Message: #67868
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 07:48

Meditation with a partner. Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh (Osho)

movement of your eyes. Together you become one with your surrender.
You can also practice this meditation alone while walking, waiting for transport, or taking a bus. Close your eyes for a few seconds, then allow them to open and move around, taking everything around you "born" again.
Time 30 - 40 minutes.

Meditation for experienced couples

Atмите исходное положение лежа на спине ногами друг к другу, так, чтобы было хорошее соприкосновение в области Муладхары. The woman's legs should be at the top. The bodies are naked.

Breathe from Muladhara into each other. Feel its energizing and uplifting energy. Then successively bring the energy up to Vishuddhi, at the same time, keeping the feeling of contact with the partner Muladhara.
When all five centers are sufficiently active, a man begins to send his energy to a woman with an exhalation, a woman takes it with an inhalation at the base of the spine and directs it to the upper centers. To enhance the effect, you can use free noisy breathing. When good contact is established and the energy is active, you can move on to the next stage. A man no longer gives his energy to his partner, but takes it from space through the crown of his head and passes it through himself to his partner. With an exhalation, a woman sends the received energy through the top of her head into outer space. Then the partners imagine that their physical bodies are stretched out and, together with the incoming and outgoing energy, take the form of a large elongated arc, the edges of which rise up. Further, the partners imagine that the energy leaving the partner's head in an ascending large arc rises high up. There, at the top point, it is enriched with divine cosmic energy and returns to the partner's head along a downward arc.
And now there is no longer a man and a woman, but there are two cosmic beings merged in love and bliss of the energies of YIN and YANG. These two gods are in each other's arms. During inhalation and exhalation the energy is now circulating in a vast cosmic circle. The sensations of the physical body fade into the background or are completely lost. Only the divine pure cosmic energy remains, performing its cosmic dance.
After that, you can stop noisy breathing (mentally give the command “STOP”) and simply observe the energy flows in the cosmic energy circle.
Then the partners rise, holding hands, to a sitting position. Embracing each other at the level of the heart center, they again direct the energy in a circle. If a man is strong and experienced enough, then he gives energy to the lower center, and takes it from his partner on inspiration through the heart center.
In this position, there can be very strong excitement and involuntary spontaneous movements, further strengthening the raging energy element. In this case, it is better to reverse the direction of energy movement. (A man has greater muscle strength compared to a woman. And energetically, a woman is often stronger. This especially applies to sexual energy). In this case, the woman should actively give at the bottom and take at the top, while the man should do the opposite. This will allow a man to extinguish his potential a little, prevent an orgasm and not completely slide into only sexual sensations. The partner, on the other hand, can go forward without stops and brakes, actively giving energy to the partner from every cell of her body.

From this position, if consciousness is not completely lost, you can proceed to perform various postures, massage, or add a large cosmic circle to the small circle. The partner inhales the energy of the Cosmos through his crown of the head and gives it to his partner through the heart center. And the partner, giving energy to the partner below, absorbs it through the partner's heart center and sends it up through the top of her head.

This is a tantric controlled dance of ecstasy. Dance of Shiva and Shakti, male and female energy fertilized by the divine principle.
It is impossible to give exact recommendations and instructions for the spontaneous dance of partners. Yes, this is not necessary. It is necessary that a state of openness, trust and joy appear, a feeling of the divine principle in oneself, the inclusion of one's own intuition, a complete rejection of oneself (one's ego).

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