Message: #87700
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Mar 2017, 00:12

Ayurveda. The Science of Self-Healing

day. Golden water will energize the heart, causing a weak pulse to become steady, healthy. Gold also improves memory, intelligence and understanding, stimulates the awakening of consciousness.
Gold has a warming property and therefore, with a pitta constitution, it should be applied with caution. Some people cannot tolerate gold and may develop a rash when gold is applied.
IRON. Beneficial for bone marrow, bone tissue, red blood cells, liver and spleen. Heо увеличивает образование красных кровяных телец и поэтому его пепел употребляется при лечении анемии. Heо эффективно при увеличении печени или селезенки. Iron strengthens muscles and nerve tissues, has restorative properties.
LEAD. Very effective remedy for skin diseases. It is also used to treat leucorrhea, vaginal disorders, tumors, gonorrhea and syphilis.
MERCURY. Very heavy and strong metal. Heа помогает стимуляции ферментной системы, изменению и восстановлению тканей. Mercury is considered the seed of the god Shiva in Indian mythology. Stimulates the intellect and awakens the consciousness. Heа никогда не должна применяться одна, но всегда вместе с серой. The energy of some herbs is increased thousands of times when taken with mercury and sulfur. These two substances transfer the action of herbs to the subtle channels and tissues of the body.
SILVER. Another very important healing metal. Имеет охлаждающий эффект и благотворно при лечении излишеств в pitta. Helps силе и выдержке. It is used to treat vata diseases. Однако для людей капха конституции оно должно be applied with caution. Silver helps with exhaustion, chronic fever, weakness after fever, heartburn, inflammation of the intestines, overactive gallbladder and heavy menstrual bleeding. Silver is very helpful in inflammatory heart diseases, liver and spleen disorders. Silver water is prepared in the same way as golden water. Drinking warm milk warmed in a silver bowl increases strength and endurance.
TIN. Rejuvenating element. Refined tin ash is used in the treatment of diabetes, gonorrhea, syphilis, asthma, respiratory infections, anemia, skin diseases, lung diseases, and lymphatic blockages.
Jewels, stones and color therapy
Just like metals, jewels, stones and colors contain energy vibrations of healing properties. The healing energy of jewels and stones can be activated by wearing them in the form of jewelry - bracelets and rings, or by placing precious stones in water overnight and drinking this water the next day. Jewels can be cleaned by placing them in salt water for two days. With their positive and negative vibrations, jewels radiate and at the same time repel energy. Heи активизируют энергетические центры в теле, помогая развить чувствительность.
This is followed by a list of jewels favorable for people according to their time of birth, followed by descriptions of the properties and use for the treatment of many famous jewels and stones.

Calendar of stones according to the month of birth

January - pomegranate July - ruby
February - amethyst August - sapphire
March - heliotrope September - moonstone
April - diamond October - opal
May - agate November - topaz
June - pearl December - ruby

