Message: #87700
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Mar 2017, 00:12

Ayurveda. The Science of Self-Healing

Septic or non-healing wounds will heal with the application of licorice ghee. If you take licorice ghee regularly (half a teaspoon daily), it will help in the treatment of intestinal ulcers. Licorice is very effective as a remedy for inflammation of the gallbladder. Taken after a meal, licorice tea aids digestion and treats constipation.
MUSTARD. Mustard is very pungent, spicy, harsh, penetrating and oily. Mustard root is used as a home seasoning. Heа возжигает агни и нейтрализует токсины. Однако горчицу надо принимать осторожно, поскольку она обостряет pitta. Acts as a pain reliever, reducing muscle pain. It is carminative and anticongestant. Mustard powder mixed with water can be used as a poultice, but it should not be applied directly to the skin to avoid blistering. To relieve joint pain or chest pain, mustard paste is placed on a cloth and then the cloth is applied to the skin. Mustard can be used as a poultice to relieve muscle spasms. Tie a mustard seed in a small piece of cloth and place in hot water. Then immerse your hands and feet in water to relieve muscle pain and muscle irritation. Mustard seeds mixed with water promote muscle relaxation. Mustard can be consumed boiled and fried. Heat the sesame oil in saucepan; when the oil is hot, fry about two pinches of mustard seeds in it with onions, garlic and vegetables. Such vegetables will become very tender and easy to digest. Mustard can be used for indigestion, bloating and diseases resulting from improper digestion.
NUTMEG. it ароматическое и стимулирующее растение. It is used to improve the taste of tea and milk. When taken with milk, it serves as a tonic for the heart and brain, and is also used to treat sexual weakness. Effective in case of urinary incontinence, diarrhea, gas and dull pain in the abdomen, loss of appetite and diseases of the liver and spleen. It is a relaxing agent, induces natural sleep, helping with insomnia. Мускатный орех должен приниматься умеренно, и только для взрослых, due to сильного действия, в количестве одной щепотки за раз. He хорош для людей вата и капха. For humans, pitta constitution can be used in small doses.
ONION. Spicy, ароматичный, является сильным раздражителем. Has a burning effect when taken orally. Onion fumes, containing ammonium, cause irritation to the eyes, causing watery eyes and a runny nose. Onions are so stimulating to the senses that if weakness or dizziness is felt, onions cut into pieces and inhaled will provide relief. Onions aid digestion and stimulate sexual energy. it - раджас пища, и она не рекомендуется тем, кто практикует целибат как духовную практику. Boiled onions are sweeter and less spicy, if such a poultice is applied to a skin blister (abscess), it will burst. An attack of fever and subsequent convulsions can be treated by applying grated raw onions wrapped in a cloth to the forehead or abdomen.
Onion relieves an acute attack of epilepsy if taken as a nasal inhalation or instilled in the eyes. Onions help reduce cholesterol, good for toning the heart, the action of onions helps to normalize the rhythm of the heart. Half a cup of fresh onion juice with two teaspoons of honey taken orally relieves asthma, spasms, coughs, nausea and vomiting. it средство разрушает червей в кишечнике. Grated onion with half a teaspoon of turmeric and half a teaspoon of curry powder relieves joint pain when used as a paste, applied to the sick places.
BLACK PEPPER). it острая, жгучая и стимулирующая приправа, помогает возжечь агни. Increases the secretion of gastric juice and improves the taste of food. It is used in the treatment of constipation, dry hemorrhoids, gas formation and loss of appetite. To combat worms in the colon, this herb can be taken with a pinch of honey. Only whole ground peppers should be used. He помогает при лечении опухолей. A pinch of black pepper powder with ghee is applied externally as a remedy for hives. Black pepper is hot and pungent, but mixed with ghee, it relieves pitta disorders such as dermatitis and hives.
SALT. Many people use sea salt simply to improve the taste of food, but it is also a medicinal product. Salt contains water and by-products of the sea. Heа обостряет питта и капха, поскольку содержит воду и the fire. Only a small amount of salt should be consumed in food. Salt facilitates the removal of gases, helps with bloating. Очищает mouth, стимулирует секрецию в пищеварительном канале и способствует digestion. Salt can be used to treat external tumors. In this case, the salt must be heated in a saucepan and put in a linen bag for external application. Salt is a natural pain reliever, used as a topical application for pain. To clear kapha and relieve nasal congestion, a concentrated saline solution is instilled into the nose.
