Message: #77531
Buckshee » 18 Feb 2017, 02:52

The Seven Steps of Self-Realization Volume IV Step Seven. Sri Paramahamsa Yogananda

the Soul to avoid death, but first of all it needs to avoid entering the bodily prison by creating material desires and striving for them. The metaphysical method for overcoming death is to be in the world, but not of the world. This is to play a role on the worldly stage, yet remain unaffected by the role that you are playing.
Metaphysical method of overcoming death
To do this, you need to practice the state of desirelessness (but not inactivity or mental weakness), doing all good deeds to please God, performing activities that are useful for humanity and please God - this is the method of how to overcome rebirth and the suffering associated with it, fears and attachments to life that are associated with death. The one who is born also needs to die, and the one who lives in ignorance also needs to be born again. One who was born in ignorance and is freed from the bodily fetters in ignorance, he again and again needs to experience life and death. He who performs all his deeds only for God, thereby eliminates the consequences of his deeds, which cause birth again, and thus is liberated. Painful exit from the body at death also includes a preliminary entry into the body, so how many times the Soul enters the body of a child, the same number of times it must leave the body - leave it with suffering.
Another method of liberating the Soul from the body is to learn yoga techniques from the stages taught in the seven stages of self-realization, or from methods similar to these.
Special method
a) Sit upright in a chair or lie down on a rug on the floor, face up.
b) Tighten the whole body.
c) Relax, drawing all the vitality away from the muscles.
d) Then close your eyes, excluding the organs of hearing, smell, taste, sight and touch.
e) Then exhale, keeping the lungs still.
e) Then calm the heart.
g) Mentally draw the life force and mind away from the heart and bring it to the end of the spine, the coccyx, then through the coiled annular pathway, through the plexuses, Christ Center, brain and medulla, then out. Feel yourself one with all space, including your body. Look at your body, uninhabited by you, your life force, or your mind.
h) Now concentrate your life force on the mind through the medulla to the brain, the Christ Center, between the eyebrows, then through the medulla, neck, back, thighs, sacrum to the heart. Now put it into action.
i) Direct the vital force and energy to the lungs.
j) Breathe in.
k) Tighten your body and open your eyes.
Just as an electric light bulb can be turned on and off in several steps, so the mind and the life force can be gradually switched on or off in the body lamp in the above manner through its eleven steps of body, mind and life control. The practice of the above mentioned methods and Kriyas, along with all yoga exercises or techniques, will help you gain control of death.

Part II
Physiological death experienced by mortals and metaphysical death experienced by immortals
In the human body, cell renewal and death continues all the time. In some plants, life is not centralized. You можете, например, отрезать корень и верхушку растения, разрезать на многие parts, взять любую из нарезанных частей, и из них вырастут новые растения. A man, with his hair-roots upwards and the brain axis of the spine, is like a trunk with motor nerves that form branches, he is like an inverted tree, but the tree of man differs in the following: his life is centralized in the medulla, he cannot reproduce for himself a new human body from of its separated parts, so bodily death occurs when the plexus of the medulla stops its activity. The death of the human body occurs gradually and as follows:
one. Muscular paralysis or loss of vital force from the muscles due to muscular insufficiency, due to paralysis of the motor nerves.
2. Relaxation of the muscular sensory nerves (the brain or part of the nervous system considered to be the seat of sensations), which is attributed to the destruction of the sensory nerves (which transmit sensations to the brain).
The sensory nerves of a dying person cease their activity, arresting the consciousness, the sense of touch of the body or the bed or the atmosphere. Just as the legs become numb, so the whole body becomes numb in a dying person. A person with a numb leg knows and sees his leg, but is unable to do anything with it and move it. So a dying person knows and sees his body (unless the optic nerves and muscles are paralyzed), but he can do nothing with it. This is similar to the state of a person paralyzed on both sides of the body, i.e. in fact, the whole body of a person and, although he sees his body, he cannot move it, move his members at will.

The soul is not limited by the breath
Just as a person does not feel pain when his the paralyzed arm is severely burned, and the dying body of a person does not respond to any pain. Paralysis of the head, chest, abdomen, liver, arms and legs does not cause any pain, only paralysis of the lungs causes suffering through sensations of suffocation. This is the truth of mental suffering. In sleep, a person is not aware of the need for breathing, and yet he sleeps peacefully. In most cases, a person is not aware that he is breathing, despite the fact that he is breathing all the time. The same thing happens when a spiritual person dies. When paralysis of the lungs sets in, he does not feel suffocated, for he knows that the existence of the soul does not depend on breathing. Mortal man thinks that his soul or life depends on the breath, so he suffers the agony of suffocation, just as we experience the painful sensation of suffocation during a nightmare, although in restful sleep the absence of breath consciousness is clearly visible.
3. Then the nerves of touch and smell are paralyzed.
4. Then the functions of the optic nerves stop and the dying person goes blind.
5. Then finally the auditory nerves cease their activity and the dying person becomes deaf.
Paralysis of the heart, lungs, liver and members of the body does not yet mean complete death. The vital force is first withdrawn from the muscles, then from the heart and sense organs, and remains enclosed in one of the nerve plexuses, the plexuses of the seven spinal nerve centers - in the coccyx, sacrum, thighs, spinal cord, neck, large brain and medulla. Consciousness, like the state of deep sleep (painless), can be delayed in the spine.
Decay is a sign of death
When life is withdrawn from the spine, the brain, and especially from the medulla, then death occurs and the disintegration of the body begins. When annihilation begins in the outer body, then it also begins within the body, then death becomes a fact. Stopping of the pulse or respiration, or lethargy of the muscles, limbs, and cells, does not yet determine death. Therefore, when the science of embalming was not yet known, many were burned or buried alive (when the activity of the heart and breathing stopped). However, in such cases it would be possible to bring life out of the spine.
The suffering of death
Just as pain is not felt in sleep, so there is no pain at the onset of death. Death means the end of all bodily pain. This is the body's home password. fortresses. Just as sleep stops the activity of the body engaged in difficult work and its suffering, so death automatically eliminates all suffering that has arisen in the body.
Just as a paralyzed person is sad in himself because he cannot work or move in his usual body without being able to use his strength. Then the mental agony begins, which is stopped by the senses.
Mental suffering is a self-created and self-imposed sensibility
Death is the transfer from one body to another of the soul, the nineteen elements of the astral body (senses, mind, intellect), the ten sense organs, the subtle life force and the five pranas. In death, the soul simply lays aside its bodily garments.
Death is the most feared because people for centuries considered it a terrible event. People are afraid of death the way children are afraid of entering a dark room. Just as fears of the appearance of spirits are increased by attested accounts of experiences with them, so the fear of death is increased by accounts of so-called suffering in death.
Death is only the disconnection of the life force from the wheel of the body. Death is a transfer from the bodily car to the astral airship of the light world. Death is the leap of the life dragonfly from one sheet of existence to another. Death is a short circuit determined by karma before and after birth to disconnect the senses, sight, touch, smell, hearing from the muscles, heart, spine and medulla. Death is like sleep.
Death is liberation from all physical suffering and from very great bodily pain. Death is the end in which life wants to rest. Death is not painful, but the greatest happiness and liberation from all torment. Those who are torn apart by bombs in war will never know what the agony of death means.
Metaphysics of death
Just as in a dream you can see how a baby is born, screams, breathes, grows, feels, touches, tastes, smells, sees, hears, gets sick, groans from pain, becomes paralyzed and dies, so the birth

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