Message: #68060
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 12:14

Autobiography. Arnold Schwarzenegger

competing against my idol, against the one whose pictures I hung on the walls of my bedroom, whose words helped me in life and in training. Thinking about all this, I felt some unreal sensations. I подумал: Есть две возможности, как быть дальше. One is to defeat Reg. You will destroy your idol. The second is to leave London and not participate in this competition at all. I решил, что уезжать будет просто глупо. And для моего самолюбия и для рекламы неплохо будет поучаствовать в соревнованиях против Рега, разрушить моего кумира и победить. Ultimately, we are both participants in the competition, athletes and this is a worthy decision. I не видел в соревновании просто возможность победы над Регом Парк и его поражение, а видел возможность сделать шаг дальше него, или, по крайней мере, подняться на его уровень.

I участвовал в соревнованиях и победил его. He came in second and Dave Draper came in third. it было одно из самых трудных соревнований мистер Юниверс. It happened in time. Everyone came to London: Reg Park, Dave Draper, Bayer. Co and Denis Tinerino. The next day, the Mr. World. Therefore, all participants flew from London to New York immediately. There, the organizers of the competition met us and took us to Calambas in a private jet in order to be on time. New surprise: Sergio Oliva has also arrived. I еще не ждал его. I думал, что мистер Мир будут легкие соревнования, что я легко выиграю и потом только через две недели в Нью-Йорке на мистер Олимпия встречусь с Сержио. At this stage, I was just not sure that I was psychologically ready to compete with him. But after defeating Reg Park and all the other previous Mr. Universe title holders, I felt stronger and imagined that I was on the right track. In general, I was on the rise, and it was necessary to complete what had been started. "Here you go it has arrived. I twisted you, Sergio. You won't make me anymore. This time, victory will be mine."

We started pumping up and getting ready. I все время смотрел в сторону Сержио, сравнивал нас в зеркалах. This time I didn't feel overwhelmed like I did the year before. Sergio looked good. Above the waist, he generally seemed such that he does not exist anymore. But I was embossed, perfect: everything was there - separation, details, everything, everything, I felt confident. We took the stage with everyone and were greeted with thunderous applause. I понять не мог, откуда эти аплодисменты взялись. it была полная неожиданность. Ohio? Nobody бы не подумал, что Огайо — штаб болельщиков. But the applause continued, and my last fears disappeared.

I чувствовал такое давление, что предварительное судейство и шоу смешались в восприятии. Everything has turned into a fantastic leap forward. I становился выше, больше, более мускулистым и грациозным. I чувствовал подъем от силы и ощущения накачки. I чувствовал, как будто вышел из своего тела, чтобы посмотреть со стороны. Never before have I felt the fire of competition so strongly. I гордился годом дикой тренировки вместе с Франко. In the final posing, the tension surpassed everything in intensity. Even the spectators seemed to be somewhere far away, several miles away. The whole space around me was closed in the section of the stage: Arnold and Sergio.

The host cleared his throat and rustled a stack of paper.

"In Third Place: Dave Drapper."

The hall became quiet. "Second place - the presenter paused ... - Sergio Oliva." Behind me, I heard Sergio say, "Damn!"

Well, that's all. Then again this cry: Arnold! Arnold! I выиграл. In a second, I kind of took the last step, I became the greatest bodybuilder in the world.

I was disgusted by Sergio's behavior. Of course, it's hard to lose, but that's no reason to lose unsportsmanlike. I смотрел на него и думал: в прошлом году ты победил меня, Сержио, я тебя сделал сегодня и сделаю тебя снова через две недели. it придало мне даже дополнительную энергию для поездки в Нью-Йорк.

This Mr. Olympia competition was touted as the bodybuilding competition of the century. I выиграл мистер Ворд в Огайо, но так впритык, что эти две недели в зале могли многое изменит. Two camps formed in New York. it были соревнования только между me and Sergio.

Neither before nor after, I have never seen such things that the fans did at these competitions. They, it seemed to me, literally stuck around me. Wherever I went, a lot of people gathered around me and everyone wanted to touch me. The closer the competitions got, the more obsessive they became. it было похоже на коллективный психоз. First, autographs, then clothes. The requests became more and more strange. Before меня дошел слух, что кто-то предлагает 100 долларов за прядь волос, пять сотен — за мои полировальные плавки.

