Message: #77531
Buckshee » 18 Feb 2017, 02:52

The Seven Steps of Self-Realization Volume IV Step Seven. Sri Paramahamsa Yogananda

golden holy radiance. However, to achieve results, you must follow this path and seriously practice the technique of these exercises.
Before practicing this technique, say the following prayer:
Heavenly Father, guide my wisdom through the Spiritual Eye star to lead me to the Christ Consciousness. Отец Небесный, яви мне всегда ясный глаз: встречайся всегда со мной через Spiritual Eye. May my consciousness always follow the dove of light that descends from heaven and baptizes me with the Christ Consciousness.
Method. Condition - Sit up straight in the Lotus or cross-legged position, place the thumbs of both hands loosely on the shells of each ear, place the index finger lightly on the outer corners of the eyes, gently pressing them, place the middle fingers at the nostrils, the position of the third finger should be over corners of the upper lips and a small finger should be at the corners of the lower lips. Practice: keeping all fingers in this position, inhale with the sound "Oh", as in real Kriya, passing the current upward through the brain - the tube of the spine from the coccyx to the point between the eyebrows; then hold your breath, drawing your eyebrows tightly together and pressing the eyeballs so gently that they do not rotate, pressing all fingers tightly, closing your mouth, nostrils, ears and eyes, hold your breath, counting from 1 to 12 or from 1 to 25 (или так долго, насколько вы сможете), и смотрите на Spiritual Eye (звезду мудрости, на третий глаз, ясный глаз, или на вращающийся свет центра воли). The astral eye will first open the astral light. Then, through deeper concentration, that eye will become spiritual, revealing the Spirit. Смотрите на Spiritual Eye, затем освободите пальцы, держа их в том же состоянии, и выдохните, посылая ток вниз по позвоночному столбу со звуком "И". This is a telescopic eye. The two physical eyes open matter to us, the Third Eye opens God and Spirit to us. Just as a chicken lives in the yolk of an egg, covered with a shell, and then, when it grows up, it breaks the shell and goes out into the great light, so the simple person, having seen the astral eye, can go beyond the yolk of this Earth, hatching through the heavenly shell to to the entire Cosmos and the vision of the Boundless.
When to Exercise. Repeat this exercise three times. Practice right before going to bed and immediately after practicing Kriya.
Simple Caveats:
one. Avoid excitement.
2. Eat very little or no meat.
3. Эту технику никогда не следует практиковать с полным желудком, partsчное голодание является очень полезным и действенным.
4. Do not distribute any of these techniques without securing prior permission from the Preceptor Guru.
5. Do not violate a certain number of practice exercises before your Spiritual Preceptor-Guru allows you to do this, do not allow fears, doubts and suspicions.
6. One should not be tense when practicing the control of prana taught in these lessons.
7. Don't lead an unbalanced life.
8. Observe moderation in all things, especially in sexual life, this strengthens wisdom and vitality.
9. Eat plenty of fruits and raw foods and ground nuts.
10. Sit for a long time in prayer, feeling joyful contact with God, after practicing this Kriya.
1one. Do not rise immediately and leave immediately after practicing Kriya.
After correctly practicing real Kriya 14 times, Maha Mudra 3 times and Yoni Mudra 3 times, a very rapid development will be achieved.
Revisiting (Kriya)
There are 3 main directions in Kriya exercises:
A. Maha Mudra.
Б. Training Крийи.
Q. Yoni Mudra to be practiced in the order shown.
Maha Mudra, in addition to electrifying the spine, also helps to strengthen the spine, frees it and distributes vitality to the organs. Йони Мудра преследует цель направлять через Spiritual Eye или центр воли, чтобы вы могли видеть свет посредством собственных усилий:
If you have one Eye, then your whole body will be full of light.
You must not only see the five-pointed star, but you must pass through it so that your wisdom is guided through the star (through the passage of light: take the technique and diagram of the 1st preceptum to help). Through this star we can see everything that can be seen. Both physical eyes show us matter. The "Third Eye" shows us God and Spirit.
Carefully study the technique of Maha Mudra and Yoni Mudra, learning all the details, and practice it every day as directed. Regular practice also brings success. Consider simple causation. It is very important. Wholesome nourishment, without poisonous substances, a calm mind free from overwork, moderation in all things are essential for success. After practicing, keep the contact of joy with God.
Rarefied spiritual atmosphere or vibration, bad habits and inclinations are destroyed by electricity and dissipated. Bad habits and cravings are rats that gnaw at the vital wires of our body, but they are not able to live in a rarefied spiritual consciousness. Meditation и практикование Крийи автоматически уничтожают такие влечения.

