Message: #87365
Ольга Княгиня » 11 Mar 2017, 12:28

Karmic astrology. Volume 5. Karmic relationships. Martin Schulman

характеризуется прямотой направления. The male предоставляет мудрость и guidance, while a woman offers depth and understanding. Great achievements can result from this relationship, as both partners feel the need to be involved in something that goes beyond personal needs. The male учит женщину направлять ее энергию, а она способна показать ему значительные возможности всего, что он может достичь. As a result, everyone benefits from the strength of a partner.
The woman completes the destructive karma. She is узнает, как выводить на поверхность и устранять те мысли и импульсы, которые больше не приносят пользы во взаимоотношениях, и начинает возрождаться для более продуктивных целей В предшествующей инкарнации она восставала против ограничений и выбирала жизненный стиль, не соответствующий ожиданиям авторитетных фигур. She now readily accepts authority and guidance to return to a productive and responsible path.
Сатурн women в трине к Плутону мужчины
In this aspect, a woman teaches her partner the value of responsibility by playing a fatherly role. The more he transforms his consciousness, the more he is able to meet her expectations. At the same time, he shows her the possibilities that she can achieve if she transcends the limits of orthodox thinking.
In the previous life, the man lost his direction. Благодаря этим взаимоотношениям он находит сейчас дорогу назад, принимая мягкое руководство women. She is показывает ему важность перенаправления сексуальной энергии, а также значимость возможности символизировать что-то большее, чем свое персональное «Я». A woman teaches her partner to use the principles, form and structure she retains. Through this relationship, she completes the karma of thinking (where she has always been a student) and begins the karma of action (because she learns how to teach everything she has accumulated).
Saturn Opposition Saturn
it один из наиболее трудных аспектов для формирования отношений. Each individual experiences karma directly opposite to that of the other. Оба партнера придерживаются противоречащих друг другу традиций и образа life. These relationships challenge past habit patterns and lifestyles as each partner begins to see the validity of the other's path but fails to follow his path.
itт аспект встречается во взаимоотношениях, где the age difference between the partners is fourteen years. The existing socio-economic and cultural differences are due to the time delay with which history tends to repeat itself. The senior partner tries to recreate the past, while the junior partner tries to live up to the expectations of the future. Оба партнера озабочены практической реальностью, но ни один из них не может ощутить ее в этих relationships. Two powerful and heavily loaded ships pass each other in the night, each heading for their own destination.
Сатурн мужчины в оппозиции к Урану women
The male пытается собственнически контролировать неустойчивую натуру women. Her sense of freedom and originality pose a threat to the security he expects to find with her. Playing the role of his father, he may find that the methods that limited him in the past have little effect on his impartial partner. The male медленно начинает освобождаться от бремени traditions. In doing so, he must detach himself from everything that gave him a sense of confidence. itт аспект очень труден для мужчины. The woman tests him over and over again to see if what he stands for really makes sense to him.
itт аспект встречается во взаимоотношениях, являющихся обучающим опытом. The male, долго придерживавшийся определенной линии рассуждении, видит причины противодействия его собственному пути, но он еще не вполне готов принять ответственность за новый образ мышления. However, this subconscious need attracts a free-spirited woman into his life. Thanks to her initiative, he begins to break old habits and learns to accept the freedom she teaches him.
Since a woman literally shakes a man to the very core, she experiences considerable frustration. itт аспект вызывает изменение в кармическом паттерне, особенно трудное для мужчины. The aspect does not have the necessary components for a harmonious long-term partnership or marriage. But he sets the man free, preparing him for a more satisfying relationship in the future.
Сатурн women в оппозиции к Урану мужчины
A woman is attracted to a man from a completely different stratum of society. She is идет против традиций своего отца, наследственных или в некоторых случаях духовных traditions. Although this it can be very difficult for her, the man personifies the freedom from the past, which she aspired to, but she herself could not achieve. She needs him to symbolize what she cannot yet express.
These relationships bring a lot of torment for her, as they tear her from her roots and force her to create a new foundation. В результате неоконченной кармической взаимосвязи в прошлой инкарнации появление мужчины на сцене более важно для нее, чем уверенность и надежность, которые она имела в этой life. Relationship tensions will test this confidence, as well as her other values, until she chooses between wanting to preserve the past and needing to experience the excitement of an uncertain future. If she reaches into the future, the relationship is likely to end, as the man enters her life for the sole purpose of freeing her. If she remains attached to her family, the relationship is likely to continue because it offers the man a challenge to take on. However, the woman will be disappointed.
