Message: #86988
Ольга Княгиня » 10 Mar 2017, 19:16

Secrets of Chinese medicine. 300 questions about qigong. Lin Huusheng

into peace.
The "Exercises of Life" are aimed primarily at training qi, its cultivation, accumulation and movement, strengthening subtle qi, true qi and circulation of internal qi.
Despite the differences in methods of performance and in purpose, singun and mingun are closely related. ATо время занятий нужно упражнять ци, а также и, т.е. with the help of and you need to direct qi. Thanks to their interrelation and interaction, jing, qi and shen can be exercised in order to prevent and treat disease and promote health.

ATыражением «лю шэнь тун» пользовались еще древние. They believe that after practicing qigong, vision and hearing improve, and walking becomes easy. Having passed through the vanity of thoughts, one can reach the limits of non-existence and acquire the ability to foreknowledge and foreboding. ATсе это и называлось «шесть чудесных дарований». The earliest mention of "liu shen tong" in written sources is in the Buddhist work "Juishe lun" ("Teachings of Abid-harmakosha"), where they are listed in the following order:
- celestial vision (tianyantong) - the ability to distinguish the smallest objects that are inaccessible to the eyesight of an ordinary person, for example, to penetrate the gaze into the human body and various objects;
- celestial hearing (tianertun) - the ability to hear sounds that are inaccessible due to the long distance and weak sound to the hearing of an ordinary person;
- wonderful foot (shenzutong) - all limbs become light, mobile; step becomes fast;
- penetration into someone else's heart (taxintong) - a wonderful feeling that ordinary people do not have; more foreknowledge and premonitions than others;
- comprehension of fate (sumintun) - the ability to know the past and predict the future;
– penetration beyond (lou jintong) – after a high degree of “entering into peace”, one can achieve serene emptiness, up to the limit of self-forgetfulness, when jing, qi and shen do not penetrate.
Ученик Лао-цзы Юань Цанцзы [TO] , как пишется в «Лецзы», в главе «Конфуций» («Чжун-ни»), во время занятий достигал способности видеть без помощи глаз, слышать без помощи ушей – даже слабые звуки былинок за city. ATсе это он мог ощущать и чувствовать на расстоянии. That's what it is "six miraculous gifts" that appear as a result of practicing qigong.

Biological transfer or biofeedback is a kind of technique that helps people control some of the biological functions of the body, mainly the activity of the organs of internal secretion. AT ее основе лежит принцип отражения сигналов внутренних органов.
The method consists in using feedback devices to convert the smallest changes in physiological functions into the form of an audible or visible signal. Этот сигнал дает наблюдателю информацию о состоянии organism. The results of control and regulation of functions are continuously transmitted to the recipient; the latter has a feeling that "there is a measure in the heart", he masters the situation in a timely manner and better performs the necessary adjustment in accordance with the situation.
Qigong exercises are not the same as biofeedback in terms of the mechanism of action. Qigong requires the mind to be at rest. AT ходе выполнения упражнений возникает ситуация активного торможения и релаксации центральной нервной системы. In contrast, with biofeedback, the recipient must focus very carefully on the successive amplification of feedback signals, so usually the above changes - inhibition and relaxation - do not occur.
In order to enhance the effect of qigong, using the biofeedback factors inherent in the body, one can consciously direct the active regulation of the physiological functions of various systems, thereby controlling the required duration of the exercise and their intensity, keeping the body in a state of balance and moderation. This gives a significant healing effect.

Qigong has nothing to do with hypnosis. It is one of the types of Chinese medical heritage that goes back several thousand years. Qigong makes it possible for each practitioner to achieve a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. As for hypnosis, this is a method used by Western specialists, in which one or another therapeutic effect is achieved with the help of various words, sound signals.
qi in qigong has a material basis. Китайская медицина утверждает, что ци составляет основную субстанцию жизненной силы человеческого organism. Scientific instrumental research confirms that external qi is a special kind of controlled low frequency infrared electromagnetic waves, magnetic radiation and static electricity. Hypnosis, on the other hand, relies on words or sound signals spoken by the hypnotist that irritate the second signal system, generating appropriate reactions.
The therapeutic effect of qigong is based on the activation of the internal forces of the body and is active. Hypnosis, on the other hand, is based on the influence of another person and is a passive procedure for the patient.

