Message: #68065
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 12:18

Dinosaur Training. Forgotten secrets of strength and development of the body. Brooks Cube

results confirm this 100%, and after the first 10 years of training, Piri did not even put on a pound of muscle. But one thing Peary WAS HUGE was his heart. Piri never gave up. Didn't give up. He не останавливался. After 10 years of unsuccessful efforts, Peary read about a new exercise program based on many heavy, multiple repetitions of squats, with deep breathing between repetitions - this is the Mark G. Berry training program. This squat program has amazed everyone in the strength sports world with the progress it has made for people like Joseph K. Hayes and William Boone. After going nowhere for 10 years, Peary tried this program. And heа сработала. For the first time, something worked for him!

Thanks to this program, Piri gained 5 kilos in the first month of training, and almost 50 kilos over the next two years. Moreover, this weight consisted only of muscle mass. Piri became the regional champion and weightlifting record holder and developed enough power and strength to be called a truly strong man.

When Peary started training on the squat program, he could only do 20 reps with an empty bar. Two years later, he was already doing 20 reps with a weight of 160 kg. in other words, he increased his squat by over 135kg. В итоге, ОН СТАЛ В СЕМЬ РАЗ СAndЛЬНЕЕ!

My own training got on the right track at a relatively early age thanks to the advice of Iron Man magazine. I probably would not have achieved great results if there was no IRON MAN magazine. Peary's unshakable IRON WILL changed not only his body, but his life in general, and also changed the bodies and lives of tens of thousands of other young people in fifty years. Piri Raider on directly or indirectly responsible for the appearance of countless TONS of muscles. And вес этот результат стал следствием его железной воли к успеху.
Bradley J.'s opinion Steiner

Мужчины, которые по-настоящему знают что говорят в отношении силового тренинга, ВСЕГДА подчеркивают значение ЖЕЛЕЗНОЙ ВОЛAnd К УСПЕХУ. In 1974 Bradley J. Steiner wrote the following words on pages 28-29 of his amazing book The Complete Guide to Effective Barbell Training. Read his words, read them again, and keep rereading them until they GROW into your brain:


When you realize this, you will understand that YOU truly have power over YOURSELF, then the door leading to your dream will open before you...

Ты добьешься этой цели без многих вещей, но еще не один человек не достиг вершины без РЕШAndТЕЛЬНОСТAnd сделать this is.

За пол века до того как Штейнер написал эти слова, были и другие гиганты Железной Andгры выражали ту же идею теми же словами.

Pay attention to the words of the famous wrestler and strongman Georg Gakkenshmidt, the "Russian Lion" - a man who could do a snatch with one arm from 90 kg and who set a wrestling bridge bench press record that was not overcome for 50 years and became the longest-acting record of all sports. A man who won the World Heavyweight Championship in wrestling at a time when wrestling was a serious sport. In his great old book The Way of Life, Huck wrote:
Do you want to become strong?

No doubt you will answer that this is your intention, your desire, but I must say that a simple desire will not change anything. You должны захотеть, т.е. you must act.

You себе не представляете, какую силу я вкладываю в смысл этого выражения. In the desire to which I call, in this continuous inner impulse that leads to the goal. Getting started is always difficult and many people don't get past the entry level. Heи похожи на виртуозов фортепьяно, которые через несколько занятий достигают уровня, когда упражнения становятся трудными и скучными и они все бросают. Others put off exercising from day to day, while saying that they will begin to work out in earnest and make up for the time spent tomorrow, which never comes.

Believe me, the excuses some people resort to, such as "I'm too old", "I don't have enough time", "My position or business doesn't allow me", and so on, these are all mere subterfuges to cover up their weak will. У вас, Британцев, есть пословица "Там где воля, там путь вперед", и я стойко верю в this is.

The determination to become strong is necessary for success... All outstanding strongmen were helped by a strong will, they wanted to become strong, which led to success.

In addition, I have met many young people who by nature looked weak, but who, through exercise and strong will, became outstanding strongmen.

You must have faith that you can become strong.

Youкиньте из головы все грустные и жалкие мысли, и тренируйтесь, и ни на секунду не сомневайтесь в своем успехе.

