Message: #68065
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 12:18

Dinosaur Training. Forgotten secrets of strength and development of the body. Brooks Cube

kg to 180 kg. Then, when he felt some side effects, he got scared and stopped using steroids. В итоге, он стал терять в жиме lying down ПО ПЯТЬ КAndЛО каждую тренировку. Think about it: a man who benches 180 kg benches 180 kg on Monday, only manages 175 on Thursday, 170 next Monday, 165 next Thursday, and so on until 140. Melted like a snowman in the summer.

Майк Томпсон так же встречался с подобными примерами- лифтеры в пике формы приседали с 280 или 320 кг, и стоило им прекратить употреблять анаболики, как они начинали терять по 45, 140 и более кг в приседе всего за week. What now can be talk about their "supergenetics"?
So what about genetics?

Whatever it was, let's get back to talking about moving dinosaurs and genetics. Неужели именно генетика позволяет продвинутому динозавру жать lying down 180 кило 7.5 см грифом, приседать 230 кг или поднимать себе на плечо 115 кг мешок с песком? Maybe yes, if he achieved such results in just a year of training. And how then to explain such results in a person who has achieved them in 10 or more years of hard training?
Genetics or persistence

I have a friend who squats 230 without any extra equipment other than a belt. And he не просто опускает колени или делает частичные приседания, он делает тяжелое, опуская бедра ниже параллели, приседание. And делает его так легко, как никто другой в мире. He делает его с обычным олимпийским грифом или с грифом, известным как "гриф для буйвола". How long did he go to this result? Is it all due to genetics or perseverance? Read Greg Picket's own story and draw your own conclusions:

"Look, with squats everything Clearly, you either love them or you don't. Those of you who don't like to squat and think squats are dangerous, most likely prefer "squat replacements", counting the movement in seconds, only interested in the shape and relief of the muscles. If this is about you, you are most likely not reading this book. And for those few on planet Earth who are interested in weightlifting (without steroids) and enjoy it, I want to share my experience of training with squats.

First, my own experience. I have never used steroids and never will. I competed in powerlifting from 1984-1985 and from 1987 to 1993. One of the main reasons I stopped competing was the ridiculous rule that allows you to use lift equipment. My best competitive result in the squat was 290 kg. But be that as it may, I understood that 290 kg. the squat did not show "my" own strength, since the equipment - "t-shirt" and bandages, took on part of the load, which significantly increased the weight. After long phone conversations with Brooks Kubik (I seemed to be unnerving him, but he was patient with me) I decided that I would squat using only a belt. Brooks also got me hooked on single reps. I figured singles would help me squat with heavier weights and simpler form.

My squat technique is very simple: feet wider than shoulder width, toes apart, head up, chest out. The bar lies comfortably and securely, lowering, I squat below the parallel so that the hip joint is lowered below the knee. On the incline, I keep my knees apart, as it is very dangerous to connect the knees on the incline. Due to the fact that the knees are separated widely, the thigh receives a better load, and the muscles are grouped and help to take more weight. I allow forward leaning on the rise. Although the videos show that the back and me are straight when moving up. The lift is performed simultaneously by straightening the back and moving the pelvis forward.

Below you will see a chronology of some of the workouts aimed at achieving the goal of working weight 227kg. once in a squat. Note: I don't cycle and I don't use any Eastern European cycle programs. Ключом к достигнутому успеху стали воля, упорство и time. No food additives, just quality whole foods. I used to train alone in my basement gym sometimes in a strange time (6.00 am). Andз экипировки, только пояс. (Note: Weights are in kilograms.)
March 19, 1994 - Squat - 61x3, 61x3, 107x1, 147x1, 185x10x1
April 20, 1994 - Squat - 61x3, 61x3, 107x1, 147x1, 170x1, 195x8x1
May 15, 1994 - Squat - 198x5x1.
September 16, 1994 - Squat - 200x5x1.
November 21, 1994 - Squat - 200x8x1.
December 11, 1994 - Squat - 205x5xl.
December 22, 1994 - Tried to sit down. The lower back was very tense due to the sprain. At this time, I purchased a Buffalo neck from Ironmind. itт гриф толще чем обычный гриф. He не прогибается. And he делает выполнение упражнения более тяжелым.
January 26, 1995 - Squat - max sets 210x4x1 with new bar. As you can see, I put on weight when I felt strong enough. I did not follow the planned weight gain programs.
March 21, 1995 - fell ill with the flu. I felt terrible. But he still practiced. Made 186x3x1.
April 18, 1995 - made 186x18x1. Я хотел сделать это после того как прочитал, что Луис Абеле присел 181х18 последовательных repetitions. These 18 repetitions took 73 minutes.
May 29, 1995 - Squat - 193x12x1.

