Message: #68060
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 12:14

Autobiography. Arnold Schwarzenegger

enough in this sense and were driven into a corner because they thought: Joe was a very nice person yesterday. He even paid for my steak at the restaurant. Therefore, he will honestly look after my interests when we sign the contract. But it's not. Business and friendship are two different things for Joe. Yes, that's how it should be.

I думаю, что Джо от природы подозрителен. He often suspects even his best friends that they want to get around him. Therefore, it is almost impossible to make him believe you in a joint business. it мне всегда было неприятно, потому что казалось, что он готов забыть многие свои обещания и мне придется заставить его вспоминать о низ. Our acquaintance has been going on for seven years and there was everything: good and bad. But I am proud that I was still able to maintain a normal relationship with him, largely due to my perseverance. it был хороший полезный опыт. I не знаю никого, кто бы имел более продолжительное сотрудничество с Джо Вэйдером, чем я. And не думаю, что кому то еще лучше меня такое сотрудничество удалось.

The reason for this result is honesty. it была моя страховка в отношениях с Джо с самого начала; it was my insurance in everything else: in business, in bodybuilding, in everything. Instead of talking about something behind his back, I said what I thought and felt to his face. it ему не всегда нравилось, но в перспективе это укрепляло наши отношения. If I didn’t like something in his actions, I told him openly, and in response, he did the same with me.

Joe has played a big role in my life. It can be said that he partially shaped my attitude towards business and my success in business. I научился у него очень многому и ценю это. In addition, he helped me stay in America and work as I saw fit to reach the top.

The first the year they told me I was really in shape was 1969. In Muscle builder magazine, on the cover of the May issue, there was a photo of me with the words: “Arnold Schwrzenegger is a new phenomenon in bodybuilding.” I сбросил вес с 250 фунтов до 230. На это было довольно трудно решиться, потому что я всегда стремился стать большим, стремился к максимальному весу. But I couldn’t keep such a mass anymore - I entered into a difficult, very difficult struggle with the best bodybuilders in the world. So I had to aim for the perfect fit. I had to reprogram my ideas: the best no longer meant the biggest, but it meant the most elaborate. I bought this understanding dearly: it cost me the bitterness of defeat in the fight with Frank Zane. After that, I began to take off the excess. But, nevertheless, I knew that I had an advantage over most bodybuilders: when there is volume, there is a large rough figure, that is, a material from which, like a sculptor, a figure can be carved. Andменно это занимало большинство моих тренировок в тот год. I убирал и убирал лишнее; I polished and made from the wild mass brought from Europe the work of art I needed. For the first time I had well-defined abs, for the first time I learned that there was a low-carb diet. In Germany, I have never heard of special diets. There we just ate, trained and grew.

During the year spent in California, I subscribed to the view that here is a bodybuilding paradise. Sunlight, sea air, temperate climate - this is ideal for the body. I влюбился в GOLD'S GYM; to long, wide, open beaches, where you could dive into the sea after a run and swim.

The best bodybuilders worked out in GOLD'S GYM. If you train there, the environment alone can inspire you. A few weeks before any prestigious competition, the level of noise in the hall increases markedly. Immediately there is less talk and much more solid concentration. Cables heat up and buzz in blocks, steel pancakes ring, loads rise and fall in cars without stopping. it как музыкальный фон какого-то странного религиозного обряда.

When I arrived in NYC for the IFBB Mr. Universe, I was lean, tanned, and aggressive. I mentally remember the line of bodybuilders. One guy was missing. it Сержио Олива, кубинский культурист по прозвищу Миф, он выигрывал титул мистер Олимпия два года подряд, он считался тогда человеком на вершине, самым лучшим в бодибилдинге, но он участвовал в соревнованиях на мистер Олимпия, которые состоялись в тот же вечер. This whole cat-and-mouse game really pissed me off, and I turned to the organizers and asked if I still had the opportunity to sign up for participation in Mr. Olympia. They agreed to let me in. Then I said to myself: This night I will do it, because walking around the bush is a monkey's work.

