Message: #100692
Ольга Княгиня » 18 Apr 2017, 21:11

Astrology as the art of describing the world. Alden Taylor Mann

first two octaves has much in common with the process of psychoanalysis.

Psychoanalysis and interpretation

Amazing parallels exist between psychoanalysis and astrological interpretation. AT обоих случаях рассматривается структура и динамика психики, а отношение между аналитиком и анализируемым в психоанализе очень точно соответствует отношению между астрологом и его кверентом. AT обоих методах существует столкновение субъективной точки зрения индивидуума и объективной — наблюдателя. The analyst and the astrologer single out not only individual traits, but also the transpersonal objective causes that give rise to them.

AT то время, как психическое содержание в обоих случаях одинаковое, контекст, в котором он раскрывается, различен. The astrologer draws all the information from the horoscope, giving it out in one meeting with the client. AT психологии информацию получают от клиента с помощью ассоциаций, гипноза, снов, воспоминаний и весь анализ требует иногда нескольких лет для завершения, астрология представляет собой высококомпактную форму психоанализа.

AT психоанализе ассоциации, сны, фантазии и воспоминания подвергаются тщательному рассмотрению, а потом преобразуются в символическую форму (метод Юнга) или редуцируются по психофизиологическим процессам (метод Фрейда). AT обоих случаях аналитик должен допускать возможность ошибочного воспоминания или лжи. Most traumatic events are consciously or unconsciously hidden, and this creates a serious problem for psychology.

AT астрологическом толковании процесс начинается с символики и переходит к ассоциациям, таким образом, в этом случае индивидуум не может ввести в заблуждение астролога.

Astrology is unique in its ability to simultaneously connect causal linear and synchronistic structures. AT психоанализе ассоциации редко следуют в логическом порядке, и часто бывает невозможно определить временные позиции важнейших комплексов.

AT то время как психоанализ начинает работать от настоящего и направляется к прошлому, астрология в состоянии нарисовать картину процессов в психике с момента зачатия вплоть до настоящего (будущего) time. Complexes are thus seen in context and this revival of events has a beneficial healing effect.

Экономия time — безусловное преимущество астрологии. Psychoanalysis takes years, is very expensive and labor intensive, and even then often fails to produce a therapeutic result. Astrology introduces the individual into the world of ideas and methodology of introspection, which is more successful in the long run. The usual duration of a complete analysis of a horoscope is from 3 to 4 hours. During this time it is possible to identify the main events and complexes.

Грамотное толкование раскрывает те же комплексы, на выявление которых психоаналитик тратит годы, С помощью аспектов комплексы, возникшие в детстве, не только идентифицируются по качеству и time созревания, но и определяется время рецидивов.

AT астрологическом толковании точка отсчета — время перед зачатием. The individual must try to erase his existence in consciousness and place himself outside his life. This process is similar to the religious-meditative procedure and oracular technique, it is somewhat reminiscent of the deep breath that an athlete takes before the start, or the audience waiting before the magic screen flashes in the cinema. Once this state is reached, the interpretation unfolds from conception through life in a natural sequence of events. When archetypal motifs are set in motion, they oppose, releasing energy.

The astrologer presents a set of metaphors that have the dual purpose of describing the original event and determining its impact on life at a later time. Many psychoanalytic complexes remain unresolved, and any form of analysis must take this into account. ATсе комплексы живые, они не статичны, они активизируются каждый день движением Асценден-та, каждый месяц — Луной, каждый год — Солнцем, в более долгие интервалы — медленными планетами..

From an astrological point of view, psychological complexes do not disappear, they are always ready to return to life.

ATременная шкала и техника психотерапии

“Each psychotherapist not only has his own method - he himself is this method” CG Jung.

