Message: #67836
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 07:04

Meditation that really works. Dhiravamsa

нас нет счастья из-за страдания или разочарования, или смятения. it голос Мары. Mara becomes happy if he can mislead us in this way. The third aspect of abhisankhara is something higher than moral or immoral activities in life. It refers to attachment to spiritual knowledge. Youсшие состояния сознания и все виды мистических, духовных и религиозных переживаний относятся к этой категории Мары. An example in Buddhist terminology would be attachment to achieving jhana, meditative absorption in form and formlessness. These states still belong to the realm of Mara if we are not free from our experiences, good and bad. We говорим, что надо выйти за рамки всех переживаний. When we привязываемся к переживаниям, мы боимся их потерять. Such attachment is ilesa.  Mara thus maintains only her own activities, but we are not aware of Mara. Без привязанности к своим переживаниям мы не берем их с собой, а просто свободно путешествуем.it не означает, что у нас не должно быть переживаний, но они расширятся, если не держаться за них, тогда вы открыты для нового.Четвертая категория Мары связана с deities. Andдея Бога приходит ко многим людям, когда они медитируют. They want to interact with the gods, but by doing so, they live in the world of Mara again. The Pali term for this realm of deities is deva.  We тоже дэвы,  когда становимся излучающими или сияющими существами. I prefer to talk about these shining qualities as internal rather than external. Some radiant qualities are like a dance, some are like a smile, some are like singing. All the symbols of religion that are symbols of deities are expressions of our own radiant qualities. It is easier for people to see these qualities in pictures and symbols, because in themselves they cannot see them so easily. We must understand that these symbols are only a reflection of our own qualities. When we видим божеств, мы можем заглянуть в себя, подобно тому как мы смотримся в зеркало. So the deities become Mara when they keep us to themselves, depending on themselves. We зависим от божеств, чтобы хорошо себя чувствовать, и божества зависят от нас, чтобы нас поддерживать. Andтак, никто не свободен.Последняя категория Мары – смерть. Death is Mara. We говорим о смерти как о нефункционировании физической деятельности или о прекращении физического функционирования. Death becomes what stops our development and deprives us of the chances for further development. Death also becomes a state of wandering in samsara.  Death will keep us in samsara.  She doesn't want us to be free. Death from within, which means a feeling of inner death, a feeling of lifelessness and unproductiveness, is also cutting oneself off from development. We начинаем негативно относиться к жизни из-за того, что Мара создает проблемы и сложности и препятствует потоку жизни. it ощущение смерти может быть полезным, если вы можете на него смотреть  и войти в него,  сделав Мару объектом meditation. And тогда вы не будете сомневаться относительно ощущения безжизненности, Мара исчезает. You живы и можете двигаться дальше.Во всех этих категориях, как можно видеть, Мара вовлечен в нашу жизнь. Mara is not something external to us. There is a connection between what is happening within us and what is happening outside. Andтак, у людей есть свой собственный Мара, который связан с внешним миром.Мара существует на трех планах жизни. The first is called kama, the world of pleasure. Pleasure can be both healthy and life-threatening if we don't understand it. If we understand pleasure, we can receive it in a liberated way, instead of being consumed by it, obsessing over it - succumbing to Mara's trick. it не означает, что нам не следует использовать Мару или что нам не нужны удовольствия. We should understand the meaning of pleasure and thus be free towards him. It is cruel to think that we need to deny ourselves pleasures or indulge in asceticism. it было бы слишком тяжелым отношением к самим себе. On the other hand, if we think that we only need to enjoy, we go to the other extreme. The second plane of life is the plane of forms, referring to both material and spiritual forms of existence - beautiful forms, beautiful shapes, beautiful experiences.. Coming to this plane of life, people become devas, they become radiant, radiant, pure, purer and purer. On this plane, the form stands out as the main thing. The master of his craft thinks that the form is important, as in the dance. In the spiritual reality, we come to the form of a meditative experience and comprehend certain states. They are all good and beneficent. The third plane has no form. It refers to a spiritual experience - the infinity of space, its lack of form, its emptiness. The experience of the infinity of consciousness, the vision that consciousness has no form, brings