Message: #87981
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Mar 2017, 21:16

Acupressure techniques. getting rid of psychological problems. G. Vincenzi

by sabotaging the present relationship. This can also happen even if your wound has already healed, but you are still haunted by bad memories and at times you still regret that your relationship then ended in this way. AT такой ситуации вам следует обратиться к главе 8, в которой рассматривается проблема тягостных воспоминаний.


Feeling lonely or feeling uncomfortable being alone with yourself can negatively affect the development of relationships. Чтобы избавиться от этой проблемы, подумайте о ситуации, которая вас расстраивает, и проработайте возможность частного reversing. Begin by stimulating the BSR zone while saying the following affirmation: "I accept myself, even if I cannot be alone." After that, lightly tap on the area of ​​TCP from 20 to 30 times. Next, press the TPK five times. It would be useful to do the Brain Stimulation Exercise (SM) after this. Repeat this sequence until thoughts of loneliness stop bothering you. (See chapter 8 for more details.)

Feeling rejected

Если вы чувствуете, что не способны справиться с любого рода непринятием, и перестали пытаться завязать отношения, проработайте возможность частного reversing. Start by stimulating the BSR zone while repeating the phrase: "I accept myself, even if I feel fear of rejection." After that, lightly tap each of the following points five times: TB, TPG, TPM, and TPK. It would be useful to do the Brain Stimulation Exercise (SM) after this. Repeat this sequence until you are confident that you can handle the feeling of rejection. (See chapter 8 for more details.)

Other problems

You may have other problems that indicate that you think you don't deserve a happy relationship. AT этой ситуации вам нужно определить конкретную проблему, которая, к примеру, может заключаться в том, что вы не считаете себя достаточно привлекательным или достаточно успешным человеком. Проработайте возможность частного reversing. Start by stimulating the BSR zone while repeating the following phrase: "I accept myself, even if I have this problem."
If you review the previous chapters, you will find exercises to consistently stimulate acupuncture points to resolve most of the problems that may be preventing you from developing and maintaining good relationships. We also recommend that you work through the private reversal daily, as it often hinders the development of a harmonious relationship.

ATыбор неподходящего партнера

AT данном подразделе мы представим вашему attention to two case studies and the corresponding exercises for sequential stimulation of biologically active zones. As we have noted, resolving relationship problems is one of the most difficult aspects of human life.

Tara's Story: A Case Study

Tara was a bright, attractive, successful woman. She never married, and from time to time she had short romances. Tara was attracted to men in high positions. The ones she dated either cheated on her or cheated on her. The problem was that she did not develop relationships with such men, and she stepped on the same rake over and over again. In addition, Tara wasted a lot of energy trying to keep partners. AT конечном счете, она испытывала разочарование и обиду, когда мужчины переставали ей звонить или разрывали с ней отношения.
The main reason for the problem was that Tara chose the wrong type of men. She was an intelligent woman who was interested in what people think and feel about various situations in life. In addition, she needed a person who would surround her with care and make her happy. One of the psychological disorders was this: when Tara met young people who showed interest in her, but did not occupy high positions, she would withdraw into herself and begin to get bored. Tara often rejected men without even getting to know them, as she believed that they were not interesting enough. She just didn't give them a chance. AT случае с противоположным типом представителей сильного пола Тара подкрепляла свою убежденность в том, что только находясь рядом с успешным или наделенным властью человеком, она сможет относиться к себе лучше. Fixing problems of this kind is a difficult process, because people do not change all at once. When Tara began to perform energy exercises, she gradually began to look at men from the other side.