TURMERIC. it стимулирующее и ароматичное растение имеет много полезных свойств. Bitter, slightly spicy, well cleanses the blood, acts as a tonic, helping digestion, relieves constipation. Acts as a sedative for respiratory conditions such as coughs and asthma. It is used against arthritis and as an antibacterial agent. Turmeric can be added to protein-rich foods to aid digestion and prevent gas. Turmeric has been successfully used to maintain the flora of the colon. As a gargle, turmeric is used to treat tonsillitis and throat blockages. To do this, prepare a rinse of two pinches of turmeric, two pinches of salt in a glass of warm water. Turmeric also has anti-inflammatory properties. For abrasions, bruises and traumatic tumors, a turmeric paste prepared from half a teaspoon of turmeric with a pinch of salt. When applying such a paste to the affected areas, pain, swelling and inflammation quickly disappear.
Turmeric is also used in the treatment of diabetes. For this, four or five capsules are taken after a meal to bring blood sugar back to normal levels.
YELLOW SORREL. This herb is a famous native of America. It has antipitta properties. It is a laxative, cleanses the blood, and is used as an anti-inflammatory medicine. Therefore, it can be used for the symptoms of arthritis, to relieve pain, with increased skin sensitivity and redness of the skin. He эффективен в форме чая при лечении дерматитов, кровяного геморроя, сыпного воспаления шеи, спины и подмышек. Благодаря своим антитоксичным свойствам желтый щавель очищает кровь и успокаивает разбалансированность в pitta. The root of this plant is used externally for ulcers, skin infections, and hard-to-heal abrasions.
In addition to the use of medicinal plants, Ayurveda uses the healing properties of metals, jewelry and stones. Ayurvedic teachings say that everything that exists in nature is endowed with the energy of the Universal Consciousness.
All forms of matter are simply the outer manifestation of this energy. Prana, the life force, flows from the Universal Energy, which is the essence of all matter. Thus, metals, stones and jewels are the external manifestation of certain forms of energy. These materials are reservoirs of pranic energy and this energy can be drawn for healing purposes. ancient rishis Индии обнаружили эти действия энергии путем медитации.
Adverse influences on the normal functioning of the body, mind and consciousness can be neutralized by the use of jewels and metals. When applied to the skin, they emit electromagnetic waves that act on body cells and deep tissues. For example, by wearing a hand-bracelet made of silver and lead, threatening liver disorders can be avoided.
The physical health of the body, its spiritual and mental level depend on the cosmic influence. Just as a house is protected from lightning strikes with a copper rod, so the body can be protected from the electrical and magnetic radiation of the atmosphere through the use of jewelry and metals. Pure metals radiate astral light, providing a powerful counteraction to the negative influence of the planets.
All metals contain tremendous healing energy. Heavy metals such as mercury, gold, silver, copper, iron, lead and tin are used for treatment. However, even pure metals can contain some contaminants that are toxic to vital organs such as the liver, spleen, and heart. Therefore, Ayurvedic teaching prescribes special methods for the purification of metals. The metal is heated and worked with butter, cow urine, milk, ghee, fresh milk butter or sour grain gruel. These ancient methods perform a more subtle cleansing than simple chemical cleansing, allowing human tissues to experience the effects of pure metals, without any toxic effects. The beneficial effects of certain metals are described below.
COPPER. Alleviates excess kapha and fat. A good tonic for the liver, spleen and lymphatic system. Especially useful for people who tend to gain weight, retain water, or have lymphatic buildup. Copper also helps in the treatment of anemia. For the treatment of obesity and liver, as well as diseases of the spleen, drink two teaspoons of copper water three times a day for a month. To prepare this water, tenpence coins are washed in lime water, then placed in a quart of water and boiled until half the volume of water is boiled away. Wearing a copper bracelet around your wrist also helps.
GOLD. Gold is effective in toning the nerves. Heо улучшает память и интеллект, укрепляет сердечную мышцу и повышает выносливость. Gold is good for hysteria, epilepsy, heart attacks, weakness in the lungs and liver. Refined gold turns into ash, burning in a fire. The energy of gold can be revealed by drinking golden healing water. To prepare this water, place a piece of gold jewelry (without any stones) in a volume of two glasses of water and boil until half of the volume boils away. The electron energy of the gold will enter the water during this process. One teaspoon of this water can be taken three times a


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