Message: #68055
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 12:12

Athletic gymnastics without equipment. Vladimir Georgievich Fokhtin

вперед до касания подбородком груди (рис. 13, ten), В конечном положении напрягите мышцы шеи, участвующие в этом движении. Повторить four — 6 раз.

1one. То же, что и в упражнении ten, но голову отведите как можно больше назад (рис. 13, eleven), напрягая мышцы шеи в конечном положении.

12. То же, что и в упражнении ten, но наклон головы в сторону (рис. 13, 12).

13. In a standing position, place your palms with the back on your lower back, relax one leg, bending it at the knee. Bringing your elbows together and pressing your hands on your lower back, bend as much as possible in the thoracic spine (Fig. 13, 13). Повторить four — 6 раз.

1four. То же, что и в упражнении 13, но ноги прямые, hands on the belt or in an arbitrary position. Медленно наклоните туловище назад, напрягая мышцы спины (рис. 13, 1four).

15. In a standing position, relax one leg, bend your arms slightly at the elbows. Slowly bend deeply forward (Fig. 13, 15).

16. The same as in exercise 15, but tilt to the side. Put the leg of the same name on the toe in order to perform an oncoming upward movement with the pelvis (Fig. 13, 16). Tilt only by contracting the muscles of the lateral surface of the body (the latissimus dorsi and oblique muscles of the abdomen). In the final position, muscle tension is greatest. The pace is slow

17. In the sitting position, bend the left leg at the knee, clasp the right leg with your hands (Fig. 13, 17). Springy slopes to the right leg, helping to attract the torso with runes.

1eight. В положении стоя тяжесть тела перенесите на правую ногу, левую расслабьте, согнув в колено. Slow springy bends forward to the right leg. При этом правой рукой потянитесь к носку правой ноги, а левой рукой обопритесь о бедро левой ноги (рис. 13, 1eight). This effective exercise can be performed in ordinary clothes during a short physical break.

19. Place your foot on the floor with the toe extremely tight. While tensing the muscles of the thigh, calf and outer arch of the foot, continue to press the foot on the floor.

20. Standing on one knee, place the back of the hands on the lower back. Bringing the elbows together, bend (Fig. 13, 19).

Exercises for the development of flexibility can be performed either as an independent complex, be sure to gradually increase the amplitude of stretching, or as an addition to the main workout, followed by a light soothing massage and water treatments.

Для сохранения или развития подвижности в суставах рук и плечевого пояса включайте также упражнения, описанные на стр. 2four — 35.

We develop endurance

The biological "power" of the body is assessed not only by the degree of muscle development, but primarily by the energy capacity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The heart is a kind of biomechanical pump that has great reserve capabilities and “automatically” responds to changes in the intensity of energy supply processes in the body. Therefore, a developed powerful heart is very important for health.

Physical endurance is primarily a level of functionality body, starting with muscle tissue, capillaries, small and large vessels and ending with the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

The most common and affordable way to train the heart muscle is running, about which so much has already been said and written that it makes no sense to repeat the well-known truths once again. Let's take a look at the most common mistakes. The main reason for all the troubles is the lack of general physical fitness for running, both in terms of the state of the energy supply system and the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, if you decide to run, first prepare your muscles and ligamentous-articular apparatus for a higher level of load than usual walking, paying special attention to the muscles of the foot and lower leg, which carry the main load when running.

In principle, for training the heart muscle, it does not matter which muscle groups consume energy. Performing athletic gymnastics exercises without apparatuses with sufficiently high muscle tension, for example, for the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle and torso, you can increase the heart rate to the level of a cyclic training (150 beats per minute), which develops endurance. The main thing is to intensively perform most of the recommended exercises with minimal or no pauses between them.

It is very effective to combine strength exercises with intense running on the spot, then in terms of energy costs, classes will approach a full-fledged workout.

We offer a complex of "energy-intensive" exercises aimed at developing the muscles of the legs, shoulder girdle, arms, torso. They should be performed at a high pace, with a maximum range of motion, strongly straining the muscles and continuously alternating exercises in direction, for example, for the muscles of the arms, torso, then the shoulder girdle. The degree of intensity of physical work can be judged by the increase in breathing and, consequently, the increase in heart rate.

one. Вес тела перенесите на одну ногу, другую поставьте на носок немного в сторону. Squat down on one leg as fast as possible while using the other leg to help maintain balance. Выполните по eight — 12 приседаний на каждой ноге без паузы для отдыха.