In the locker room, Sergio was already pumping up. I не сводил с него глаз. But he did not make a single movement to start changing clothes. I просто стоял и смотрел на него. I следовал глазами за каждым его движением. He posed and occasionally looked back at me - he checked if I had begun to change clothes. I знал, что это его беспокоит. In the end, two minutes before leaving, I quickly changed and rubbed myself with oil.

The police tried to drive the fans off the stage. They became completely out of control. Some of them yelled: Sergio! Потом: Arnold! drowned out everything else. Collective stupidity and hysteria manifested itself in the best possible way in these fans. They took pictures, waved flags and pennants, tried to climb onto the stage, from where they were immediately thrown out by security guards and policemen.

The moment the host announced my title and the girl handed me the prize, as I pressed the cold silver goblet to my stomach, I realized that I had gone as far as bodybuilding as a competitive athlete. From now on, I can only defend my title, and this already puts things in a completely different light. I расчистил пространство вокруг себя. And so it was. I назвал это золотой треугольник. For two weeks I drove through three cities: boom, boom, boom. I победил всех, всех сильнейших соперников, когда либо бывших в культуризме. I был Кинг-Конг. Mr. Olympia is the Super Bowl in bodybuilding. I достиг желанной грани. I no longer needed the pleasure and satisfaction of victories, victories, victories. And I was also excited. So I kept looking forward like never before. Because bodybuilding for me was a kind of vehicle. Of course, it's nice to feel like the person with the best physique in the world, but there was always a question: Okay, now how can you use this to make money? Since the year I I bought a gym, I got more and more involved in the business. I no longer had the need to prove that I was the greatest of bodybuilders. Now I had to go out to the general public, people who didn't know anything about bodybuilding, and show them the positive effects of weight training on the individual.

I всегда любил возбуждение от победы. But I especially liked it when there was an element of competition. It seemed to me that this time I left my mark in bodybuilding, but I knew that there were other competitions, other worlds were waiting for the conqueror. I уже частично вошел в бизнес, я работал и учился для действий. This practical work opened up a new space for me: myself. One of the things I learned was to look back and introspect - who I was and what I did.

Working the same way I learned to build my body, I wanted to create an empire. Andспользуя свое образование в области бизнеса и практические уроки, полученные от Джо Вэйдера я чувствовал, что смогу двигаться вперед в своих собственных предприятиях. I создал серию тренировочных программ, пересылаемых по почте. it позволило мне помогать тренировкам и обучению тысяч культуристов во всем мире. I продавал фотоальбомы, майки, плавки для позирования, сделанные на заказ тренировочные программы. I проводил семинары во всем мире: в Iпонии, Австралии, Южной Америке, Голландии, Бельгии, Германии, Австрии, Andталии, Финляндии, Andспании, Канаде, Мексике и Соединенных Штатах. I начал способствовать проведению соревнований по культуризму в Америке. So that my name would not be forgotten and for publicity, I continued to defend my titles. Ideally, I wanted to. So that every person who touches the weightlifting apparatus, along with the feeling of the bar, my name arises. The moment his hands closed on the bar, I wanted him to think: Arnold.

It seems to me that the main thing that I got from bodybuilding is the development of personality, self-confidence and character. When you have a well-developed body and confidence, you can see how people are drawn to you, want to be by your side, want to work with you. When I was young, I, like all children, probably felt a certain sense of insecurity. But as I made myself strong and whole, I noticed. That I can do something concrete well, then confidence came quite naturally. it в gave me a great sense of security.

I уверен, что в зале вы избавляетесь от веры в свои недостатки, веры даже часто подсознательной. I заметил, что чем больше я тренировался, я становился менее агрессивным и нетерпимым. Training relieved tension and taught me to relax: after a good workout, I always felt satisfied with what I had achieved. I чувствовал себя как новорожденный. There was a strength to go forward and conquer other areas of human activity, while feeling confident in the results. Every day you can see people running in circles, excited, wanting to do something. Their emotions are driven inside and

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