Think about it. About what I'm trying to tell you, about what Steiner said, what Hackenschmidt tried to teach, why I spent so much ink on this article. And почему я посвятил несколько разных глав своей книги, различным аспектам мышления в тренировках. Answerь на эти вопросы и тебе откроются истинные секреты успеха в Железной Andгре.

Chapter 24: Mistakes, delusions and pitfalls.

Advanced dinosaurs are quite good at avoiding mistakes, misconceptions, and traps. For beginners and intermediates, this is often more difficult. Here are some of the basic rules that will help you avoid wasting years of training by following wrong advice, thoughtless thoughts, and bad example.
Where to train.

First of all, understand that the best way out for you is to train at home, and not anywhere else. If you train in a commercial gym, you will be surrounded by people giving bad advice. it относится практически к каждому залу в мире. Andсключений настолько мало, что ими можно пренебречь: "PIT" Дика Коннорса в Эвансвиле, Andндиана, "IRON ISLAND GYM" Кена Ляйстнера в Нью-Йорке и парочка других мест. In many ways, commercial halls are cesspools of mindless rubbish.

If you visit a sales floor and someone tells you to do something or do something in a certain way, it's almost guaranteed that what they say is (1) wrong, (2) dangerous, and (3) unproductive. Thoreau once declared that he never learned something important from someone over 30 (a comment that seemed infinitely more insightful when I was a mature 17 than it is now, more than 20 years later). You, вероятно, можете перефразировать Торо и сказать, без всякого преувеличения: "Я никогда не научился чему-либо, относящемуся к правильному тренингу в коммерческом зале".

If you are FORCED to train in a commercial gym, then don't mind anything anyone ever tells you. 99% of it will be absurd, dangerous and stupid. Only 1% of that can actually be valuable advice. Instead of separating the wheat from the chaff, just ignore the whole thing. it может задеть самолюбие некоторых и оскорбить чьи-то чувства, но это действительно единственный рациональный способ справиться с проблемой.
Learn not to listen.

The second thing you should do is learn not to listen to people just because they are impressively built or can push or lift more iron than you. Being big and strong, there is no guarantee that a person knows anything at all about how someone else can become as safe and effective. Most of the time, the big, strong guys in today's idiotic world have gotten that way by taking steroids, and a steroid babe has absolutely nothing to offer a dinosaur. Если ты новичек в Железной Andгре, то критически важно для тебя научиться и научиться быстро, что парень с самыми большими руками почти всегда НЕ является источником полезных тренировочных советов.
Beware of "sofa" experts.
The third point is the flip side of the second. On the one hand, you'd be a fool to take the advice of a chemo boy just because it turns out he has big arms or can lift three times as much weight as you can handle. But on the other hand, you'll be just as foolish to take the advice of a self-proclaimed expert who doesn't even have the muscle to lift a reed. BEWARE sofa experts! Диванные теоретики часто встречаются в Железной Andгре. Heи плодятся как мухи. You won't be able to avoid them. Walk into the sports section of a bookstore and you'll see book after book written by bony suffocators who have no idea what real training is. Andли хуже - намного хуже - им даже все равно.
Some books deserve to be burned.

A related point concerns workout books written by "celebrities". it должно быть понятно без слов, что современный актер, эстрадная звезда или звезда телевидения НЕ могут сказать ничего заслуживающего внимания о тренировке с iron. A dinosaur would rather eat old car tires boiled in kerosene than read a famous person's exercise book.
Mixing art and science.

One of the biggest mistakes exercisers make is confusing art and science. Strength training is an art, not a science. This is why there is no single way to train and there is no single training system that everyone should follow. Many men go astray because they are looking for a "scientific" training system, because they have been turned to the totalitarian dictates of the latest "scientific" training system, or because they decide their program is so "scientific" they don't need to worry. about old-fashioned hard work!

Doc. Кен Ляйстнер обращается к этой проблеме в своей превосходной статье ("Силовая тренировка: Наука или Andскусство"), опубликованной в сентябрьском выпуске THE STEEL TIP за 1985 год (Том 1, №9). Doc. Leistner wrote:

If you take the time to read the numerous books on fitness, exercise, and nutrition, you'll find that there are as many "scientifically sound" theories as there are authors. You так же можете оказаться с мыслью, что


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