Message: #67360
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 20:29

Clear mind. Meditation and fitness for the mind. Joel and Michelle Levy

take a position of absolute self-protection. We lose the perspective of the larger context and identify with the melodramatic role we are currently immersed in. This self-restraint cuts off from us those healing energies that we most need at such moments. The stronger our sense of isolation, the greater the suffering, because self-isolation has cut us off from the flow of healing energies. The prayer that the lama sang was just talking about this sad state of affairs and, out of compassion, called to help people in the transformation of this painful habit - to narrow the focus of their horizons to themselves.

The meditation practice below helps us strengthen our ability to transform every experience we have into an expression of love and concern for ourselves, others, and the world. A beautiful paradox: by opening our heart and expanding it beyond our limited understanding of well-being, we are doing ourselves good! The moment we generate an energy wave of true love and care for the well-being and happiness of others, our own compassion has an immediate healing effect on our mind and body. Although мелодичная молитва ламы определенно способствовала процессу раскрытия и смягчения, медитативная техника работает вполне эффективно и полноценна сама по себе.

On theчиная, в течение нескольких минут breathe softly and consciously, noticing the rhythm of chest and diaphragm movements, in time with inhalations and exhalations. Let the area around your heart chakra relax, open up and soften. Let you have a clear sense of inner space, like a wide, clear sky. Imagine or feel that your body is empty and hollow inside, as if there are no dense material organs inside it, like a balloon in the shape of a body: everything inside you is completely open and permeated with light so that there is nowhere for anything to hide. The space inside you and the space outside are one; the pores of your skin are completely permeable to the flow of air and the currents of energy that come in and out of you. You feel like you are breathing freely through your pores. (Смотрите подробные рекомендации по этой визуализации в разделе «Meditation полого тела».)

Pause. Remain in this state until a clear feeling of open inner space is established, devoid of any obstructions.

Then imagine that in the region of the heart chakra, in the center of the chest, a transformational vortex has formed. You can visualize it as a volcanic fire of wisdom burning away the slag of illusion, like a black hole in space, a piece of coal transforming into a beautiful diamond, crystal rock, or any other transformational metaphor you can think of.

Now comes the turn of meditation in that part of it, which Gshe Gyaltsen calls "vacuum cleaner meditation." Imagine that your breath is working like a vacuum pump on a vacuum cleaner. Collect with this vacuum cleaner any pain, any negative phenomena that are only in your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, and pump them into a transformational whirlwind. If at the moment you do not feel any pain or discomfort anywhere, let the breath-vacuum cleaner collect any seeds of diseases, any diseases that may exist in your body in a latent form, and potential causes of possible future suffering that may appear under certain conditions. Visualize these phenomena as heavy, hot energy or dark smoke.

When you're ready, reach out from the bottom of your heart to someone else, a lover, a stranger, or even a whole group of people in pain. When you breathe in, breathe in their anxiety or frustration along with their troubles. Offer this energy to them with compassion to explode the core of the concept of yourself as a separate "little me" in your heart. Using all the "special effects" at your disposal, allow the negative energy to transform into positive. Send waves of peace, patience and light in response to this change. Experience openness and connection to the world as you expand the reach of your active compassion and care.

Continue to do all this for as long as you see fit, or as long as you have time for it. Let each breath cycle further deepen and strengthen your energetic nature and ability to transform. This type of meditation can be practiced anywhere, under any circumstances. On theчав с себя, расширяйте круг сострадательной осознанности так, чтобы он достигал и других людей, жаждущих тех же качеств внутренней и внешней гармонии, которые стараетесь обрести и вы.

Practice this form quietly and discreetly while driving or waiting for a bus, during a stressful or otherwise boring meeting, while watching the evening news or walking your dog, and so on. This meditation is designed to develop engagement and participation; it is an active way of transforming negative energy. Bringing peace and healing to the world. We regularly practice this type of meditation when we park in front of a hospital, on our way to visit a sick person, or on our way to work. And you know what we found out? The healing process begins immediately, even before we enter the hospital elevator. This meditation serves mainly to quiet the mind so that we bring peace and tranquility with us. We have taught this practice to tens of thousands of people of all walks of life and of all philosophical and spiritual backgrounds. Some immediately intuitively understand the meaning of this practice, based on their own ideas about the flow of energy and information that freely permeates the natural world. Others interpret this practice as a deeply personal participation in the love of Christ that extends to the whole world. We invite you to interpret the form we have proposed in your own way.

Remember: the ability to transform the negative energy of the world through this meditation practice is secondary to the ability to transform the illusion of one's own separate from the world. The real power of this practice lies in the development of a deeper sense of kinship with the world, and also in the fact that it helps us to free ourselves from excessive preoccupation with our personal situation. This meditation is essentially a mental training that empowers us to gain access to the inner source of infinite capacity for transformation. It also teaches respect and respect for the sacred secret of interdependence. We see that active compassion for others leads to a healing attitude towards oneself. If we take each breath to heart, it becomes an act of mutuality and care, strengthens our integrity and frees us from the illusion of separateness.

Group meditation: everyone who is with me

Мгновение за мгновением, день за днем медитацию можно практиковать как жизнь в контексте «правильных отношений», как изучение этого контекста и как обретение love. Relationships are the fabric from which integrity is woven, embracing everything that exists. We want to honor the community spirit by offering a group meditation practice at the end. We have found that group meditation can be a wonderful way to recognize our deep interconnectedness and create a common holy place, a way to bring many, many different people into harmony with each other and to bring about a felt awareness that our human nature and our goals are common to all.

With the inspiration and blessings we have received from our teachers, we have created a simple but powerful ritual from this form to help a group of people come together and come together in a very short time. Many spent it on the Thanksgiving holiday with their family or during other family events. Sometimes we hold it before the start of a business meeting or meeting to remind the audience of those whose existence needs to be remembered. It is often an uplifting practice for the congregation to start and/or end a seminar, wedding, or church service with. Мы обнаружили, что эта простая практика весьма действенна в самых разных conditions. The main thing is a suitable context so that this meditative form can find meaning and significance for the participants in it. Here is her description.

Sit down together in a circle. Each of us feels that we are sitting in center of the universe, surrounded by endless circles of all living beings. We join hands. If you are leading this class, start the meditation with the words: “All who are with me…” and lightly shake the hand of the person who is on your left with your left hand. When he hears your words and feels your handshake, he also says: "Everyone who is with me ..." - and shakes the hand of the person who is to his left. The pulsation of voices and kind handshakes cascades around. Every time you hear the spoken words or say them yourself, speak to everyone through your heart, mind and hands so that everyone remembers and affirms in memory the whole multitude of people and beings, all those “who are with us”, that is, those whose life, one way or another, are connected with ours. We remember the existence of those we love, we remember our ancestors and future generations, all living beings, visible and invisible beings. We remember the Source of all life that inspires us.

If you like, you can invite people to say the names of lovers or friends whose existence they want to remember in this circle. On theпример, можно говорить: «Мои дети… и все, кто со мной…», «Все дети мира… и все, кто со мной…», «Мои родители… и все, кто со мной», «Все мои студенты (пациенты) and everyone who is with me”, “All my friends who are sick ... and everyone who is with me ...”, “All those who suffer or who are lonely, and


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