Message: #352833
Ольга Княгиня » 08 Jun 2018, 00:11

We’re losing weight in no time. Alexey Valentinovich Faleev

that you do it anyway.

Questions and answers:

Letter: Please specify whether you recommend bowel cleansing for all people, even those who are not overweight.

I have the opposite situation. With a height of 170 cm, weight 50-52 kg. I am engaged in a gym with a barbell and on simulators. I want to pump up a little (for reliefs), gain weight.

The first question: will I lose weight completely from these purges;

Question two: is it possible to do cleansing if I have gastritis (with dysbacteriosis, flatulence). Elena.

Answer: Of course, cleaning is possible and even necessary. But about gastritis and dysbacteriosis, I will answer in a little more detail ... The fact is, that these diseases are always associated. If you have gastritis, then dysbacteriosis will be 100%.

I will try to explain how this happens.

Food entering the mouth is processed by slightly alkaline saliva. Then the food bolus enters the stomach, where it is treated with highly acidic gastric juice, consisting of hydrochloric acid. Further, liquid and semi-liquid food slurry undergoes further digestion under the action of intestinal juice, bile and pancreatic juice, which already have an alkaline reaction. Under the influence of these juices in the small intestine, the final breakdown of almost all nutrients and the absorption of cleavage products into the blood and lymph occurs. Only a small part of them, mainly plant foods, enters the large intestine unchanged, since neither pancreatic juice nor intestinal juice can digest it. Vegetable fiber that enters the large intestine has an acidic reaction. And only here it is already decomposing due to the vital activity of bacteria, which are an integral part of the normal microflora of the large intestine.

I highlighted the phrase about the acid reaction of the food bolus entering the large intestine, because the intestine reacts with activity only to the acidic environment of the incoming food. He reacts to an alkaline environment with rest - in an alkaline environment, the intestines are empty.

Now let's see what happens with gastritis with low acidity. In this case, there is less acid in the stomach than necessary, as a result, the food bolus enters the large intestine with a slightly alkaline reaction. When the large intestine is filled with alkaline contents, the large intestine does not receive a chemical signal to end the rest and start working. And what's more, the body still thinks the colon is empty, and in the meantime, the colon keeps filling up and filling up. So there is atonic constipation, dysbacteriosis, flatulence. Constipation provokes hemorrhoids, etc. The chain unwinds.

With gastritis with high acidity, the food bolus enters the large intestine too acidic. High acidity of the chyme irritates the nerve endings of the mucous membrane and provokes motor hyperactivity of the large intestine. Therefore, gastritis with high acidity at the first stage is accompanied by frequent and profuse diarrhea. Because of them the intestinal mucosa is disturbed, the walls of the large intestine, in contact with highly acidic contents, experience a chemical burn and spasms. Being in a spastic state, the large intestine cannot perform its motor functions. There is spastic constipation, dysbacteriosis, flatulence. Constipation provokes hemorrhoids, etc. The chain unwinds again.

It is clear that gastritis should be treated first of all. But what kind of acid do you have - with low acidity or with high?

If you are happy to drink sour apple juice on an empty stomach, if the sight of a cut lemon does not twitch you, but, on the contrary, there is a desire to eat it whole even without sugar, then you undoubtedly have low acidity. And in the case of lemon, perhaps zero.

If, after apple juice, you experience a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, nausea, or pain, which you can get rid of by drinking a solution of baking soda (half a spoon of soda in a glass of water), then you have increased acidity.

But this, of course, is rude, it is best, of course, to take tests using a probeless acid test. Such an analysis will be done in any clinic.

It would be best to go to an appointment with a gastroenterologist and consult with him.

And do not think that it will pass by itself, it is better to strain once and permanently eliminate the cause than to leave everything untreated and suffer all your life.

By the way, perhaps that is why your weight is not growing either - the food bolus, after all, goes through the intestinal tract practically unprocessed. Here the body is starving.

Therefore, first treat gastritis, then sit down for cleaning with sunflower oil and flaxseed (this will just save you from dysbacteriosis), then clean the liver, pickle parasites and order. After that, you will only need to maintain your restored immunity.

Letter: What is the criterion to determine whether the intestines are cleaned enough? Tatiana.

Answer: The criterion for a clean healthy bowel is good, stable stools every day. If you eat vegetarian food, then twice a day. There is no flatulence, no diarrhea, no constipation, no dysbacteriosis.

