Message: #68055
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 12:12

Athletic gymnastics without equipment. Vladimir Georgievich Fokhtin

левой ноги, согнутой в колене, а затем согните руки, преодолевая сопротивление, создаваемое левой ногой (см. рис. 5, eleven).

29. То же, что и в упражнении 2eight, но руками возьмитесь за голень возле голеностопного сустава. Straighten your left leg, overcoming the resistance of your arms.

A set of exercises в положении лежа

The possibilities of performing exercises with weights (dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, elastic shock absorbers or with the help of exercise machines) in the prone position are limited compared to the range of exercises in the same position for self-resistance. In many cases, athletic gymnastics without apparatus is preferable in terms of its availability and effectiveness,

one. Руки согните в локтях и поднимите перед собой. Возьмитесь верхней фалангой указательного пальца правой руки за большой палец левой руки и согните указательный палец, преодолевая сопротивление, создаваемое левой рукой (см. рис. four, 1). Repeat with other fingers.

2. В раскрытую ладонь левой руки упритесь согнутым указательным пальцем правой и затем с силой разогните его (см. рис. four, 3). Repeat with other fingers. exercise can perform simultaneously with four (except the thumb) fingers.

3. Обхватите пальцами левой руки сжатую в кулак правую руку, Затем вращайте кисть правой руки в направлении стрелки, преодолевай Сопротивление, создаваемое кистью левой руки (см. рис four, 7).

four. На сжатую в кулак левую руку положите кисть правой. Согните кисть левой руки, преодолевая сопротивление правой (см. рис. four, 5).

5, То же, но в другую сторону, только левую руку, создающую сопротивление, положите на тыльную сторону ладони правой руки (см. рис. four, 6).

6. On the wrist or the left hand of the straightened arm, place the right hand. Bend your left hand, overcoming the resistance created by the right (see Fig. 5, 1).

7. The same, but turn the palm of your left hand down (see Fig. 5, 2).

eight. Правую руку согните, а ладонь левой положите снизу на запястье или кисть правой руки. Straighten your right hand, overcoming the resistance created by your left hand (see Fig. 6, 1).

9. Clasp your hands in a "lock" and lift them up. Bend your right hand towards you, overcoming the resistance of your left hand (see Fig. 5, 3).

ten. То же, но движения выполняйте в горизонтальной плоскости, изменяя положение рук — опускайте их от линии лба до уровня груди. The direction of movement is shown by the zigzag arrow F (see Fig. 5, 5).

1one. Поднимите правую руку к плечу и сожмите пальцы в кулак, который обхватите левой рукой. Overcoming the resistance of the left arm, straighten the right arm.

12. Clasp your hands in a "lock" and raise them to about the level of your head. In an effort to break the “lock”, lower your hands to chest level.

13. Grasp the wrist of the left hand with your right hand and lift it, overcoming the resistance of the right hand (see Fig. 7, 1).

1four. То же, но левую руку опускайте сверху вниз (см. рис. 7, 2).

Упражнения 13 и 1four можно объединить, непрерывно меняя положение правой руки, создающей сопротивление (по методу комбинированных упражнении).

15. Raise your right hand in front of you, bent at the elbow, and with your left hand, grab her wrist. Tilt the forearm of the right hand inward, overcoming the resistance of the left hand (see Fig. 7, 5).

16. The same as in exercise 15, but in the opposite direction (see Fig. 7, 6).

17. Grasp the wrist of the straightened right hand with your left hand and lower your right shoulder as low as possible. overcoming сопротивление левой руки, поднимите плечо до предела вверх (рис. eight, 1).

1eight. Напрягите верхнюю часть мышц брюшного пресса, стараясь не поднимать плечи (они должны слегка подняться над горизонтальной опорой за счет изгиба позвоночника вследствие сокращения мышц брюшного пресса) (см. рис. 9, 7).

19. The same, but tighten the lower part of the abdominals, trying not to raise the pelvis. При правильном выполнении упражнения таз слегка поднимется над опорой вследствие изгиба позвоночника из-за сокращения мышц живота (см. рис. 9, eight).

20. Raise your hands up, with your left hand grab the wrist of your right hand. Bend your right hand, overcoming the resistance of your left hand (see Fig. 5, 7).

2one. Ноги слегка согните в коленях, руки вдоль туловища, Левое плечо опустите вниз, прогнитесь (см. рис. 9, 6). Perform the exercise due to arbitrary tension of the latissimus dorsi and oblique muscles of the abdomen.

22. With straight arms, grasp the shin of the right leg just below the knee. Bend your arms against the resistance exerted by the muscles of your right leg.