Then I started to reduce the number of sets, in order to increase the weights in the squat. The essence of this game, the maximum weight with a simple technique, no matter how many repetitions you do (at least one).
30 Andюня 1995 - Присед - 63x3, 63x2, 113x1, 145x1, 177x1, 210x3x1. with Buffalo Vulture. After 210x3x1 was the last squat until August 23
August 23, 1995 - Squat - 63x1, 113x1, 155x1, 181x1, 212x2x1.
October 6, 1995 - Squat - I did while on vacation in Florida, (too much "chrome" in that gym!) 66x1, 106x1, 157x1, 189x1, 211x1, 216x1. it was a personal best without the use of "T-shirts" and bandages.

I longed to take 227x1 for a long time. I felt myself to this weight and it did not give me rest.
October 30, 1995 - Squat - I used a regular bar. 61x1, 106x1, 148x1, 189x1, 227x1.
Nov 9, 1995 - Squat - I used a Buffalo bar. The 227x1 squat with this bar was much harder. It's all about its thickness.

Now 227 kg is my working weight and I will pull it for many workouts in a row. When the body is ready for more weight, I add weight on the bar. That's it, simple.

Let me break down some "truths" in strength training. "Синглы (единичные повторы) не увеличивают силу. Heи просто ее показывают." My squat workouts consisted entirely of singles. Сначала много синглов, а потом тяжелейший сингл - это идеальный сет singles. With a body weight of 112 kg, I would never have reached my record of 227x1 if I did multi-rep sets. "You need to train in cycles, aiming for a pre-planned weight limit. Then a week of rest, weight reduction and all over again" NO! The only breaks I took were when I got the flu and when I injured my back. Я тренировался максимально тяжело все time. Cycles don't work for me.

"If you're short, squatting is easy for you." But don't forget that my first workout without a 185x10x1 was on March 19, 1994. It took over 19 months to reach 227kg using only a belt. If squats are "easy" for me, why did it take me 19 months to get results? Time and perseverance are ALWAYS needed to achieve any goal in any exercise!

"Each упражнение надо делать в определенный день недели". While stability is important, my best recovery was when I took a 10-day squat break. And these days, between squats, I did the rest of the exercises.

"you need to do leg curls and leg extensions on the machine, calf raises to strengthen the knee and strengthen the ligaments and tendons" BOSH! The only leg exercises I do are squats and deadlifts (regular and straight legged). If heavy single squats without bands don't strengthen ligaments and tendons, then I don't know what will strengthen them!!!

A few words about pain. ТЫ БУДЕШЬ AndСПЫТЫВАТЬ БОЛЬ, ЕСЛAnd ТЫ ТЯЖЕЛО ТРЕНAndРУЕШЬСЯ! ЗАПОМНAnd ЭТОТ ФАКТ! Andспользуй лед, растяжки и аспирин и ВСЕ ПРОЙДЕТ! Referring to Brad Steiner, "When muscles are stretched, damaged, exhausted, and aching body parts force you to stop training, you just have to put this discomfort out of your head. Success comes to the lifter who PRESSES and KNOWS HOW to bench" (Steiner: "Your manual по успеху в паурлифтинге: Жим lying down"). Enough about this topic. Do I expect you to repeat my squat result? No. My sole purpose in writing all of this is to share my training experience. I want you to train hard and achieve goals that now seem impossible. If an ordinary lifter like me squats with 227 kg below parallel, then YOU can easily reach your goals.

Piri Raider: Mister Inspiration

Piri Reider, founder, editor and publisher of IRON MAN magazine for 50 years, is one of the best examples of a man with an iron determination and unwavering will to achieve the power and muscle size of his dreams. Piri was an absolute weakling when he started training. He был 187 ростом и весил всего 55 кг. His knees were larger than his hips, his elbows were larger than his biceps, and his head was larger than his torso. A photo of his then condition was published in one of the first issues of the magazine - I don't have a copy, but I saw it - it was a bag of bones, with a body build that was the worst for building muscle and strength. His first


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