Message: #77531
Buckshee » 18 Feb 2017, 02:52

The Seven Steps of Self-Realization Volume IV Step Seven. Sri Paramahamsa Yogananda

It cannot be described, but can only be felt. Youсшая любовь рождается из полезности. We cannot love anything that is not useful or valuable or that constantly causes suffering in us. If you serve others with good deeds or good advice or protect them, then this is called "usefulness". Likewise, our love for God is born from usefulness. Saints and prophets prayed to love God, for He can be useful to people in a way that no one else can. We aspire to Him, for He is the Healer of all sickness and suffering, and He gives eternal joy. Whoever cannot love his neighbors cannot also love God; he cannot have a higher and divine love. Although love is born out of human kinship and out of mutual utility, yet the property of the highest or pure love is freedom from the law of mutual utility. When the highest love blossoms in any soul, it is clothed in the attractive beauty of Divine love. Youсшая любовь одарит вас красотой, которая привлечет к вам внимание высших Существ и их продолжительную любовь.

ATся мудрость исходит из внутреннего источника, из души без ограничения. How can you explore all bodily things and divine mysteries in human life in a short time if you do not draw wisdom from an inner source that is everywhere? Do you know how to spend your time? Very few people know how much we can invest in our lives if we use our time wisely. Don't waste your time - the time of this life will be gone before we awaken, and for this reason we will not realize the value of immortal time. God gave us everything. Too much time is wasted running, rushing and looking for something. Very few of us stop, discuss and look for what life can give us.
How can you speed up your development? By focusing everything experienced, through concentration, you direct your attention to one goal. By focusing your attention, you can accomplish things that would normally take a long time.
Peace usually begins with books and other external methods. You же должны начинать с увеличения своей способности предугадывания, ибо в вас обитает вся мудрость. Calmness, concentration and concentration of experiences, together with intuitive perception will make you a teacher of all knowledge. Do nothing superficially and hastily, do everything with perfect attention, but do not do several things at once. Do the most important things with full attention.

At the end of the seventh step, you stand at the door of the Cosmic Mastery, and you must keep in your mind the following important notes.
The steps of the technique of exercises with the energies of the spine are the only way to true elevation. Physical and mental rejuvenation through the coordinated fulfillment of Divine laws in life, together with the stimulation of vital technology, awakens dormant abilities and higher senses. Such discipline, combined with unwavering will and determination, destroys material desires and gives not only control over the senses, but also control over the pranic force. Then the life energy, guided by wisdom and intuition, flows towards the purifying Divine stream like “lotus flower petals”, like rays, and switches attention from matter to Spirit.
If you approach these steps scientifically, the results will be definite and known. You не будете вводимы в заблуждение ложными пророками, если вы неотступно будете практиковать эту технику упражнений и будете верно следовать за своим Гуру-Учителем, святое родство которого не affected by time, it will not end before you reach liberation. You теперь твердо идете по пути самореализации. You должны теперь идти к вечному Блаженству.
Completion of the seventh step gives you the testimony that you can spiritually help others spread the message of self-realization through illustrations and teaching. So you have two great challenges ahead of you. ATо-первых, вы должны постоянно практиковать учение самореализации, всегда в своей жизни практиковать основы этого учения. ATо-вторых, вы должны распространить свое самосознание, заинтересовывая и других идти по этому пути. You должны быть подобны Богу и великому Гуру, желающим учить и помогать другим людям через вас. Feeding the hungry is good, helping the hungry so that they can help themselves is even better, helping people develop the mental faculties by which they can be all-round successful is even better - but being a means of self-realization and spreading the Divine consciousness to others is the most important matter.
Remember that self-realization is not faith. It is the one universal truth that underlies all religions that you have experienced within yourself. It is a universal liberation technique and an intuitive path that students of all religions must follow in order to reach God. ATосьмая ступень Патанджали также входит в прецептумы. Самореализация состоит из благочестия, духовной активности и Раджа-Йоги, ATеданты и других индийских философий и техник всего мира.
When you organize a study group, you can teach each member of the group concentration, meditation, and concentration exercises and read to them some portion of the precepts. However, you must not give anyone a single copy of your notes. Try to get others to subscribe to lectures from the main center. Эти прецептумы насыщены духом ATеликих Учителей. Если вы их будете изучать с благочестием и большим вниманием и будете практиковать глубокую медитацию, то вы соприкоснетесь с посредничеством ATеликих Учителей и будете возвышены в Царство Космического Сознания.
Practice diligently in the daily exercises taught in these lectures. Never look at the time when you enjoy the peace of God after the labors of pleasant meditation and concentration. See the earth as your abode and your people and all people as your brothers. Feel God in the temple of meditation and feel Him, strengthening the love for Him in all human hearts.
Allocate one part of your time for reading, one part for reflection and concentration, one part for writing, and one part for meditation. Be conscious of the Spirit in all your daily activities. Do some of your work in founding a spiritual brotherhood in the United States of the world.
Remember that although the course of these lectures has ended, your lessons with God and your Guru have not ended. Stay closely connected with the Self Realization Fellowship, be 100% faithful in your life and spread this teaching across the globe. Write to the main center about your intentions to form groups or about other initiatives you want to undertake to achieve self-realization.

With Endless Blessings - Swami Yogananda

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