2. Lock your hands and raise them in front of you to shoulder level. overcoming сопротивление одной руки, сгибайте другую движением к себе. The same, changing hand position. Повторите eight — 12 раз каждой рукой.

3. Imitate walking in place, keeping your feet on the floor, tensing your leg muscles to the limit and, as it were, trying to move the soles forward. Повторить eight — 12 раз.

four. Поднимите вперед-вверх левую руку, преодолевая сопротивление правой руки, взявшись ею за запястье левой, В конечном положении поменяйте положение правой руки, чтобы оказывать сопротивление, опуская левую руку вниз.

5. Grab your right wrist with your left hand. Straighten your right arm forward, overcoming the resistance of your left arm. In the final position of the hand, connect a “lock” and return the right hand to its original position, overcoming the resistance provided by the left hand, that is, perform the movement to overcome the resistance in both directions.

6. Repeat exercise 1, but squatting with an abrupt stop.

7. Half-sitting, feet shoulder-width apart, clasp your knees with your palms, raise your elbows as high as possible. Lower your elbows with tension down, leaving your legs motionless.

eight. Расслабьте ноги, согнув одну из них в колене и поставив ее на носок. Bend slightly, fingers should touch the base of the chest. Perform a deep torso tilt forward and down, arbitrarily straining the abdominal muscles.

9. Half-crouching, lean forward, resting your hands on your knees. Straighten your arms, overcoming the resistance of the muscles of the body and trying to strain the triceps muscles of the hands (triceps) as much as possible.

Высокий темп выполнения упражнений нужно поддерживать не менее 3 — four мин. After a short pause (about 1 minute), during which you can do some exercises to develop flexibility, repeat the series again, including new exercises.

A good addition to this activity is intensive running in place, alternating with jumps on toes.

Endurance is a generalized indicator of the psychophysical capabilities of a person, so it is necessary to increase the level of psychophysical functions. The striving for the perfection of external forms should not become dominant to the detriment of the development of the moral and spiritual potential of a person.

Prevention of osteochondrosis of the spine

Various forms of osteochondrosis of the spine and the most severe of them - "Bekhterev's disease" are very common in our time.

Osteochondrosis is "generated" by degenerative-dystrophic damage to the spine, which is based on the degeneration of the disc of adjacent vertebrae, between the vertebral joints and the ligamentous apparatus. There are about sixty syndromes of osteochondrosis - cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral.

Osteochondrosis manifests itself in various forms: it can be intercostal neuralgia, a false picture of cholecystitis, renal colic or angina pectoris, headache, chills, increased muscle fatigue and much more. Imbalance in the system, which includes the vertebral bodies, intervertebral joints, spinous processes, arches and ligamentous apparatus, which serve as a "bed" for the vessels and nerve fibers, finely interacting with adjacent muscles, leads to the occurrence of pathological changes.

As a rule, the disease begins with mild, almost imperceptible symptoms, which nevertheless cannot be ignored. But even better is to prevent the appearance of these symptoms. To do this, you need to regularly perform physical exercises aimed at preventing osteochondrosis,

The spine of a child has extraordinary flexibility (except in cases of congenital anomalies), but if you do not take care of preserving the natural gift, you can easily lose it. Often we are not particularly resistant to loss. Relying on the help of medicine or surrendering to the power of time, we consider irreversible pathological changes as fatal and inevitable companions of age.

Osteochondrosis of the spine, which is figuratively called "toothache in the back", is due to two main factors.

Firstly, the “construction” of the spine created by nature is extremely complex. It is the receptacle of the spinal cord with nerve roots symmetrically extending to both sides, innervating almost all internal organs and the entire muscular system of a person,

Secondly, the “unnatural” vertical position of the spine, which singled out a person from the animal world, does not correspond to either his “construction” or the function of the supporting frame to which the limbs are attached.

The spine attaches itself to movably connected segments with short spinous processes. Ligaments and bundles of muscles are attached to the spinous and transverse processes. At the same time, the muscles provide the spine with both stability and the possibility of bending (tilts, twisting, etc.). d.).

However, the role


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