Message: #67360
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 20:29

Clear mind. Meditation and fitness for the mind. Joel and Michelle Levy

it not only to our own isolated well-being, but the well-being and tranquility of all beings throughout the world. This is how we give everything we have and get even more in return. If at least once a day you end your meditation sessions in this way, your entire practice will take on a more meaningful scale and will bring more benefit to you and everyone around you.

When your meditation session is over, carry the natural light of this love wherever you are. Let love-kindness and compassion shine in your heart like the brightest sun, illuminating the whole world and everything that exists in it with the light of this love that you radiate as a blessing to the world. If your awareness weakens, breathe new strength into it - through the images and words given above - and let the light of your love shine again into the world.

heart to heart

Imagine that in the space in front of you there is someone for whom you feel great tenderness, love AND sympathy. This may be the image of a lover (lover), a close friend or even a pet. Imagine a vivid picture of his presence in the space in front of you and allow yourself to experience the genuine feeling of love and kindness that you feel.

Now concentrate on the heart of this creature, but not on what is the basis of the cardiovascular system, but on what is the center of feelings, stretch out your hands to it (literally) and imagine that in your hands, like in a cradle, you you hold the center of feelings of this creature, taking his heart in your hands. Imagine that with each breath you are filled with a feeling of love and care from the inside; as you exhale, this source of love within you, visualized as streams of light energy, flows out of your heart and flows through your hands, gently pouring into the heart of this being. Now stretch out your heart to him. Concentrate and silently offer your love and care to him, imagine that your gift is accepted in exactly the form that this being needs at the moment.

Now imagine how this creature holds out its heart to you. Imagine that your eyes meet and you recognize, rejoice and understand each other. Imagine that you are looking at each other with all love and complete forgiveness. Let the memories that blocked your heart earlier dissolve, let the memory be healed in the joy of this meeting of two hearts. Imagine you're looking deep friend friend in the eye, with the most sincere love, respect and understanding. Feel the flow of close connection between you.

Concentrate on the image of your (your) lover (lover) or friend. Imagine how he (she) turns into a small bright sphere of light, which you gently hold in your hands.

You inhale and gently place this sparkling sphere at the center of your heart. Imagine how brightly it sparkles, like a soft sun, exuding love and peace, dispelling the darkness around and inside you.

Raise both hands and touch your heart with them. As you breathe in, imagine that your heart is filled with a feeling of self-love. Think about what it means to give yourself the same love and care that you gave to everyone else.

Understand that it is very difficult to receive love and care from others if you are not able to give it to yourself. Feel true love for yourself and how it fills you. Use the natural rhythm and cycle of the breath to spread this love by imagining it moving from your heart through your hands and back to your heart. Feel what it means for you to be ready to always help yourself and love yourself.

When a flow is established between the heart and hands, begin to spread its circulation throughout the body. With each breath, send waves of love and care from your heart to all the cells and tissues of your body, to every nook and cranny of your mind. On theполните себя любовью. On theполните себя светом. Let it move, flow, circulate in every dimension of your being. Send this light of love to those places where there is pain that require special attention. Let this love spread like light and dissolve any seeds of disease that may be hidden in the mind or body. Imagine this light revitalizing and empowering your undeveloped potential for love, wisdom, power, and understanding.

Now, breathing easily, imagine that you are filled with light and love. Feel the power and presence of this love and this light within you. Shine for the whole world.

While in this energetic state, imagine that you are spreading your sense of well-being and love throughout the world, illuminating every darkness and banishing every fear that exists in the world. From your heart, send out waves of this love-light for everyone, and imagine how everyone receives them. exactly in the form that they most need and understand at the moment.

Теперь просто побудьте в потоке своего дыхания, излучая вашу любовь и свет — in to the world.

Take some time to appreciate how the world is changing what is happening inside you, and how these quiet moments of inner work increase harmony, balance and well-being around you.

Meditation с партнером

From each person comes a light that reaches to Heaven. And when two souls destined to be together find each other, their streams of light unite, and from their only being comes a common light, brighter than the light of one being.

Baal Shem Tov

Meditation together can be quite a powerful way to add depth and vitality to your most treasured relationships. Meditation с возлюбленным или возлюбленной дает нам возможность очистить себя от мыслительной и эмоциональной пыли, увидеть друг друга более свежим взором, увидеть друг друга по-новому в каждый момент времени. This is the meaning of the word "respect" - "respect"; in Latin, it means "look again", that is, "look more closely." In a classic teaching on meditation and prayer, Father Thomas Keating speaks of the sacredness of the deep connection between two people:

In human relationships, as mutual love grows stronger, there comes a time when two people begin to exchange messages without words. They can sit in silence, sharing the pleasure of the moment they are living, or just enjoying each other, and at the same time say nothing. For such communication, it is enough to hold each other's hands or, from time to time, utter a single word. This kind of relationship indicates the level of inner silence that can be achieved in contemplative prayer.

Entire volumes could be written about the subtleties and tricks of this "double" meditation, but we will only briefly describe some of the main ideas and techniques. Вы можете использовать их в паре с партнером, чтобы развить более тесные отношения с самим собой и с тем, кого вы любите, и привнести в ваши отношения больше love.

On theстройка

Sit opposite each other, palm to palm, left hand palm up, right hand palm down. Take a few breaths, relax, clear and open your mind. Breathe and Set feeling the energy center (it is also the center of awareness and feelings), fill it with energy. Using breathing, expand the field (sphere) of feelings and vibrations around you; let them reach your partner. At the same time, feel the field of your partner; let it grow around and within you. Let your fields filled with the radiance of awareness blend into one field of harmonious vibration, as if you were matching two notes together to produce a dynamic chord of shared awareness.

Breath Synchronization

В процессе спокойной медитации по очереди обращайте внимание друг друга на ритм breathing. Gradually allow your breath to synchronize with your partner's, enter into a state of empathic resonance. Через некоторое время измените ритм, и пусть ваш партнер подстроится к естественному для вас ритму breathing. On theконец, одновременно обратите внимание на то, как дышит партнер. Let the inhalations and exhalations gradually synchronize; Breathe harmoniously with your partner. Let this joint attunement bring you into a state of harmony and understanding on a deeper level.

Give and take

A variant of the previous form is to synchronize your inhalation with your partner's exhalation and vice versa. Imagine that you are breathing out love, energy, light and healing power and passing it on to your partner who breathes it all in. As you breathe in, allow yourself to accept the qualities of heart or mind that your partner betrays you. May this variation of meditation teach you to open your heart and mind to meet your partner's mind and heart, to give generously and receive gratefully.

Merging hearts, merging minds

Sit across from a partner with whom you share feelings of deep love, concern for each other, and trust. Sitting in a comfortable, balanced position, pay attention to the shape, density and materiality of your body, feel it. Now realize that your partner is also a being embodied in a sentient material body that has mass, shape, density, and volume. If you see fit, reach out and hold on to your partner or simply touch them. At the same time, feel how the substances of your bodies meet, greeting each other, how they communicate with each other. Sitting in this way, feel that your bodies are resting on the forms and structures of the world, and they are supported by the world.

After a while, shift your attention to more subtle levels. Feel that inside dense material bodies there are more subtle bodies, consisting of movements, vibrations, light, energy. The vibrations of these bodies of energy and light permeate the entire physical body and exit through the


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