It took from 1 to 15 kg of weight. Mood, complexion, well-being - everything is excellent.

Letter: You are talking about colon cleansing, liver cleansing and parasite eradication. Logically - first, you probably need to do it anyway poison, and then clean, otherwise the point is in cleaning?

Answer: No, you are wrong. If you don't clean all the way to the exit, then what's the use of pickling the parasites? If you have not cleansed the intestines, then all this muck, the corpses of dead parasites, the products of their decay and metabolism will remain there in the intestines, will lie and rot, poisoning the body. If you have not cleansed the liver, expanded the bile ducts, and eliminated the biliary dyskinesia, then the corpses of parasites can clog the bile ducts, which will only exacerbate chronic diseases and worsen the health situation. So, first the intestines, then the liver, then the parasites.

2.2. Hydrocolonotherapy.
Colon hydrotherapy is also often referred to as a bowel shower.

I will tell a little about this procedure for those who hear this word for the first time.

Colon hydrotherapy is completely painless. You lie on the couch for about 40-50 minutes, and water at about body temperature is injected into your rectum through a tube, under slight pressure. The amount of water per procedure ranges from 12 to 15 liters. Filling the intestines, water carries out feces and slags through tubes connected to a centralized drain. At the end of the procedure, patients are usually given a microclyster, with decoctions of herbs (chamomile, etc.), which have a calming effect. You can't eat for 2 hours after the procedure.

Indications for use: exogenous-constitutional obesity of I-III degree, chronic colitis of various etiologies, chronic constipation (alimentary, dyskinetic, mixed), liver and biliary tract diseases, metabolic diseases (gout, diabetes, diathesis).

Contraindications: chronic colitis in the acute stage, chronic colitis of parasitic etiology, ulcerative colitis, polyposis, intestinal obstruction, chronic enterocolitis, chronic proctitis, prolapse of the rectal mucosa, hemorrhoids in the acute stage, postoperative adhesions in the abdominal cavity, inguinal hernia, appendicitis.

It is believed that one procedure replaces 30 enemas. The standard course of treatment is 6-10 procedures at intervals of 5-7 days. The course is recommended to be taken once a year.

Now look at this procedure from the side of the patient.

The effect of the procedure is excellent, it affects not only the internal organs, but often improves the external appearance of skin, hair and nails. True, for some time after the procedure you feel so peculiar, that is, a little like “drunk”, but soon this feeling passes.

What I would like to note: since the intestinal microflora is actively washed out, an illiterately performed procedure can end very sadly for the patient, for example, dysbacteriosis, exacerbation of chronic hemorrhoids and even intestinal bleeding. The correct procedure involves the "settlement" of the intestine with normal microflora after its cleansing. Therefore, I advise you to do this procedure only in medical clinics.

Unfortunately, the procedure is quite expensive, the price of a full course of colon hydrotherapy is usually around $100. Therefore, not everyone will decide on this "modern enema."

I want to note one more thing - since this procedure has been offered in some gyms and fitness rooms, I advise you not to succumb to advertising and go through this procedure in a normal clinic. When it comes to health, it is best to trust professionals.

From myself I can say that if funds allow, then I advise you to clean the large intestine in this way.

However, by and large, I have already noted this, it does not matter how you clean the large intestine, the main thing is to clean it after all.

Questions and answers:

Letter: Hello! I would like to suggest that you look at the article on hydrocolonotherapy. The article refutes its advertised effectiveness.

“The doctor-gastroenterologist, member of the Russian Gastroenterological Association Vladimir Vladimirovich Vasilenko says:

Lies about colon cleansing

What is colon cleansing? Through the rectum, several liters of liquid are injected into the intestines, which may include coffee, herbs, wheat and other components. (During a regular enema, the volume of liquid is much smaller and only flows into the rectum.)

Colon lavage is potentially dangerous. The insertion of the tube can cause cramps and pain. If instruments are not well sterilized, infections can be transmitted through them. There have been cases of electrolyte imbalance and serious damage due to excessive absorption of "rinsing" substances into the blood.

Scammers from medicine make money on a false myth as best they can. For example, a certain System of Wellness Stations (SOS) offers a global bowel cleansing (GLC). Note that there are many offers for bowel cleansing, the difference is only in price

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