23. Grasp the shin of the right leg near the ankle joint with your hands. As you straighten your leg, resist with your hands.

2four. Наклоните голову вперед, чтобы коснуться подбородком груди. At the end of the movement, voluntarily tighten the neck muscles involved in the movement.

25. То же, что и в упражнении 2four, но оказывая руками сопротивление.

26. Turn your head to the extreme left (or right), increasing the tension of the muscles involved in the movement at the end of the movement.

27. Lying on your stomach, join your palms behind your back, and then raise your hands back up.

We develop flexibility

Flexibility is the ability to achieve high mobility of skeletal links - limbs, consisting of bone levers connected by joints, and the spine. The muscular work associated with the movement of the limbs and the bends of the spine causes the activation of energy exchange at the cellular level in the tissues of the joints, which has a beneficial effect on their condition. If the physical load during athletic gymnastics without shells is chosen correctly, then it will only have a positive effect on the joints, for example, it will prevent the occurrence of arthritis, osteochondrosis and other diseases that cause a partial loss of joint function. Excessive loading can lead to trauma,

Good mobility in the joints provides freedom and ease of movement, correct posture. Flexible people have much less extra internals; resistance created when moving limbs, which means that during long-term work, energy is spent more economically. "Tightness" of the joints, on the contrary, causes additional energy costs, as a result, the efficiency of the muscular system decreases. Muscles whose fibers are pre-stretched are capable of doing a lot of mechanical work. Flexibility also allows the muscles to relax in the idle phase and, therefore, allow them to rest, relieving blood vessels and capillaries, through which substances rich in energy are continuously delivered, from squeezing. muscle fibers,

Unfortunately, the innate flexibility of the spine and mobility in the joints decrease over the years, often so much that various diseases arise (for example, arthritis, osteochondrosis). The only way to maintain spine flexibility and joint mobility is to act on the joints, creating a load on them by voluntary stretching. You need to stretch almost all joints: fingers, limbs and spine. Muscles, ligaments and tendons are involved in stretching the joints.

There are many physical training methods that allow you to develop flexibility. Gymnastics according to the yoga system is built mainly on all kinds of combinations of extremely static joint stretching, which require a lot of time. And traditional flexibility exercises (for example, rhythmic gymnastics) have a semi-active or even passive character: the joints connecting the limbs or the spine are involved in movements indirectly and the activation of the energy supply to their tissues is too small to speak of a healing effect.

A fairly effective way to develop and maintain flexibility is to regularly engage in strength exercises based on the principle of self-resistance,

Spatial movements of the bone levers in all the above exercises are carried out in the range of natural joint mobility,

Exercises for the fingers and hand (1 - 9) can be performed while sitting, raising the arms of the railing with oneself to chest level or resting the elbows on the surface of the table.

one. Захватите пальцами левой руки кисть right, pressing the thumb of the left hand on the index finger of the right. The direction of the effort of the thumb of the left hand is indicated by an arrow (Fig. 13, 1). Similarly, work out the other fingers of the right hand in turn. Then do the same with your left hand.

Rice. 13

2. The same as in exercise 1, but for the thumb of the right hand. In this case, move the four fingers of the left hand to the wrist of the right hand (Fig. 13, 2).

3. The same as in exercise 1, but with the thumb of the left hand, press immediately on four fingers (except the thumb) of the right (Fig. 13, 3).

four. Ладонью левой руки нажимайте на верхние фаланги четырех пальцев (кроме большого) правой (рис. 13, four).

5. Bend the left hand to the forearm due to the maximum tension of the flexor muscles of the hand (Fig. 13, 5).

6. Connect your hands behind your back, raise your straight arms back and up. In the final phase of movement (in the direction of the arrow), muscle tension is maximum (Fig. 13, b).

7. The same as in exercise b, but perform the movement separately with each hand (Fig. 13, 7). In the initial phase of the exercise, do not swing, lift your hand back and up slowly and smoothly. Tighten the muscles of the arm only at the end of the movement, trying to hold the extreme position for 2-3 s.

eight. Возьмитесь правой рукой за запястье левой или соедините их в «замок» и поднимите руки вверх за голову. Выполняйте движение руками в сторону (по стрелке), при этом левую руку полностью расслабьте (рис. 13, eight).

9. The same as in exercise Y, but raise your left hand up, and with your right hand try to tilt it back (along the arrow) (Fig. 13, 9).

Хорошим оздоровительным эффектом обладают упражнения для позвоночника (ten — 19).

ten. Наклоните голову


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