Message: #87001
Ольга Княгиня » 10 Mar 2017, 19:22

Healing nutrition in China

before cooking and bring to a boil one-2 times, then add granulated sugar to taste.
Method of use. Eat warm 2 times a day.
Therapeutic action. Dispels wind and heat, cleanses the lungs, relieves rashes, removes toxins and swelling. Apply when паротите.
Caution: Not recommended for Qi deficiency and diarrhea.
270. Drink from honeysuckle and woad (Yinghua
баньланьгэнъ yin)
Ingredients. Japanese honeysuckle 50 g, woad root one00 g, licorice one5 g, candy sugar.
Cooking. Take honeysuckle, woad and licorice and boil in 600 g of water, then squeeze out the broth (500 g of broth should be obtained), put sugar in it and heat the broth until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Method of use. Drink as tea several times a day for one0-20 g.
Therapeutic action. Clears heat, cools the blood, expels toxins. Apply when вирусных инфекционных заболеваниях (корь, ветрянка, паротит и others).
277. Radish juice with malt sugar (Yitang lo-bo zhi)
Ingredients. White radish 500 g, malt sugar 20 g.
Cooking. Редьку вымыть, ополоснуть 2 раза холодной кипяченой водой, обсушить, измельчить и выжать juice. Take 30 g of juice, malt sugar and add a little boiling water. Mix everything well.
Method of use. Пить в теплом виде 3 раза в day.
Therapeutic action. Moisturizes the lungs, stops coughing. Apply when коклюше.
272. Drink from hazel grouse with almonds
лем (Чуанъбэй синжэнь yin)
Ingredients. Whorled hazel grouse 6 g, almonds 3 g, honey.
Cooking. Take both ingredients, add water, boil, squeeze and use the decoction.
Method of use. Drink 3 times a day, adding a little honey.
Therapeutic action. Moisturizes the lungs removes phlegm, eliminates cough and shortness of breath. Apply in the initial stage of whooping cough.
273. Steamed pear with ephedra (Mahuai zhengli)
Ingredients. Груша one PC. (about one00 g),
ephedra chinensis (horsetail ephedra) 3-5 g.
Cooking. Grind ephedra into a coarse powder; wash the pear, cut it in half, remove the core with stones, put ephedra in its place, connect the halves of the pear and fasten them with a small bamboo stick. Byложить грушу в чашку и cook in a water bath.
Method of use. There is одну грушу и пить отвар, 2 раза в день, в течение 3—5 дней, при этом не использовать эфедру.
Therapeutic action. Treats cough. Apply when коклюше в начальной стадии и стадии судорожного кашля.
274. Glutinous rice porridge with yams (Shanyao
номи zhou)
Ingredients. Китайский ямс one5 г, клейкий рис 30 г, молотый перец, сахарный пеjuice.
Cooking. Sticky rice is first fried until slightly yellowish, then add yams and cook a thin porridge. In the finished porridge, add a little ground pepper, sugar to taste and mix everything evenly.
Method of use. Eat warm 2 times a day.
Therapeutic action. Heals the spleen, warms the stomach and middle warmer, stops diarrhea. Apply when детской диарее от недостаточности селезенки.
275. Porridge with ginseng and dolichos (Zhenshen
бяньдоу zhou)
Ingredients. Женьшень 5—one0 г, долихос (индийские бобы) one5 г, short grain rice 50 g.
Cooking. First, boil dolichos, then add rice and cook everything together until a thick, viscous porridge is obtained. Boil ginseng and take a decoction. During meals, mix porridge with a decoction of ginseng.
Method of use. Eat on an empty stomach 2 раза в day.
Therapeutic action. Nourishes the essence, strengthens the lungs, heals the spleen, stops diarrhea. Apply when затяжной диарее, недостаточности селезенки и stomach.
276. Sticky gruel with euryal and yam (Qian-
shi shanyao mifen hu)
Ingredients. Эвриала (водяная лorя) 500 г, ямс китайский 500 г, мука из клейкого риса 500 г, сахарный песок 500 г.
Cooking. Эвриалу и ямс смолоть в мелкий порошок, добавить рисовую муку и сахарный пеjuice. Mix everything evenly. Before use, take 50 g of a dry mixture, add cold water and stir until a liquid slurry is obtained, then heat over a fire until readiness.
Method of use. Eat warm 2 times a day, на пустой желудок в течение 7—one0 дней подряд.
Therapeutic action. Heals the spleen, stops diarrhea. Apply when затяжной диарее у маленьких детей на фоне недостаточности селезенки, диспепсии и общей слабости.
Attention: not recommended for children with acute enteritis and bacillary dysentery.
277.Каша с лorями и медом (Байхэ ми zhou)
Ingredients. Лorи one0 г, мед one0 г, короткозер
ny rice 50 g.
Cooking. Из лorй и риса сварить жидкую кашу, в готовую кашу положить мед и размешать.
Method of use. Eat hot 2 times a day день в течение длительного времени.
Therapeutic action. Byполняет недостаточность, связывает пот. Apply when повышенной потливости у детей.

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