Jewelry use
? For health - amethyst, heliotrope, pearls.
? To feel the subtle impact of energy - diamond, lapis lazuli, ruby.
? For attractive qualities - heliotrope, pearls.
? For the development of mental abilities - lapis linkquis.
? For susceptibility - agate, beryl.
? To create a general protection - beryl, lapis linkquis.
? To protect against colds - carbon steel.
? For protection from anger - pearls, opal.
AGATE. Smoky color. Agate protects children from fear and helps children to start walking earlier, maintains their balance. itт драгоценный камень стимулирует духовное пробуждение. Helps облегчить капха нарушения. Agate contains the elements of ether, fire and air. It should be worn as a neck bracelet in a gold necklace.
AMETHYST. Blue or purple. Contains the elements of ether and water. Gives personal nobility, love, compassion and hope. Helps контролировать эмоциональный темперамент. Хорош для лечения дисбаланса вата я pitta. Amethyst should be worn around the neck in a gold necklace.
BERYL. Yellow, green or blue. Contains the elements of fire and ether. Stimulates excess pitta, alleviates excess vata and kapha. Promotes интеллекту, могуществу, престижу и положению в обществе. Enhances the value of art and music. It should be worn around the neck in a silver frame or in a silver ring worn on the index finger of the left hand.
HELIOTROPE. itт кварцевый камень содержит немного капель красного цвета. Helps остановить кровоизлияние, является лучшим кровоочистительным средством. Helps духовному воспитанию детей. A good remedy for diseases of the liver, spleen and anemia. Contains fire and water. It should be worn around the neck in a gold necklace near the heart.
DIAMOND. White, blue or red. The energy of this highly refined gemstone carries subtle vibrations to the heart, brain, and subtle tissues. Красный алмаз имеет огненную энергию, которая стимулирует pitta. The blue diamond has a cooling property, the energy of which calms pitta and stimulates kapha. Colorless diamond stimulates pitta and stimulates kapha. In Ayurveda, diamond is used as a heart tonic. To do this, the diamond must be placed overnight in a glass of water and drink this water the next day. Diamond is an exquisite rejuvenating stone. He приносит процветание и духовное возвышение. He помогает создать близкие родственные узы, таким образом, традиционно связан с женитьбой. He содержит эфир, воздух, огонь, землю и воду. The diamond should be worn on the right ring finger in a gold ring. It should be noted that a low quality diamond can have a negative effect on the body.
POMEGRANATE. Silicate material with various colors: red, brown, black, green, yellow and white. The red, yellow and brown colors of the pomegranate have a healing effect and are beneficial for vata and kapha disorders. White and green are used for Pitta because they have a cooling effect. Red pomegranate contains fire and earth, green - fire and air, white - water. A pomegranate can be worn around the neck in a gold frame - for vata and kapha, a silver frame is preferable for pitta.
LAZURITE (LYAPIS LAZURITE). Blue, purple or green. itт камень укрепляет eyes, употребляется для лечения различных глазных болезней. Lapis lazuli is a heavenly, sacred stone. It gives strength to the body, mind and consciousness, transfers sensitivity to high spiritual vibrations to the owner. Contains fire, ether and water. Good for vata and kapha. It must be worn around the neck in a gold necklace.
LYAPIS LINQUIS. Blue. It has the same properties as lapis lazuli. Helps при медитации, приносит удачу.
MOONSTONE. Gray and white. itт камень поглощает лунную энергию, что можно заключить из его внешнего родства с луной. Успокаивает ум, его охлаждающая энергия облегчает pitta. Contains water, air and ether. Moonstone is closely related to human emotions and affects body water. If a person suffers from emotional stresses and experiences anxiety at the new moon or full moon, he should wear a moonstone placed in a silver frame in the form of a ring on his right ring finger. Лунный камень облегчит нарушения вата и pitta. However, it will aggravate kapha.
OPAL. Red, yellowish red or orange yellow. Opal promotes the growth of children. Promotes чувству благосклонности и дружественности. it камень Бога, любви, веры, сострадания, творчества и понимания в сфере родственных взаимоотношений.
He содержит воду, огонь и эфир. itт камень хорош для вата и капха конституций. It should be worn on the right index finger in a gold frame or as a neck bracelet, in a gold necklace.
PEARL. This jewel is an organic product of the mother of pearls - oysters. Pearls contain water, air and earth. It also contains calcium carbonate, which creates a cooling effect and soothing, healing vibrations. Pearls have antipitta properties and purify the blood. As a cleansing with ashes, it is used for the stomach and for inflammation of the intestines, as an internal one. It can be used in the treatment of hepatitis and gallstones. One who is prone to vomiting bile can be successfully treated with pearl ashes.
Pearls are a hemostatic agent. Therefore, it is used for bleeding gums, vomiting blood, blood in the sputum and bloody hemorrhoids. Pearls have strengthening qualities and promote strength and vitality. The electrical energy of pearls can be used in the form of pearl water. Four or five small pearls should be placed in a glass of water and left to stand overnight. This water is taken the next day as a drink that can treat burning eyes or burning urine. Such water is anti-acid and helps with acute inflammatory conditions. Pearls should be worn on the right ring finger in a silver ring.
RED CORAL. itт драгоценный камень, пришедший с моря, поглощает энергию планеты Марс. Red coral contains calcium carbonate. Его действие успокаивает pitta. He очищает кровь и помогает контролировать ненависть, гнев и зависть, если носить его на указательном или безымянном пальце правой руки. He содержит воду, землю и the fire.
RUBY. Red. itт камень помогает концентрации и дает умственную силу, укрепляет сердце. Ruby contains fire, air and ether. People pitta is sensitive to this stone, however it is good for excess vata and kapha. It should be worn on the left ring finger, in a gold or silver ring.
SAPPHIRE. Violet or magenta. Has a neutralizing effect on vata. It is used to counteract the negative influence of the planet Saturn and helps with rheumatism, sciatica, neurological pain, epilepsy, hysteria and all Vata disorders. Contains air and ether. Sapphire should be worn around the neck, in a gold frame.
TOPAZ. Straw yellow, wine yellow, greenish or reddish blue. itт драгоценный камень способствует страсти и уменьшает страх. Topaz gives strength to the intellect. It contains fire, ether and air. Topaz should be worn on the index finger of the right hand in a gold ring or as a neck bracelet in a gold necklace.
In Ayurvedic treatment, the healing properties of certain flowers are also used. The seven basic natural colors found in the rainbow are associated with the


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