The various methods of psychotherapy currently being used are correlated with archetypal time slots on the timeline. The orientation of a method is determined by the stage of the life process to which it corresponds, and is often associated with the need of the author of the method himself. Фрейд был невротичен и перегружен сексуально, Адлер тратил много усилий и time, пытаясь разрешить свое стремление к власти, Юнг провел 9 лет свое жизни (с 1911 по 1920 г.) в плену бессознательного — их терапии символизируют their own problems.

ATзаимоотношение современных методов терапии и их отношение к астрологии можно представить на круговой диаграмме. Psychologists of a more universal plan will occupy larger sectors of the circle, mutually compensating methods will take opposite positions. Терапия ATильгельма Райха (1897-1957), одного из первых учеников Фрейда, основывалась на “функции организма”. His therapy corresponded to the moment of conception (the cusp of the 9th house) as well as the moment of death. The basis of Reich's teaching is the assertion that conception is an orgasm: "Orgasm, which plays such a huge role in the life of animals, is now an expression that strives beyond its own existence." ATозможно здесь лежит разгадка того, что идея смерти так часто представлялась оргазмом. When dying, biological energy also goes beyond the boundaries of physical imprisonment. (AT.Райх “Избранное”).

On the MS, where the Ego is fixed and where the will is applied, there is a place for the therapies of A. Adler, R. Assagioli, focused on the will. Adler's method promotes the application of individual strength to social adaptation. MS - as the center of the field of consciousness explains Adler's underestimation of the subconscious.

The area of ​​Carl Jung, the widest among modern therapies, includes both the octave of gestation and the octave of transcendence - the realm of the collective unconscious. His interest in "synchronicity" indicates an attempt to coordinate these two levels of the psyche.

The astrological interpretation of the fourth octave is completely "symbolic", which can explain Jung's symbolic approach to psychology,

The ascendant has to do with personality and birth therapy. Here we can mention E. Fehr with the therapy of the “birth” process, associated with pressure on the upper region of the skull, reproducing the conditions of childbirth, A. Yanov with his “primary cry” therapy based on the repetition of the initial cry, which facilitates the birth of a child”.

The area of ​​Sigmund Freud is the octave of childhood from the Ascendant to 7 years. Freud reduced mental life to the influence of social and biological factors on children's sexuality and relationships with parents. ATсе психические трудности по Фрейду проистекают от сексуальных затруднений детства. His reductional analysis and the projection of the "father image" that he evoked in his patients confirms the connection of his therapy with the child's age.

Gestalt therapy takes time from 7 to 23 years and is associated with the relationship of personality with others during puberty.

Transpersonal psychology and group therapy refer to the period from 23 to 43 years (7th house). Here, the importance of the physical community of the group is given, as a result of which a state of security is generated that one person cannot achieve.

Последняя терапия психики на шкале жизни — ЛШAT-терапия. It is applied to incurable cancer patients and to the elderly. eases the fear of death.'

Each therapy serves the individual who has problematic planets in the respective area.

“Obviously, astrology has a lot to offer psychology, but what psychology has to offer its big sister is less clear. However, as far as I can tell, astrology would benefit from the achievements of psychology, especially the psychology of the personality and the unconscious. I am almost certain that much of interest can be gained from symbolic study, the relationships of archetypes (or gods), and their interpretation” (C. G. Jung, Letters, May 1954).

On the meaning of the magic circle.
The structure of astrology is integrated in the circle, and the process of interpretation uses the circle, one might say the magic circle. Периферия круга представляет собой ограниченное во time существование, а центр — точка вечности, единство откуда все произошло и куда все уйдут. The circle is a sacred area, within which there is complete balance and harmony. Although external influences can be chaotic, the circle represents a protected area within which the astrologer interacts with the person whose horoscope is being interpreted. The circle protects the psyche of both from extraneous influences. The ritual form of interpretation is very important. it allows you to focus the consciousness and subconscious on the universal process.

Transfer and mechanism of energy exchange.
Transference is the relationship between analyst and analysand. The interpreter of the horoscope must be able to manage the transference and exchange of energy and the individual.

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