us into a state of non-existence. We не можем сказать, пространство ли это или сознание. it состояние называется небытием, так как у него нет формы. It seems that there is no space, no consciousness - only non-existence. Последнее состояние этого плана, где нет форм, – очень тонкое восприятие, которое не является состоянием ни восприятия, ни не-восприятия.it те планы жизни, где Мара все еще действует. Therefore, on these planes, we live in Mara. We можем понимать Мару. it не означает, что мы разрушаем его. it означает, что мы можем быть свободны от Мары, будучи все еще с ним.Andнтересно отметить, что при этом анализе есть три плана существования и четыре уровня сознания. The first level is connected with the first plan, the second level - with the second plan, the third level - with the third plan. Четвертый уровень сознания, который называют просветленным, или освобожденным, сознанием, не имеет плана.We говорим, что освобождение повсюду, на любом плане. A liberated person can live on any plane of life. He has the freedom to live, to be here or there, on any plane. If there is freedom, there is choice. Andтак, для освобожденного сознания, освобожденного человека, нет закрепленного плана существования.Будда не анализировал, не приписывал определенный план освобождению. In fact, he didn't say anything about it. You can see the reason. If there was a fixed plan for the liberated consciousness, it would look like a separation and something external to us. But in reality, liberation is everywhere, on every plane, so we don't have to fight for a plane of existence or get attached to the hope of being in a certain place. We should only try to become free, and then we can live on any plane of life that we wish. Having freedom, we have unhindered movement and choice. Therefore, the idea of ​​liberation is clearly connected with the purification or development of our consciousness. Andными словами, можно образно сказать, что сознание – носитель кармы.  She will not have the power to dominate when she is scattered. If we manage to overcome the influence of our karmic energy, there is no more coercion and, as a result, freedom follows. And тогда осознание освобождается и больше не несет карму. Consciousness is everywhere in our body, in our feelings, in perceptions, in sankhara (mental activity). The body has consciousness in every cell. In the realm of the mind, consciousness is also present. Therefore, if we are going to understand the essence of consciousness, we need to go through our body, feelings, mind, thoughts and ideas. Each time we do this, we purify them and develop the positive side of these parts of ourselves. When consciousness is liberated, it gains freedom from Mara. A person can be himself, although he still lives in this world of Mary. It should be understood that this is neither good nor bad, but contains the qualities of both. it – то, от чего нам следует освободиться, тем не менее, продолжая с ним жить. If you try to get rid of Mara, you will not be able to live in harmony with him. The stream of love flows through freedom. Love is the link, we cannot be separate, we cannot be separate. Thanks to love, we are always together, even if we are physically separated. When we обретем освобождение, к нам придет ощущение того, что мы – вместе. And это проявление любви. We чувствуем обособленность из-за иллюзии. When you are free from all divisions, you unite. Love and understanding, or wisdom, move in a single stream, and not far, but too close to be seen. A liberated person has a choice. He may live on a plane where there is no form or where there is. A liberated person can also choose to live on the plane of pleasure. Youбор совершается freely and its purity is preserved. Life becomes brighter, without attachment to brightness. The main thing is to recognize Mara, only to recognize, nothing more.

one4. The Two Aspects of Wisdom - Impartiality and Love
Love is a movement of unity, integrity, uniting the world and the Universe. Everything is one and this union is love, to unite is the function of love. Equanimity creates duality and at the same time transforms it. Equanimity recognizes good and bad, body and mind, all dualistic concepts; at the same time it stands above duality so that it is not caught in its conception. Love and equanimity become the two sides of wisdom: wisdom-love and wisdom-equanimity. Equanimity is the Pali translation of the term upekkha. Literally, upekkha means staring or being very attentive to everything. Буквально это форма meditation. It manifests itself in many categories of Buddhism due to the existence of various aspects of life. Upekkha or equanimity is realized through feeling. We have three forms of feeling: pleasant, unpleasant, and neither pleasant nor unpleasant. The third category is upekkha. Upekkha is a neutral feeling,


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