Message: #87729
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Mar 2017, 00:17

Ayurvedic astrology. David Frawley

fire sign. Her declining Mars in the second house in Cancer gives her a strong voice, but can also make her bitchy. Atправитель седьмого и десятого, Юпитер, находится в четвертом доме, не только соединяя в ее жизни темы замужества (7-й дом) и карьеры (10-й дом), но и окрашивая в свои тона эмоциональность. The Moon in the 7th house, in the expansive sign of Sagittarius, is good for expression and charisma, although it does not bring happiness in marriage. Many singers and actresses have in their horoscopes the Moon in the seventh house, contributing to what is in front of them. the public bows, but they did not have a chance to know personal happiness.

8 Bob Dylan vata pitta

2four мая 19four1 г. 21.05, Дулут, Миннесота, 92°06' з.д., four6°four7' NL
Ascendant 27°16' Scorpio Sun 10°28' Taurus
Moon 28°28' Aries Mars 12°56' Aquarius
Mercury 00°00' Gemini Jupiter 06°37' Taurus
Venus 19°56' Taurus Saturn 27°02' Aries
Раху05°30'Девы Toету 05°30' Рыб

Birth - Sun / Mars Moon - August 1, 19four6
Mars - August 1, 1956 Rahu - August 1, 1963
Jupiter - August 1, 1981 Saturn - August 1, 1997
Mercury - August 1, 2016
The deep, doomsday sign of Scorpio, ruled by Mars, is Bob Dylan's ascendant type. His Moon is in the hardheaded sign of Aries, also ruled by Mars, which brings a double Martian influence into his nature. However, Mars itself is located in Aquarius, an air sign ruled by Saturn, and exchanges signs with Saturn, since Saturn is in the Martian sign of Aries. itт обмен Марса и Сатурна является в его личностном укладе доминирующим фактором, что обусловливает конституцию вата-питта.
Dylan is an artist, writer, musician, and rebel, reflecting the innovative yet highly volatile temperament commonly associated with vata. But it also exhibits a critical, if not malicious, mindset, which demonstrates the presence of pitta. The influence of Pitta is also brought in by the seventh house, which is dominated by the Sun and from which it aspects the ascendant. Burnt Jupiter is not able to add kapha, but Venus in her sign, not very burnt, still softens the temper and gives recognition and charisma
The Moon in Aries in the sixth house endows him with a conflicting, rebellious disposition, prone to endless self-affirmation. Falling Saturn in Aries, in close conjunction with the Moon, paints the psyche in appropriate tones, introducing features of alienation into the mind, contributing to mood swings, inclining to depression and to the search for oblivion in drugs. Saturn has a strong position in the navamsa, aspecting Jupiter, the lord of the navamsha ascendant, adding strength to the person. Mercury at the very beginning of Gemini still aspects the ascendant, which is located at the end of Scorpio, also strengthening Vata.
The exchange between Mars and Saturn, which takes place in the fourth and 6th houses, is the main factor in the disasters associated with vehicles. Dylan almost died in a motorcycle accident that occurred during the period of Rahu. This was probably due to some recklessness inherent in his character. However угловые Венера и Юпитер спасли ему жизнь.

9. Diana Feinstein. pitta
22 июня 1933 т., Сан-Франциско, Toалифорния, 122°25' з.д., 37°four7' NL
Ascendant 2G1D Pisces Sun 07°ZG Gemini
Moon 29°57' Taurus Mars 29°ZG Leo
Mercury 00four8' Cancer Jupiter 22°58' Leo
Венера 23°59' Близнецов Сатурн® 22°5four' Toозерога
Раху 08°50' Водолея Toету 08°50' Льва

Birth - Mars/Saturn Rahu - December 29, 1936
Jupiter - December 29, 195four Saturn - December 29, 1970
Меркурий — 29 декабря 1989 г. Toету — 29 декабря 2006 г.
Venus - December 29, 2013
Toомбинация Юпитера и Марса (гуру-мангала йога) дает человеку способность к действию (Марс) в соответствии с возвышенными принципами (Гуру). it хорошая комбинация для юристов, политиков и реформаторов общества на этических началах, особенно если она в дружественных знаках, таких как Лев, где обе этих планеты чувствуют себя хорошо.
In Feinstein's horoscope, the Mars-Jupiter combination is the dominant influence, which led her into politics and eventually into the US Senate. Jupiter is the ruler of the ascendant, Pisces. Mars is not only in conjunction with Jupiter, but also aspects the ascendant with its special eighth aspect, that is, it affects both the ascendant and its owner. Both planets are placed in Leo, a fire sign, the sixth house of health, strengthening the constitution. They are в соединении с Toету, который подобен Марсу по качеству и Юпитеру в том, что предрасполагает к духовной мотивации, еще более усиливая эту комбинацию. Совместное влияние Марса и Toету дает Фейнштейн огненную, или питта-кон-ституцию, но сгармонизированную принципиальным Юпитером. Its type could also be attributed to the Mars-Jupiter type, or the higher type of Mars.
Her Moon in Taurus in the third house gives vitality and motivation as well as performance. Sun and Venus in Gemini in the fourth house of the mind confer communication skills, as does Mercury in the fifth house of the creative mind.

