Message: #67352
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 20:27

100% vision. Fitness and diet for the eyes. Margarita Zyablitseva

choroid proper (choroid). Uveitis is classified by location, cause, and duration. The duration of uveitis can be acute and chronic (if it lasts more than 6 weeks). According to localization, four main types of uveitis are distinguished. Anterior uveitis (iridocyclitis) affects the iris and ciliary body and is the most common. Peripheral uveitis involves the ciliary body and choroid, vitreous, and retina. Posterior uveitis (choroiditis, chorioretinitis) affects the choroid, retina, and optic nerve. Panuveitis is characterized by inflammation of the entire uveal tract.
Most often, uveitis is caused by an infection or a systemic inflammatory disease. In some cases, the cause of uveitis remains unknown.
Signs (symptoms). The symptoms of uveitis depend on the location of the inflammation. Anterior: photophobia, decreased vision, redness of the eye around the cornea, pain in the eye, narrow pupil, lacrimation, increased intraocular pressure. Peripheral: often affects both eyes, floaters (flies), decreased vision. Chorioretinitis: decreased vision, pain (if the optic nerve is involved). Panuveitis: a combination of symptoms of anterior, intermediate and posterior uveitis.
Diagnostics. Uveitis is determined by careful examination of the eyes with a slit lamp and an ophthalmoscope. Vision and intraocular pressure are also checked. In some cases, blood tests are required to rule out or confirm systemic disease.
Treatment. The purpose of a specific treatment depends on the severity of the inflammation and which parts of the eye are affected. Eye drops, injections under the conjunctiva and in the eyelid, tablets, intramuscular and intravenous injections - all this can be prescribed to stop the inflammatory reaction. In some cases, drops are required to reduce elevated intraocular pressure. After the inflammation subsides, it may be necessary to treat the consequences of uveitis: cataracts, glaucoma, vitreous opacity, retinal detachment.

Inflammation of the episclera (episcleritis)

Episcleritis is an inflammation of the connective tissue between the conjunctiva and the sclera, called the episclera. The red eye in episcleritis makes it look like conjunctivitis. Usually it occurs without any apparent reason, but sometimes it appears against the background of a systemic inflammatory disease: rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis. Episcleritis can also be caused by rosacea, herpes simplex infection, gout, tuberculosis, and other diseases.
Women suffer from this disease more often than men. Обычно эписклерит возникает в thirty—four0-летнем возрасте и часто рецидивирует.
Signs (symptoms). General or local soreness when touching the eye through the eyelids, slight pain in the eye.
Diagnostics. Episcleritis is diagnosed by slit lamp examination. The doctor determines the presence of discharge, tenderness, and involvement of the underlying sclera to rule out other problems.
Treatment. Treatment is usually not required. Chilled artificial tear drops may be prescribed to soothe the eye and relieve minor inflammation. In more severe cases, nonsteroidal and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed in drops and ointments.


Hyphema – кровотечение в переднюю камеру глаза, пространство между роговицей и радужкой. As you know, the iris is the anterior part of the choroid of the eye, and its tissue is really rich in blood vessels, which serve as sources of hyphema.
The hyphema, when large enough, can be seen relatively easily with the naked eye. Since blood cells are heavier than the aqueous humor of the eye, which normally fills the anterior chamber, they settle to its bottom when a person is in vertical position. When a person lies down, the blood is churned, the blood cells become suspended, and vision naturally deteriorates. Even with a small amount of blood in the anterior chamber, vision is significantly reduced, as the suspended blood cells strongly scatter light.
Что касается причин гифемы, то чаще всего кровотечение в переднюю камеру глаза вызывается, конечно же, тупой травмой eyes. Hyphema также может быть осложнением хирургических операций на глазу и может быть связана с аномальными сосудами радужки, болезнями крови и сосудов, а также определенными глазными опухолями.
Signs (symptoms). Reduced vision (up to the ability to only feel light), accumulation of blood in the anterior chamber, an increase in intraocular pressure in some cases
Diagnostics. For доктора очень важно определиться с причиной гифемы, и, если гифема связана с травмой, детальное описание того, как она произошла, поможет в составлении плана лечения. Visual acuity will be checked and intraocular pressure will be measured. The eye is examined with a slit lamp and an ophthalmoscope.
Treatment depends on the specific cause of the hyphema and its size. Often the blood resolves spontaneously within a few days, especially if there was not much of it. For ускорения процесса назначается рассасывающее лечение. During these days, the doctor will monitor intraocular pressure, as the cells of the outflowing blood are captured by the natural flow of aqueous humor into the drainage system of the eye and clog it.
In this case, drops can be prescribed that reduce pressure. With large volumes of blood, in the absence of the effect of conservative resolving therapy and the appearance of complications, such as increased intraocular pressure, blood smears on the cornea, surgical washing out of the hyphema is performed.