Part I
Whether death is desirable or not
Just as a very ripe orange easily falls to the ground, so an elderly, aged person dies without difficulty. If a storm plucks an unripe orange, then the purpose of its existence has been stolen from it, i.e. its maturation so that it can serve the human being, giving him health and joy through the enjoyment of his sweetness. Also, if a person is broken by a storm of illness and dies, then this is undesirable and unnatural. Death through illness is painful and undesirable. It also slows down the elimination of the individual's karma or the activities of past lives, for which he comes into this world.
Young people get angry when they have to die unexpectedly, due to illness or accident. People in their years who have lived their lives right find that their mind and vitality slip out of the body cell without much suffering or effort. Young people, full of hope and inspiration, are ready to work out the program of their life according to their inner impulses and are not ready or do not agree to die. The old man has usually exhausted his physical, mental and spiritual powers and is ready to leave the body when his time comes. As long as the Soul has not fulfilled its plans before and after birth and has not found liberation, then it should not look for the possibility of liberation from the bodily abode, because then it will have to return back to fulfill what it has not finished. If death comes suddenly, despite the fact that a person still wants to live, then this should not be prevented or not wanted to leave.

Whether death is imposed on us by force or not
A person lives in this world for two reasons, namely: firstly, for the sake of the will of God, and secondly, because of the need to live out the results of past lives. All unfulfilled desires create new births. The only way to liberation is to find the fulfillment of all desires in God - in blissful meditation. Only when God is reached, when the purpose of this life is fulfilled, and then and only then, those who are united with Him, can remain in this world for as long as they want - for a long or short time. All Souls are sent to earth to find the purpose of life and to know the Truth, i.e. the truth about life, which is the knowledge of God and the purpose of His creation. When this is achieved, they are liberated souls. Souls that come into the world and misuse their God-given free will are taken captive to wander in the labyrinths of incarnations. Such souls need to experience all sorts of painful deaths and mystical rebirths. However, if the Souls, guided by the saints, meditate and lead the right way of life, in accordance with the will of God, then they are freed. The liberated seem to die, but never experience the agony of death. In death they find the passage of the Soul from the limited body into the unlimited realm of the Omnipresent Spirit.
In addition, it becomes obvious that premature death is not desirable if we take into account that the Soul - a prisoner, which is forced to break out of the bodily prison due to some kind of illness, will be forced to achieve the goal of its incarnation in another life. The abode of the Soul is the omnipresent space, full of bliss - there it dwells with its Father, the Spirit. The lost Soul is enclosed in a body and it needs to achieve its goal.
Just as those imprisoned, who live in captivity for a long time, begin to get used to it and regret when the time comes for release and leaving prison, so the omnipresent Souls, who have been imprisoned for a long time and lived in a bodily prison, get used to this and feel very great suffering when it is time to leave the bodily prison. Therefore, the suffering of death can be attributed more to the psychological causes of the attachment of the Soul to the body than to physiological causes.
Death includes suffering, fears, unconsciousness, forgetfulness and therefore must be avoided.
A liberated person does not need to overcome death, which is accompanied by unconsciousness, oblivion, suffering and fears, for he joyfully, consciously, fearlessly and without suffering, leaves his body. Release from prison is determined by the fact that a person has already been there before. Therefore, death involves a painful exit from the bodily prison after first entering it and leaving the unlimited realm of the Spirit at birth.
Important note
It is necessary for

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