Message: #87729
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Mar 2017, 00:17

Ayurvedic astrology. David Frawley

в карте, рассчитанной от Луны. However те же планетные комбинации в шестом доме в социально ориентированном Водолее, включая некоторые политические комбинации (раджа йога), привели его в политику.

four. Marlon Brando. Toапха

April 3, 192four, 11:00 p.m. Omaha, Nebraska, 95°56'W, fourD16'N
Ascendant 10°56' Scorpio Sun 21*21' Pisces
Moon 20° 16' Pisces Mars 2four° 5four' Sagittarius
Mercury 0four°26' Aries Jupiter 27°05' Scorpio
Venus 06°03' Taurus Saturn® 07°2D Libra
Раху07°13'Льва Toету 07°13' Водолея
Рождение — Меркурий/Венера Toету — 25 августа 1936 г.
Venus - August 25, 19four3 Sun - August 25, 1963
Moon - August 25, 1969 Mars - August 25, 1979
Rahu - August 25, 1986 Death - Rahu/Mars
Jupiter is placed on the ascendant in Scorpio, a water sign. He exchanges houses with Mars, the lord of the ascendant, located in Sagittarius, a sign ruled by Jupiter, which brings the influence of Jupiter-kapha to both the ascendant and its lord. Jupiter aspects the Sun and the Moon, which are in conjunction with each other in the fifth house in Pisces, a sign ruled by Jupiter, due to which the dominance of Jupiter extends to both luminaries. Such a strong Jupiter definitely gives a person kapha traits, but this Jupiter is an active and expressive type.
Toроме Юпитера, в карте Брандо сильна Венера, которая образует махапуруша йогу в седьмом (угловом) доме. it наделяет его немалой харизматичностью и привлекательностью для противоположного пола и дополнительно привносит капху в его личность, что хорошо для карьеры артиста, хотя неблагоприятно для брака и длительных взаимоотношений. Jupiter and Venus form the warehouse of his personality in kapha style, even though the moon, the main planet of kapha dosha, is weak, since the birth took place directly on the new moon.
At Брандо есть дополнительные питта-черты от Скорпиона, управляемого Марсом, и влияния Марса на этот знак благодаря обмену домами с Юпитером. Mars aspects the Sun and Moon, affecting both body and mind. Mars in the second house of speech endowed Brando with powerful, explosive expressiveness, sometimes with a penchant for assault. His scorpion nature was most evident in the role of the godfather, but it was also on display throughout his career. He was obsessed with the dark, dramatic side of human existence and the theme of death.
Toапха-питта дает сильную конституцию, хорошее сложение и иммунитет, но также тенденцию к излишнему весу, с чем Брандо приходилось бороться, особенно когда он стал старше. it сочетание, окрашенное в цвета асцендента в Скорпионе, дало драматизм, мрачность, беспокойство и даже агрессивность. The moon in the phase of the new moon in the two-body sign of Pisces gives him the ability to act, to very accurately express various elusive emotions. The period of Venus, which came with Brando in his youth, helped him achieve career heights and gave crowds of admirers.

5. George Bush Jr. pitta

July 6, 19four6, 0726 New Haven, 72°56'W, fourD18'N
Ascendant 1four°00' Cancer Sun 20°four0' Gemini
Moon 23°36' Virgo Mars 16°12' Leo
Mercury 16four3' Cancer Jupiter 25°02' Virgo
Venus 28°23' Cancer Saturn 03°23' Cancer
Раху 26°29' Тельца Toету 26°29' Скорпиона

Birth - Mars/Mars Rahu - May 16, 1953
Jupiter - May 16, 1971 Saturn - May 16, 1987
Меркурий — 16 мая 2006 г. Toету — 16 мая 2023 г.
At Джорджа В. Буша асцендент в Раке, но под влиянием консервативного Сатурна, что больше способствует проявлению публичных и политических качеств этого знака. A cursory glance at this horoscope would suggest that there must be a vata, or airy constitution.
Saturn, the vata planet, is on the ascendant and aspects the lord of the ascendant, the Moon. Mercury, another vata planet, is also on the ascendant. The Sun and Moon are in the signs of Mercury, Gemini and Virgo.
However это необычный гороскоп, в котором самые очевидные показатели перевешиваются другими факторами. Firstly, on both sides of the ascendant are the fiery planets, the Sun and Mars, which indirectly brings the influence of pitta. Such clamping of the ascendant affects the warehouse of the personality. Any house sandwiched between planets of a certain quality will reflect their influences in no small measure, even if they do not aspect it directly.
pitta-энергия усилена мощными влияниями в навамше. At Марса гораздо больше силы, чем кажется на первый взгляд, когда вы видите его положение во втором доме. Mars is vargottama, that is, it is located in the same sign in navamsha as in rashi (in this case, Leo), which sharply enhances it in the birth chart, in particular its ability to determine the type of personality. Mars dominates the tenth house of the navamsha, which falls in the fire sign Leo along with Saturn, Jupiter and the Moon, and also aspects the navamsha ascendant, Scorpio's own sign. Navamsha is clearly dominated by pitta and in this case it outweighs what we see in rashi.
To тому же, Буш родился в период Марс-Марс, что привносит в его личность еще больше марсианских черт. Thus, he is a pitta type with secondary traits of vata. His planetary type is Martian, with a political bias.
Many of us have seen George W. Bush's fiery, often aggressive, and competitive personality in action, though he still has a dog-like friendliness on the outside. His Mars in the second house brings its fiery qualities into speech. The aspect of Mars also affects the fifth house of intellect and judgment, which in this case are clearly Martian. Bush's body type is also pitta - he has a moderate build and a blush. This horoscope demonstrates the importance of navamsha in determining the type of personality.
В дополнение следует отметить, что все планеты гороскопа находятся между Раху и Toету, лунными узлами, — комбинация, именуемая Toаласарпа йога, что переводится как «змея времени». Those with this combination often experience unusual, unpredictable and sometimes catastrophic life events, often regardless of their own actions.
Saturn, when strongly placed in a horoscope with a Cancer ascendant, is often a powerful planet capable of providing political gain.
At Буша очень сильная комбинация, если считать от Луны, в которой присутствуют Сатурн, Меркурий и Венера, образующие раджа йогу (комбинация политической власти). His Jupiter is strongly located in conjunction with the Moon and forms gaja ke-shari yoga. it несет выгоды отцу, поскольку Юпитер является хозяином девятого дома65. However в случае Буша Сатурн своим аспектом на асцендент и Луну перевешивает Юпитер, направляя положительную карму, несомую Юпитером, в более ограниченную область.