Glaucoma – заболевание, вызванное высоким внутриглазным давлением, без лечения приводящее к необратимой гибели зрительного нерва. BUT гибель зрительного нерва означает безвозвратную потерю зрения. However, early detection and treatment can slow down or even stop the progression of the disease.
The causes of this disease are as follows: a liquid substance called aqueous humor is constantly produced in the eye. Aqueous moisture is secreted ciliary body into the posterior chamber - a small space between the lens and the iris. Then she goes through the opening of the pupil into the anterior chamber - the space between the cornea and the iris - and fills it. In the corner of the anterior chamber, where the cornea and iris converge, there is a complex drainage system of the eye, through which aqueous humor leaves the eye and enters the bloodstream. It is the balance between production and outflow of aqueous humor that determines intraocular pressure (IOP). Most people have IOP in the range of one6-25 mmHg. Although some eyes can withstand higher pressure. Therefore, the norm is always individual: what is high for one may be normal for another.
A whitish substance called pseudoexfoliation occurs on the anterior lens capsule. Происхождение этого вещества плохо изучено, но хорошо известен подвид открытоугольной глаукомы, связанной с блоком путей оттока внутриглазной жидкости отложением псевдоэксфолиаций в углу передней камеры eyes.
Open angle glaucoma. This most common form of glaucoma is also known as "chronic open-angle" or "primary open-angle." With this form of glaucoma, although the anterior segment of the eye looks normal, aqueous humor does not get the proper outflow, accumulates in the eye, and, as a result, intraocular pressure rises. Left untreated, it leads to a gradual but permanent loss of vision. Usually, the doctor prescribes eye drops to lower IOP, but they are often not enough to reduce the pressure required, so you have to perform anti-glaucoma surgery - laser or knife.
Angle-closure glaucoma. Эта форма встречается у ten % больных глаукомой. Angle-closure glaucoma is characterized by acute attacks of closure of the angle of the anterior chamber. it случается из-за патологии передних отделов глазного яблока. AT большинстве своем эта патология проявляется мелкой передней камерой, т. е. уменьшением пространства между роговицей и радужкой, что суживает просвет путей оттока водянистой влаги из eyes. If a отток полностью блокируется, ATГД повышается до высоких цифр.
While patients with open-angle glaucoma often do not have any symptoms, patients with angle-closure glaucoma, on the contrary, during attack experience severe pain in the eye, accompanied by a headache in the same half of the head, nausea, vomiting, iridescent circles in front of the eye, its redness. An acute attack of glaucoma is an urgent condition requiring the immediate initiation of adequate treatment. Otherwise, in a few hours, the optic nerve can completely die, and a person will lose sight of this eye for life.
secondary glaucoma. When any eye disease leads to an increase in IOP, they speak of secondary glaucoma. It can be caused by inflammation, trauma, surgery, diabetes, tumors, and certain medications. This form of glaucoma requires both treatment of the underlying problem and glaucoma.
congenital glaucoma. This rare form of glaucoma occurs in children and in most cases requires surgical treatment.
Signs (symptoms). Glaucoma – коварная болезнь, потому что она редко вызывает жалобы. Detection and prevention is often only possible through regular check-ups with an ophthalmologist. BUT такие формы глаукомы, как закрытоугольная и врожденная, вызывают появление симптомов: острый приступ закрытоугольной глаукомы: чрезвычайно сильная боль в глазу, резкое ухудшение зрения, головная боль (часто болит половина головы со стороны больного глаза), тошнота и рвота, засветы и светобоязнь; врожденная глаукома, слезотечение, светобоязнь, увеличение размеров роговицы и всего eyes.
Diagnostics. Due to the fact that glaucoma in most cases does not manifest itself in any way, persons over four0 years of age should be shown to an ophthalmologist once a year with a mandatory measurement of intraocular pressure. For those whose doctor suspects glaucoma, additional testing may be needed.
A glaucoma screening includes several standard components. In addition to measuring intraocular pressure, the rate of formation of aqueous humor in the eye and the rate of outflow of intraocular fluid (tonography) are determined. The doctor also evaluates the condition of the optic nerve head (ophthalmoscopy), checks the visual field, and examines the anterior structures of the eye with a special contact lens (gonioscopy).
The optic disc becomes gray in glaucoma, and a characteristic depression (excavation) appears in its center. The further advanced glaucoma, the wider excavation. The cup width is quantified by taking its width as a ratio to the disc width. For example, an E/D (cup/disk) of 0.5 indicates less advanced glaucoma than an E/D of 0.9.
The progression of glaucoma is also assessed by the results of a visual field test (perimetry). For начальной глаукомы характерны изменения в центральном поле зрения, для более продвинутых стадий – сужение периферического


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