I легко выиграл соревнования мистер Юниверс IFBB. Seven out of seven judges gave me first place. Throughout the competition, I had the feeling that this was just preparation for the Mr. Olympia competition. Now, as far as I understood, I defeated everyone in the world, except for this black guy Sergio Oliva.

I устремился на соревнования мистер Олимпия. I ran into the locker room the way I would later come everywhere: how to take the baton. Then, for the first time in my life, I saw Segio Oliva in person and not in a photograph. I понял, почему его зовут Миф. I felt like I had hit a wall. This is where he crushed me. He was so big, he looked so incredible that I didn't see any room for the thought of defeating him at all. I согласился со своим поражением и почувствовал, как спадает накачка. I tried to do something, but the first look at Sergio shocked me so much that I think I ended up in second place even before I even went on stage. Тем не менее, странно, что Сержио победил меня 4 голосами против 3. it был сюрприз. I то думал он победит меня 7:О.

I никогда не люблю признаваться себе в поражении, но я думаю, что Сержио был лучше. There can be no two opinions here, you can simply consider how much he was better. Maybe the difference wasn't that big. Andменно эта мысль дала мне силы, чтобы продолжать тренировки и чтобы повторить попытку на следующий год. Again, I did not allow myself to loosen up, and created the right mood upon returning to the gym. I запомнил мысленно образ Сержио. Throughout the year, when I felt low in mood, every time I felt like I was weakening under the bar, I mentally recalled this picture. I должен был разрушить миф.

A week later, another federation's Mr. Universe (NABBA) competition took place in London. They were always held a week later. I flew to London because there were some of the American bodybuilders who were going to compete in these competitions. They wanted to participate there without me - so they thought they had a chance to win. I считал, что и тут надо отметится.

I появился неожиданно и победил там всех, выиграл второй раз мистер Юниверс в тот же самый год. Now I've had four Mr. Universe titles in all my time. But there was still Sergio Oliva and the title of Mr. Olympia. I need было победить Сержио. I зашел к Вэйдеру и сказал: I здорово удручен Джо. I хочу остаться еще на год, тренироваться как можно интенсивнее и победить Сержио.

Vader was pleased to hear that I was staying with him in America. I уговорил его также вызвать Франко Коломбо. It was very important for me to train with Franco because the training program was very intense. In Munich, Franco and I became very close friends, and that's why this first year of training in California, it seemed to me that something was missing. Franco usually trained for power, but I mainly strove for relief and proportionality. The result was the most beneficial combination of training exercises. Now, besides, Franco himself wanted to win. Together we trained more than before in Munich, spent long hard hours in the gym.

I делал все, чтобы достичь абсолютного совершенства. My diet became very strict, I used nutritional supplements to regulate the amount of proteins, vitamins and mineral salts. I тратил часы на workout. Always strived for extreme pain. Approached a dancer at UCLA and started taking ballet lessons to improve his posing program. itт танцор показал мне, как следует грациозно двигать руками, когда ладонь должна быть открыта и когда закрыта. He explained to me what the open hand meant and what the fist represented, how to use the hands as a signal to the audience for better expression. For example, when starting a circular motion, the palm should be kept open, and when ending such a movement, you need to clench your fist. All this allows you to make posing graceful. Andменно этого то зрители и не ожидают от большого высокого человека. Andменно поэтому когда я позирую на сцене и двигаюсь плавно, слитно, по-кошачьи зрители поражены и невольно обращают на меня большее Attention. In the end, it also has a positive effect on the judges. For unknown reasons, in 1970 the usual sequence was broken. The NABBA Mr. Universe was scheduled in London a week ahead of the IFBB Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympia. I приехал сначала в Лондон и был сильно удивлен. One of my rivals was Reg Park - my idol. More than 20 years after his start in bodybuilding, he trained hard for a year and decided to come back. I не мог в это поверить. Here I am, here,


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