ATыбор неподходящего партнера: первый вариант упражнения

one. Сформулируйте свою проблему одним или двумя предложениями. Rate her on a scale from 0 to 10, where 10 indicates the worst state of affairs, 0 indicates that you know perfectly well what type of person you need.
2. Work out the opportunity частного реверсирования, мешающего вам добиться хороших взаимоотношений, стимулируя зону БСР или растирая ЧТ, при этом трижды проговорите утверждение, раскрывающее суть вашей Problems. For example, in the case of Tara, it would sound like this: "I accept myself despite the fact that I want to be around a man whom I consider influential and interesting." Another reversal that needs to be worked out could be: "I accept myself, even if I prefer men who do not like me and humiliate me." Although данное утверждение вроде бы расходится с тем, чего вы пытаетесь достичь, вам, чтобы изменить свое поведение, необходимо его принять.
3. After that, you need to rebalance the energy system in order to stop craving or being attracted to people who are not right for you. Think of a person who you didn't think was the right fit for you, but who you were (or still are) looking for a relationship with. For разрешения этой проблемы используйте упражнение для устранения зависимости, рассмотренное в главе 13.
four. Оцените степень влечения к людям, которые вам не подходят, по шкале от 0 до 10 points. If there is no reduction, return to the second step and repeat the exercise for последовательное stimulation. AT том случае, когда после трех попыток улучшения нет, велика вероятность того, что данный прием для вас не подходит, или же у вас есть другое саботирующее убеждение (то есть реверсирование), которое должно быть проработано (см. восьмой шаг).
5. Next, perform the Brain Stimulation (CM) exercise by influencing на область ТСР и при этом вращая глазами по часовой стрелке, затем – против часовой. After rolling your eyes, hum the melody on the count of five.
6. Repeat the third step.
7. Снова оцените степень вашего влечения по шкале от 0 до 10 points. Now it should be lower. If this indicator is between 0 and 2 points, go to the ninth step. Иногда вам потребуется выполнить упражнение несколько раз, думая о том, что вас беспокоит, прежде чем вы испытаете полное освобождение от Problems.
8. When условии, что уровень дискомфорта будет снижаться, продолжайте выполнять упражнения до тех пор, пока он не будет сведен на нет или не исчезнет вовсе. If the process улучшения приостанавливается, это указывает на появление миниreversing. It needs to be worked out стимулированием зоны БСР при while repeating the following phrase: "I accept myself even though I still have this problem."
9. When the level of discomfort is reduced to 0-2 points, you can perform an eye-rolling (RO) exercise to further
больше ослабить неприятные sensations or fix the effect of the treatment. For использования данного приема Stimulate the TCP area while keeping your head straight and slowly move your gaze from the floor to the ceiling.
10. This is a complex issue that needs more work. Therefore, your next step is to eliminate the "lack of interest" that you have in relation to people who would be the best fit for you as partners. For этого подумайте о человеке, который вам нравится, но к которому вы не испытываете особого притяжения. For проработки данного нарушения используйте упражнение по воздействию на срединный меридиан из главы 8.
1one. Теперь вам необходимо выработать положительную убежденность в отношении себя. To do this, use the mid meridian technique and at the same time repeat: "I am an attractive and intelligent person, I deserve to meet someone who loves me." This exercise must be repeated until you feel the validity of this statement. To determine this, rate your level of confidence in it on a scale of 0 to 5, with 5 indicating that you are absolutely confident about the installation. When you reach 5 points, the reception will be successfully completed for you. To положительная убежденность стала постоянной и активной частью вашего представления о самих себе, вам время от времени придется повторять это упражнение.
12. And finally, you should be more patient when you meet a new person who will not meet all your requirements. For этого используйте прием на устранение нетерпеливости из главы 12, думая о том, что вы испытываете к этому человеку.
The main goal of this exercise is to stop wasting energy on people for whom you are largely indifferent. These situations lead to reversal, lower your self-esteem and keep you from breaking out of the cycle of negative and ineffective actions. When you get rid of this problem, you will become more open to dating the right people for you and, just as important, you will stop engage in emotional self-destruction by pursuing the wrong people.

Kyle's Story: A Case Study

When Kyle first came to see us, he was 43 years old and never married. He had a good job and many hobbies that ensured personal and social activity. Kyle had a fear that if he married, his wife would always be dissatisfied with something or be emotionally unbalanced. He thought that all his time would be spent trying to build relationships, which would lead to the abandonment of a lifestyle that he really liked. AT прошлом у него были отношения с женщинами, которые вели себя именно таким образом. Kyle was confused and, in part, was convinced that the same thing would happen with his next chosen one. ATполне вероятно, что на подсознательном уровне он вел себя таким образом, что его поведение привлекало женщин, нуждающихся в эмоциональной поддержке.

ATыбор неподходящего партнера: второй вариант упражнения

one. Сформулируйте свою проблему, к примеру, таким образом: «Я получил эмоциональную травму во время предыдущих отношений, из которых


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