10. МАЙToЛ ДЖЕЙ Фокс. cotton wool

9 июня 1961 г., 0.15, Эдмонтон, Toанада, 113°28' з.д., 53°33' NL
Асцендент 25°17' Toозерога Солнце 2four°53' Тельца
Moon 08°08' Aries Mars 25°17' Cancer
Меркурий 16°0Г Близнецов Юпитер® 13°30' Toозерога
Venus 09°38' Aries Saturn® 05°four8' Toозерога
Раху 07°35' Льва Toету 07°35' Водолея

Рождение — Toету/Юпитер Венера — 1 марта 196four г.
Sun - March 1, 198four Moon - March 1, 1990
Mars - March 1, 2000 Rahu - March 1, 2007
Fox is an actor who plays mainly comic roles, who contracted Parkinson's disease at a young age. Его аюрве-дическая конституция: восходит Toозерог, а в нем его управитель Сатурн. it способствует проявлению в конституции вата-черт. Fox is short in stature, has a nervously expressive temperament and other Vata traits, with a youthful mercurial appearance.
However в гороскопе видны ощутимые поражения здоровья — в том, что касается и первого, и шестого домов. The first house of the body comes under the influence of two debilitating planets, both of which are temporary malefics for this ascendant. Юпитер в падении и ретрограден в самом Toозероге, а Марс в Раке близко к максимуму падения в 28°, аспектируя асцендент. Saturn is retrograde as the ruler of the ascendant, which also weakens health. Saturn and Mars afflict the ascendant and Jupiter in the natal chart. In navamsha they afflict the ascendant and Mercury.
In addition, Rahu, responsible for the predisposition to disorders of the nervous system, is in the worst position - in the eighth house of death and serious illness. It also strikes the Moon in Navamsha. Although Mercury, the ruler of the sixth house and the significator of the nervous system, is itself in his sixth house in Gemini, he is sandwiched between the malefic Sun on the one hand, and Mars on the other, which greatly weakens him.
The disease first manifested itself with minor and controlled symptoms in 1991, somewhere at the beginning of the main period of the moon. Then she recalled herself in 1998 during the Moon-Venus period. Since the Moon exchanges signs with Mars, this sets the negative energy of the planet into action. Since the main period of Mars followed the Moon in 2000, and the main period of Rahu begins after Mars in 2007, further development of the disease is predicted with deterioration in the period of Rahu. The benefactors in the angles - Jupiter in the 1st, Moon and Venus in the fourth - give him some help, indulgence and provide proper treatment, but they are not able to completely suppress the disease.
The jewel of Saturn, the owner of the ascendant, would be of great help to him in the fight against the disease. It could also be recommend Rahu stone, hessonite garnet. Other spiritual therapies are also worth considering.

31 марта 19four8 г., 12.53, Вашингтон, 77°02' з.д., 38"5four' NL
Ascendant 11 05' Cancer Sun 17 four7' Pisces
Moon 10°05' Sagittarius Mars 25°00' Cancer
Mercury 23°four5' Aquarius Jupiter 05°28' Sagittarius
Venus 02°53' Taurus Saturn® 22°52' Cancer
Раху22°52'Овна Toету 22°52' Весов

Рождение — Toету/Сатурн Венера — 11 декабря 19four9 г.
Sun - December 11, 1969 Moon - December 11, 1975
Mars - December 11, 1985 Rahu - December 11, 1992
Jupiter - December 11, 2010 Saturn - December 11, 2026
At Ала Гора, так же как и у Джорджа В. Буша, противостоявшего ему на президентских выборах 2000 года, асцендент в Раке с доминированием «политического» Сатурна. At Гора типичное капха-сложение — он высокий и «его много», а также черты лица, свойственные капха-типу. All of this points to ka phu as its dominant Ayurvedic type. He is also slow and thoughtful before taking any action, kind-hearted and compassionate, which is characteristic of kapha natures.
Sometimes the outward stiffness and absurdity of Horus appearing are due to Mars and Saturn, ascending in Cancer, although in his inner essence he is caring and benevolent. The latter circumstance is connected with the conjunction of the Moon-Jupiter in the Jupiterian sign of Sagittarius and with the Sun located in Pisces, also the sign of Jupiter. These factors provide a dominant Jupiterian influence in the horoscope, which makes Horus a representative of the Jupiterian planetary type and the Ayurvedic kapha type. Another aggravating factor for kapha is the position of the Moon in the tenth house in its own sign in the navamsa. The secondary dosha of Horus is Pitta due to ascending Mars and the Moon-Jupiter conjunction in the fire sign Sagittarius. Although the Moon is in the 6th house of disease, it is so well placed with Jupiter that it gives good health and stamina.
Such a strong Moon in Sagittarius leaves its mark on the psychology of Horus, making him idealistic and bringing him into contact with ethical topics such as environmental protection. Rahu in the tenth house, in his strongest position, during his period elevated him to the post of vice president. But the afflicted first house, including the fall in it of Mars, the tenth lord, did not allow him reach the highest position.


1four июня 1969 г., 0four.four0, Маннхейм,


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