Message: #88297
Ольга Княгиня » 13 Mar 2017, 15:52

An astrologer’s guide. Natal chart. Francis Sakoyan

or half a day, if the ephemeris is calculated for noon. We find at midnight on June 5, 1942, 16 hours. 51.4. To get the sidereal time of birth, we consider how many hours have passed before or after the sidereal time taken. It's midnight here, until 8 o'clock - 8. For correctness, we should also take an amendment for sidereal time. But since we are talking about 2 minutes, we neglect this (our horoscope is never calculated with an accuracy of 5 minutes, as far as birth time data is concerned). So we take 8 hours. + 16.51 = 24.51; 24.51 - day = 0.51 - this is the sidereal time of birth.
4) Now we take tables of houses at the latitude closest to the place of birth. In the tables of Raphael for Basel 47.33 we find in the table the sidereal time closest to the calculated one; 0.51.32 is ASC 3 deg. 14 min Leo. If there are tables that give data for each degree of latitude, you need to do this: Basel is located between 47 and 48 ° N. lat., therefore, it is necessary to interpolate numbers between 2.56 Leo and 3.34 Leo, the difference is 38 minutes; adding half to 47, we get the point of the 1st house, which will give 3.15 Leo.
5) We take the tips of the houses from the following columns of the table of houses.
6) The positions of the planets must be recalculated based on Greenwich Mean Time. For our case, the difference is 7 hours. 30 minutes must be recalculated for the position of the planets. To do this, we take two values ​​from the ephemeris and interpolate. If the planet is backward, we interpolate as always, but the value is subtracted.
Then a circle is drawn and the aspects are counted.
In our case, we have aspects: the Sun is sextile to the MC, squared to the node of the Moon and the Moon; Moon square Saturn, Uranus and sextile Venus; Mercury conjunct Jupiter and square Neptune; Venus square Asc Pluto, trine nod, sextile Jupiter (hidden); Mars sextile Neptune Jupiter square Neptune Saturn conjunct Uranus, sextile Asc and Pluto, square the node; Uranus sextile Asc and Pluto, trine Neptune; Pluto in conjunction with Asc. Occupied: I sign of Fire, 2 - Earth, 5 - Air, 2 - Water. I planet in a cardinal sign, 2 - in permanent and 7 - in mobile.

Sun in the signs of the zodiac.

The Sun is the most important planet in the horoscope. The position of the Sun in a sign shows how a person uses the inner forces and creativity for his development and expression. The solar sign personifies the stage of development at which a person is in his present incarnation, as well as the tasks that he must master. The solar sign determines the dynamic manifestation of the will. The will, characterized by the influence of the Sun, is a fundamental component of consciousness, which also influences other factors of behavior.

ARIES. Masters Mars and Pluto. Motto: Initiative, activity, enterprise. The sign of the beginning of action means a new cycle in personal development, aggressiveness, straightforwardness. His creed is "I am". It shimmers with seething energy, enthusiasm. Being a cardinal sign, he sets himself all the time new tasks that interest him, until the charm of novelty has disappeared. Aries people have an inner need to actively assert themselves in life. It is not enough for them to talk about needs, they fulfill them. They will achieve a lot if they learn to reason. Their impulsiveness and inability to listen to advice lead to difficult situations. Because of impatience, they do not bring the matter to the end, leaving it to other, subordinate signs. Being ambitious, they want to be the first and the best everywhere. This is a born leader. Glory and vocation are more important for him than money and conveniences. Striving for authority and domination, it becomes aggressive, resorting to violence instead of diplomacy and reason. If there is not enough intelligence and experience, stupidity turns out. It draws strength from its inflexibility. Failure doesn't discourage him. Always looking for new opportunities. He needs to learn courtesy, friendliness, the ability to analyze his actions. Highly developed types have great willpower, are self-confident, have spiritual abilities, the ability to restore their strength - this is from the Sun, which has exaltation in Aries.

