Message: #87714
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Mar 2017, 00:03

The Vedic approach to conception and childbirth. Mathura Mandal dasa

Vedic approach to conception and childbirth. Mathura Mandal Dasa

Do you really want a child?
Before you start reading this brochure, decide for yourself - do you really want a child? I regret that I have to act as a moralist, but, as they say, if not me, then who? And the moral is this: it so happened, so laid down by nature, that most healthy men and women who have reached adulthood want to have a child. It is obvious. It is incredible that there are several reasons for this desire. This is marital love, the desire to share with someone a small and still inept accumulated experience, and many, many others. However, in this sweet, sweet barrel of honey, a very caustic fly in the ointment is hidden. Sometimes (and maybe quite often), after the birth of a child, parents (most often young fathers) realize that they don’t seem to need it. All dreams of games, care and transfer of experience burst like a balloon. Why is this happening?
One of the reasons for this phenomenon is the lack of understanding of what actually caused the desire to give birth to a child, "flesh of his own flesh." All romantic aspirations could not be in the depths of the heart, but be rose-colored glasses that hide the true reason for this desire. And under these glasses there may be an ordinary “castration complex”, and not only in men (although they have more often), but also in women. This complex develops in early childhood. The boy, looking at himself and his parents, begins to wonder whether he will have children, and whether he can give life, whether he is capable of it. The girl has the same thoughts. They are not able to get an answer to this question, because it begins to appear with the onset of puberty, when the body is not ready for the process of conception or childbirth. Since there is no answer to it, a focus of stagnant excitation arises, which does not necessarily manifest itself at the level of consciousness. It may be deep inside, a person may forget about this issue, but it does not disappear. Until material evidence is presented, the fire will not go out. So young people begin to prove to themselves that they are not barren. This manifests itself in countless abortions, unwanted and abandoned children.
Everyone knows about the availability of condoms and other contraceptives, however, the number of abortions is increasing. Of course, their number and the number of abandoned children is influenced not only by the "castration complex", but also by the decrease in the general spiritual level of the population, and by legalized television pornography.
Why am I saying all this. Please, before you take this very important step, decide for yourself, only sincerely, why do you need a child, do you really need him, not as a toy for your own satisfaction, an uncomplaining creature or a practiced castration complex, but as student, friend, son or daughter, equal and equal, despite the fact that he is still small for years.
If there is no such attitude, it does not matter, if you sincerely want it, then it will come, form, awaken. All techniques that will be described in this book or have been described before it, without this aspiration, are just mechanics. Every living being feels insincerity, and the human cub in particular. No need to be seven spans in the forehead, no need to be surrounded by a bunch of books. If you are sincere with him, open, affectionate, do not put his interests above your own, love him, then you will not have an “educational process”, but there will be a game, laughter, happiness, love and harmony.
There is another very important point. Remember the proverb - "to Caesar - Caesar's, and to the locksmith - locksmith's." A kind of caste approach. We tend to be mistaken, believing that our children must necessarily be brilliant - well, just like us, or, conversely, not jump above the minaret of parental consciousness, which is so high that even a three-year-old toddler can cross it. You don't have to measure your children. They are what they are. No less, no more. Do not demand impossible achievements from them, but do not interfere with showing individuality, ingenuity, intelligence, talent.
If you really want a child, then let's prepare him together to enter this world.
The energy field of the family.
Just like any structure that unites two or more people, whether it be a class, a team, a group of friends, associates or a religious association, the family has its own energy field called egregor. The general energy field of a family is made up of the sum of the fields of its members, including plants and animals living in the house. The strength and stability of this family field depends not only on the indicators of individual fields, but also on family relationships. If in a family everyone loves each other and holds each other, then the field of such a family is very large. It can withstand any provocations from others and maintain balance if, for one reason or another, a quarrel or misunderstanding arises between family members. If at the center of the family there is not a family as an ideal, but one of the family members, then the energy accent shifts in his direction and the general field receives less nourishment. If everyone seeks to capture this niche, then the family as a family ceases to exist. In its place, a simple tangle of relationships grows that does not fall apart only because of habit, fear for the future, unwillingness to change anything, lack of faith in one's own strengths and a person who could change all this.
A huge role in the formation of a single family field is played by family rites, rituals and traditions passed down from generation to generation. It is they who represent the pillar on which the entire energy backbone of the family rests. Traditions established once and for all are the strongest source of energy. Possessing great potential, they do not allow a person to go beyond their implementation, beyond family duty and the good of the family. They, like good hypnotists, keep family members in their power. The older they are, the longer they exist, the more potential they acquire. In the old days, families were strong with their traditions, it was they who allowed seemingly different people to unite and live together. Nowadays, family traditions are lost, so the number of divorces is increasing every day. One of the important rituals is the daily feeding of birds and animals, especially in winter. It is obligatory for householders who wish prosperity and happiness to their family.
In addition to traditions, the members of the family themselves and its "dependents" - plants and animals, invisible fellow travelers - brownies, have an impact on the family. Well-being in the family also depends on their favor, although not to a very large extent. To appease them, you need to offer them leftover food, ask for help in doing household chores, remember them and respond respectfully. There are special conspiracies and spells aimed at seeking the favor of the invisible guardians of the hearth. When moving to a new apartment, the brownie is necessarily invited to move in with the new settlers.
Very often, without noticing it, people bring plants, animals or objects into the house, undermine the well-being of the family. They do not necessarily have any mystical properties or are cursed. No. It's just that they are not compatible with the energy of the family. These include feathers, butterfly wing products, some shells, and ritual masks. Of the plants, these are all kinds of ivy and climbing plants. With animals it is more difficult. They have a sufficiently high consciousness, therefore they are able to show not only affection and love, but also jealousy and hatred. Sometimes it is difficult to immediately figure out what effect a snake brought by a child from a nearby swamp has.
It is very unpleasant when the so-called borderline state is formed in the family. Let's try to imagine the family as a small universe that has only one point of contact with all the other universes and worlds. Each of the members of this small universe bears certain energy responsibilities, somewhat reminiscent of household and family responsibilities. Someone guards the house, someone cleans, someone cooks, someone gets food. In everyday life, these duties are easier to distribute than at the energy level. If a family does not live soul to soul, an energy war is going on in it. The strongest (not necessarily this role falls to a man) occupies a dominant position and ceases to fulfill his duties. From that moment on, all the energy and attention of the family is directed to him. The rest of the members subconsciously feel and understand the current situation, but they do not have enough energy to change it. By the way, they want to change it not somehow, but in their favor, putting themselves in an energetically advantageous position. If they do not want this power, then they lack the energy and determination to break. They do not understand that there is power, you just need to strain it. But for many hundreds, and perhaps thousands of years, we have been cultivating non-resistance and humility with our miserable situation. We have become pathetic imitations of people who are not used to being respected and loved. Our mothers taught us to endure, as their mothers once taught them. They taught to endure, but


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