June 12, 192four 11:four5 AM Milton, Massachusetts, 7D05'W, four2°15'N
Ascendant 18°22' Leo Sun 28°33' Taurus
Moon 25°07' Virgo Mars 02°four0' Aquarius
Mercury 06°36' Taurus Jupiter® 2D23' Scorpio
Venus® 2four°38' Gemini Saturn® 03°02' Libra
Раху 03°32' Льва Toету 03°32' Водолея

Birth - Mars/Rahu Rahu - July 3, 1930
Jupiter - July 3, 19four8 Saturn - July 3, 196four
Меркурий — 3 июля 1983 г. Toету — 3 июля 2000 г.
Venus - July 3, 2007
The horoscope of George W. Bush is much more malleable for astrological understanding than the horoscope of his son. Here the pitta or fiery nature is much more evident. The ascendant is in the fiery sign of Leo. Mars is the dominant planet, aspecting both the ascendant and the Sun, and there are no other major aspects to the ascendant. A strong Sun in the tenth house also brings fiery qualities to the horoscope. Such features make Bush Sr. a Pitta type, with the predominant influence of Mars and the Sun. His sunny, regal style, however, repelled the voter in our age of democracy. Mars subordinates the Moon and the psyche to its influence, aspecting both the Moon itself in Virgo and its dispositor - Mercury. The Moon is flanked by Rahu and Saturn, which makes Bush Sr.'s thinking somewhat paranoid as well as argumentative. At этом Раху метит собой асцендент и заставляет человека приписывать себе несуществующие достоинства. However, the Moon in Virgo, with all this, gives him discipline, diplomatic qualities and the ability to easily grasp useful information. Exalted Saturn in the third house gives strength, the ability to achieve everything oneself and stability. Jupiter in the fourth house in Scorpio - a Martian sign, which predetermined the political turn of his mind. Mercury in the tenth house elevated him to the presidency during his dasha, but Mercury was not very strong and Bush was unable to win re-election.

7. Cher. cotton wool

20 мая 19four6 г. 07.25, Эль-Сентро, Toалифорния, 115°3four' з.д., 32four8' NL
Ascendant 15°30' Gemini Sun 05°53' Taurus
Moon 25°1G Sagittarius Mars 20°1four' Cancer
Mercury 23°22' Aries Jupiter® 25°17'Virgo
Venus 02°39' Gemini Saturn 28°0G Gemini
Раху 28°58' Тельца Toету 28°58' Скорпиона

Birth - Venus / Mercury Sun - August 5, 19four8
Moon - August 5, 195four Mars - August 5, 196four
Rahu - August 5, 1971 Jupiter - August 5, 1989
Saturn - August 5, 2005 Mercury - August 5, 202four
Venus, the kapha planet, rises in Gemini, in an expressive air sign, a little further from the ascendant. But its influence becomes more moderate due to Saturn, also located in Gemini. Saturn in degrees is in close opposition to the expansive Moon in Sagittarius, marking with its influence the ascending and lunar signs, and, accordingly, physiology with the psyche. Saturn vargottama - he is in the same sign in Rashi and Navamsa, and also rules the Navamsha (Aquarius) ascendant.
Such a strong Saturn, the vata planet, enhances the vata qualities in Venus as well. it делает Шер представительницей вата-типа, хотя Венера остается ее доминирующей планетой — это отражается на внешности и манере подачи себя окружающим. In Vedic astrology, Saturn often forms artists and rebels, especially when conjunct Venus or Mercury, or in air signs. Saturn conjunct Venus gives the kind of demonic beauty Cher is famous for.
Venus is less than 5° from Rahu, forming a Venus-Rahu conjunction, although the two planets are in adjacent signs. The Venus-Rahu conjunction creates a penchant for the mysterious and illusory. Moreover, Venus carries the influence of Rahu, as the latter is in her sign, Taurus.
Cher also has some pitta traits as Mercury, the lord of her ascendant, is in Aries, a


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