TAURUS. Venus. Motto: own, decisiveness, practicality. This is a sign of expedient determination and strength. Being a sign of the Earth, he is called upon to deal with material matters, mastering them. Strives for spiritual truth, trying to master the practical aspects of life; loves the pleasant aspects of life, strive to take possession of material values. His motto is "I have". Appreciates convenience, contentment, pleasure; achieves the satisfaction of needs without sparing energy. Having reached the goal, he will not engage in other interests. Make sure no one and nothing gets in his way. He needs money not for the sake of money itself, but in order to have pleasure for it. Venus is his mistress, which gives the ability to appreciate beautiful forms and things, especially through touch. A lover of beautiful clothes, he is very influenced by appearance. Emotional and material security plays an important role in life. He does not get in touch without knowing that this person is useful to him. But, having a loyal attitude towards people, he often deals with their problems. Unusually jealous, he considers his partner his property, and this is all from the need for reliability. He is very emotional, has spiritual abilities, considers himself unhappy if he takes a wife from the lower class. Often does not understand the motives of their behavior. Not very interested in self-knowledge. Plans his life for many years ahead, instinctively moving towards the goal. As a rule, his efforts are not in vain. He does not like interference in his affairs, does not like attempts to influence them.

TWINS. Mercury. Motto: spirituality, mobility, lack of conventions. Speed ​​of thought and action. Their motto is "I think". Mercury has to do with negotiation, understanding, so Gemini makes a judgment, classifies. Needs words and ideas for contacts. Language means a lot to him, it is the framework of his activity. The word is a saving anchor, and thoughts jump from one place to another. Oratory skills are a positive attribute, but they must learn to "keep their mouths shut". They are eager for knowledge, eager to learn, and capable. Their ingenuity and power of imagination often give them a talent for writing; experimenters and critics. For them, education is always important, and if education is not enough, they torture others. With a good education, they are pleasant and cultured in circulation. Their behavior is determined by their momentary mood, therefore they are bivalent, diversity for them is the salt of life. But it can take you far. When they fail, they experience depression. It is best when they have several interests. The state of constantly alert attention does not give spiritual and physical rest. In difficult situations, they rarely lose sight. Their ingenuity opens up the possibility of solutions to the outside. Gemini is the master of arms and legs, as well as nerves. They like to give shape to their ideas, hands. And there are enough ideas! They should try to give rest to the mind and body. First, try to keep your arms and legs calm, eat slowly. This will help to restrain in moments of anger or emotional stress. They are They are popular because they can carry on a conversation with brilliance, be helpful, sociable, and have subtlety. But they do not like to be tied to one place or one person. Their thriftiness and housekeeping are almost equal to zero. An insatiable curiosity, a search for personal spiritual security in the midst of their ever-changing experiences. They love travel and change. Although they are not very attracted to material goods, they mean power and freedom for them, and, therefore, they need them. Gemini children are charming and inventive, teachers look at them through their fingers, although they should have started educating them as early as possible, since later their shortcomings are difficult to eradicate. As adults, they must forcefully discipline themselves. With luck, strength and originality will be obtained in the public and artistic fields. They don't accept conventions. Forced to defend their originality in order to be different from others. It seems to them that in order to develop their abilities, they need to completely free themselves from addiction. They are выступают против любых устоев, нарушая правила, восстают против начальства, защищают от всех свою индивидуальность. They are и пальцем не пошевелят, если это нужно для условности, но с возрастом начинают понимать, что без сотрудничества нет и самовоплощения. The signs of Air make it clear that the fate of people depends on the fate of humanity. If they learn to overcome their shortcomings, their excellent abilities will lead them to high goals.

CRAYFISH. Mistress Luna. Motto: homeliness, sensitivity, fidelity. Powerful emotions. His motto is "I feel". The strongest sign of Water, more suitable for women, since most of all other signs are associated with home and family. Strong protective instincts, aimed at the home-material sphere. Very touchy and afraid of ridicule. The shell, the symbol of Cancer, the shell, means great inner sensitivity, fearfulness, physical and psychological vulnerability. Protecting himself from mental trauma, he seeks reliability and security in solitude, and this is all the more offensive, since he has a strong need for family and home. And life will

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