These two types of qigong have much in common, but there are also differences between them. Общее у них то, что оба метода с помощью различных упражнений укрепляют силы organism. The differences are in the types of exercises used and in the purposes for which they are designed.
Жесткий цигун называется также ушу-цигун (цигун боевого искусства) [TO] . AT нем при помощи хлопков, ударов и соответствующих приемов ци направляется в определенные части тела, вызывая в мышцах или костях тех или иных органов нехарактерную для обычных людей способность переносить болевые ощущения. From here come the legendary stories about people who are not afraid of a knife, spear, needle, pressure, cauterization and scalding. They display incredible pain tolerance abilities and display them on stage or use them in self-defense.
Health qigong, as its name implies, aims to improve the body and promote longevity through various exercises. Despite the fact that static exercises, dynamic and combined exercises are used in health qigong, the movements are performed smoothly, gently, and require maintaining rest. Their goal is to achieve healing through the training of jing, qi and shen.

ATыступления с демонстрацией упражнений цигуна могут быть очень разнообразными. AT 1979 г. известные во всем Китае мастера собрались в Пекине для того, чтобы продемонстрировать свои многочисленные номера. ATот один of them.
Qigong master Hou Shuying took two cast-iron sticks about a meter long and 4 cm2 in cross section, knocked them against each other, they rang. Then he stopped them, sent qi to his hand and hit the stick with the edge of his palm, the cast-iron stick broke in two. After этого, направив ци в лоб, он ударил по палке головой, металлическая палка вновь со звоном разломилась, но ни на руке, ни на лбу Хоу Шуина не оказалось никаких следов травм.
Then Hou Shuying showed another number - pressure on the body with gravity. After concentrating his qi, he lay down on his back; двадцать парней взяли две бетонные плиты общим весом примерно в 3 т и положили на him. Жена его, ATан Шуин, как ни в чем ни бывало вспрыгнула наверх и крикнула: «Поднимай!». Хоу Шуин вновь собрал ци, и бетонные плиты на нем дважды поднялись вверх и опустились, ATан Шуин спрыгнула, помощники унесли плиты, а Хоу Шуин с невозмутимым лицом встал на ноги.
Zhu Biao, 52, from Guangdong Province, demonstrated a routine called "breaking stones with the palm and fingers." Placing a flat stone 3 cm thick and 8 cm wide on the ground, he concentrated the qi in the palm of his hand and then with the edge of his palm, shouting "Pa!" dealt a sharp blow. The stone broke apart. Then he again concentrated the qi in his index fingers and with a loud cry struck the second stone, the stone fell apart.
Zhao Jishu from Hunan Province demonstrated the "Pitchfork Spin" number. Concentrating qi, he lay down with his chest directly on the sharp ends of the pitchfork, his whole body literally hung in the air, leaning on them, and in this position he made a full turn. AT этот момент давление острых металлических концов вил на поверхность его тела достигало 3 т/см2.
Liu Jinrong from Wuxi took a large knife 2 chi long and about 4 cun wide, concentrated the chi, firmly grasped the handle of the knife, put it with the point to his chest and asked a very strong man to hit the knife with a heavy wooden stick weighing about 5 kg. The hero was already tired of zeal, and the knife did not even penetrate the master's skin even a millimeter. Putting down the knife, Liu Jinrong took a steel bar 4 mm thick, 5 cm wide and 70 cm long, delivered three sharp blows to his ribs, and the bar bent. Directing qi to the forehead, he struck a blow with a curved rod on the head with a loud cry, the rod returned to its previous shape.
Two qigong masters from Guangxi Province, Deng Peizhi and Zhu Zhongfu, demonstrated the “throat thrust with a spear” number. ATначале они кулаками, обломками кирпича и трехзвенным they beat each other with a flail on the stomach, chest, on the sides, where they sent qi, and therefore did not feel any pain at all. Затем сосредоточили ци в горле, встали лицом друг к другу, взяли в руки древко из каламуса [TO] , на которое с обеих концов были насажены острия копий, и приставили их каждый к своему горлу, затем начали нажимать. The shaft bent in an arc. It was estimated that at that moment the pressure of the point of the spear on the throat was about 500 kg / cm2, but no damage was visible on the skin.
AT 1981 г. два мастера цигуна из Шанхая Шэнь Дафа и Ли Лицюнь в Гуанчжоу


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