The greatest difficulty may stem from the fact that her family and friends consider the man unreliable or unstable. He becomes a crusader who fights for the freedom of a lady he will never truly possess.
Сатурн мужчины в оппозиции к Нептуну women
itт аспект часто символизирует любовь без взаимности. The male привязан к традициям и месту в жизни, на которых основывается его характер. Если он дотянется до women, то потеряет значимость собственной индивидуальности. She is символизирует его недостижимую мечту и дает ему яркие впечатления, добавляющие глубину и чувства к его существованию. However, he cannot detach himself from his karmic mission in life, and the powerful attraction is frustrating.
A woman dreams about her partner and imagines the most amazing things about him. She is пытается смягчить его оборону и как-то проникнуть в его жесткую индивидуальность с помощью осмоса. In fact, she reaches out to him in many ways, but his inability to understand her subtleties makes it almost impossible for him to know about it. Instead, a man may put up one barrier after another to prevent himself from obeying his heart's desire.
These relationships reveal the conflict between form and the absence of form, structure and lack of structure, tradition and wandering.
As a result of a karmic separation in a past life, both individuals meet again in an attempt to fulfill what their souls missed. Due to the time and experience that has passed between the partners, each of them follows their own life path. The male научился строить свою уверенность через постоянное структурирование идей. The woman identified with sadness and sadness. Хотя оба могут многое дать друг другу, глубокое расхождение между их системами отождествления мешает гладкому течению relationships. The male пытается подать пример, которому следовал бы его партнер, но женщина не может соответствовать его ожиданиям.
Сатурн women в оппозиции к Neptune men
A woman tries to teach a man the value of responsibility by playing the role of a father. She is считает его эскапистом, ускользающим от тягот life. An unfinished bond in a past incarnation brings two people together again. The woman tries to secure the relationship through structure, form, and building realistic foundations. This structure makes more sense to her than to him. He appreciates the lessons she offers but fails to grasp their full significance. His dreams can either bring him closer to a partner, or take him away from him.
There can be a lot of disappointment here, because the more a woman tries to keep her partner, the more she loses her strong identity in reality. As a result, she must make a decision: to have a partner or to carry out her own mission. She is представляет собой песок времени, а он — волну, разбивающуюся о песчаный берег. Each gains something from the other when two powerful forces meet.
Сатурн мужчины в оппозиции к Плутону women
itт аспект создает беспокойные, но динамичные взаимоотношения. The male старается научить женщину следовать по продуктивному пути. She is пытается переступить пределы ограничений, которые он ценит. There are cultural differences here, and they tend to increase. Both partners view the influence of society in different ways. The male понимает, как будет происходить его рост, если он будет придерживаться традиционных и общественно приемлемых правил. The woman believes that progress in society occurs only through revolutionary transformations, which often overturn conservative forces. traditions. Thus, everyone has their own firmly rooted values.
The male кармически проверяет свою силу, так как он учится подавлять и сдерживать скрытые тенденций деструктивных сил, которые он ощущает в своем партнере. At that же время она подвергает проверке ценности традиционных правил, пытаясь найти собственную уникальную individuality. There are many difficult situations here, as both partners feel that something more is at stake than just defeating the other. Each will extend the views he has acquired in this relationship to many other people.
At some point, due to the opposition of two powerful forces, the relationship takes on the shade of the cessation and fading of everything that was set in motion before. В течение этого времени оба партнера пересматривают и заново оценивают все, что они поддерживают, чтобы принять важные решения о будущем направлении life. The result of this partnership often includes a woman breaking away from family ties and a deep inner quest to find the true reason for her existence. At the same time, a man faces the most difficult challenge for himself. Everything he ever believed to be reliable will be shattered to its very foundations, leaving only the seed of essential truth.
Сатурн women в оппозиции к Плутону мужчины
A woman plays the role of a


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