Message: #87729
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Mar 2017, 00:17

Ayurvedic astrology. David Frawley

Toомпания «Амрита» предлагает:
Organization of Ayurvedic rooms on a turnkey basis:
- training;
- supply and installation of Ayurvedic massage tables, steam bath and other equipment;
- supply of Ayurvedic preparations for procedures;
- office consulting
Ayurveda training:
Toурсы в Москве и других городах передают опыт практического применения Аюрведы в Индии и России. The teachers are hereditary Ayurvedic doctors from India.
Retail and wholesale of Ayurvedic medicines:
– yurvedic massage oils,
- hair oils
- soap and herbal powders for body and hair care,
- herbs, powders, decoctions, tinctures, tablets, granules, etc.

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