you will dodge to the side. If you move to the source, you will forget about the river and about the object - the sea, to which the river flows. And vice versa: if you move to the object, you will forget about the source. This is natural because the mind is always fixed either on the object or on the subject.
If there is only one part, then you identify with it. You can be free only when you are aware of both parts. Then you can become the third part, and the third part is freedom. When there is only one part, you identify with it. At in two parts you can move, you can move, you can balance, you can come to a midpoint, an absolute midpoint.
The Buddha said: “Do not leave this world and do not cling to the


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