Message: #100645
Ольга Княгиня » 18 Apr 2017, 20:23

Astrological creativity. Noel Thiel

Astrological creativity. Noel Thiel.

Preface to the Russian edition.
It is really a great honor for me to express to Russian readers - new friends and colleagues - my sincere gratitude for the high appreciation of my work. I extend this gratitude not only to the publication of this new book, but also to the invitation to conduct training seminars for astrologers in Moscow. We all work together and reach for the sun together.
The study of astrology is a search for yourself, your purpose in life, a strategy for growth, the implementation of plans, hopes and dreams. In the face of various obstacles and difficulties, this search is often difficult: it becomes a mission of self-discovery, rediscovery of oneself and direction to other, brighter horizons.
One of the most important dimensions of this search is the realization that it cannot be done alone. Each of us needs the other - the client needs the astrologer, the astrologer needs the client. Light needs to be reflected. The result is a beautiful flash - the insight of an astrological consultation: the astrologer guides the client in the search for self-knowledge, considering its development, correcting difficulties, clarifying life philosophy and directing strategy to brighter horizons.
This book is a guide to such a search. It presents the astrological techniques and analytical considerations needed to do so. She challenges your creativity to help you reach the highest heights in astrology! And the reward for using the sophisticated technique of astrological consultation will be closer and more meaningful contact with clients. You will admire their growth and fulfillment, and they will thank you in return.
I want to wish you that the growth of our astrological art never stops, and I gladly invite you to the circle of skilled astrologers.
Noel Thiel
Fountain Hills, Arizona January twenty00
Planets do not cause events. People do it. The symbols of the planets help us understand this process.
It was difficult for me to stop and finish writing this book because it prepares a whole new “point of departure” for astrology in an ever-evolving era of human research. We can talk a lot - and we will do it in the next century - about the drama of humanistic development, which we can now see so dynamically. through astrology.

This vision did not always exist, and this too will be discussed in this book. Much in astrology is still at the level of describing a formulated destiny. And in many ways and on many levels, this way of using our gifts is a terrible waste of time.

This book will introduce you to what I have learned through my long practice, theorizing and experimenting; what I have absorbed from many thousands of professional advice; what I learned from hundreds of my students and what I shared with the listeners of the training seminars I conduct. Each of the many hundreds of analytical insights presented in this book is real, taken from life and experience.

I am very grateful to the clients who have allowed material about them to be published in this book, as the description of real cases contributes to the learning process. The reader should be aware that these cases are not from a special case file of exciting cases, all of these people have come to me for advice over the past year - most of them at the time of writing this book, in January-February one999! The bottom line is that every life has its own drama, and all these dramas are presented here as they are. Astrology needs a formal education and precise standards for teaching, analysis and counseling. Therefore, I consider this book to be the beginning and catalyst of the process. I hope that other studies like this one will begin to fill the void, gain pedagogical attention and encourage astrologers to come together in master class seminars to bring knowledge to life.

Noel Thiel

Fountain Hills, Arizona February one999
Chapter one The State of Our Art

Historians describe the twentieth century as a century of world wars, a century of crisis, a century of extremes. It was in the twentieth century that wars were first unleashed on a world scale: the First World War involved all the major world powers and most of the states of Europe; World War II also had a global character - only South America was nominally left out of the game.

Indeed, the horoscope of the twentieth century—built at the moment when the hands of the clock showed 00:00 hours on January one, one900one—dramatically shows the prospects for international aggressiveness:

Saturn = Sun/Pluto (Saturn square midpoint Sun-Pluto with an orb in one'), “manifestation of power needs; the need for control; new perspectives that must be established through struggle and ruthlessness”, seven conjunctions and five oppositions, all at the conjunction of the new moon with Mars; Aries Point = Moon/Saturn (flaunted ambition, strategy, going beyond the reasonable).
Twentieth century - January one, one900

00:00:00 AM GMT

Zone: +00.00

London, England



But at the same time, in the horoscope of this century, we find Jupiter-peregrine in Sagittarius, determined to dominate the horoscope: here we see internationalism, but also higher knowledge. Uranus is also in Sagittarius, in opposition to Pluto, speaking of the overthrow of the status quo. Of course, this is a military-political sphere, but it is also the creation of new perspectives (Pluto) for ego-awareness (Uranus), which is echoed by Venus-peregrine in Aquarius. Neptune's opposition to the Moon and Sun speaks of "the awakening of a special sensibility, aesthetics, spiritual matters, awareness of the subconscious (twentieth century word)".

This horoscope tells us that this will also be an age of enlightenment(!), I use the word "enlightenment" judiciously, since the climax of this age coincided with the entry of Pluto into the sign of Sagittarius. When Pluto was last in Sagittarius, one7foureight-one762, it signaled the dawn of the Enlightenment (the Age of Reason). This century brought France forward when a movement began to reform the philosophical basis of life through the teachings of classicism. Reason, and not religion or superstition, was to become man's tool in a strategic view of the social improvement of life. These views quickly spread east to Germany and west to England, and twenty years later to North America.

Our Pluto, on the crest of today's age of enlightenment, symbolically contains much more than the age of information, communication, and dramatically expanded world contacts. It contains a century of psychology, a hundred years of the existence of psychology as an academic discipline and a field of experimentation to assess the human condition.

At the turn of the twentieth century, medical and experimental studies of abnormal human behavior (first by Franz Anton Mesmer and later by Jean Martin Charcot) were enriched philosophical and spiritual understanding of William James (d. one9one0). As a result of the development of the understanding of mesmerism (hypnosis), the idea arose of the existence of “something else” behind consciousness - the subconscious.

Then the experienced neurologist Sigmund Freud (d. one939) moved away from laboratory research and into the study of the mind itself, engaging in “free association,” thought chains that seem to reveal important information about human development. He formed the theory of the unconscious, the hideous forces trying to break through to external expression, which led to the creation of a psychoanalytic approach (repression, neurosis, complexes, defense mechanism, dream interpretation, and much more). Freud's genius dramatically changed the understanding of the human condition: a person is born problematic and society has to correct him.

The Swiss psychiatrist Carl-Gustav Jung (d. one96one) shared Freud's view of developmental energy as purely sexual in nature. Jung then developed his own "analytical psychology" which combined the concepts of anthropology and parapsychology into a universal symbolism represented in the collective unconscious.

The Russian physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (d. one936) laid the foundation for the doctrine of behaviorism, linking the response to the stimulus in terms of "classical learning." It was developed by the American psychologist John Watson (d. one95eight). At the same time, the American psychologists Edward Thorndike (d. one9four9) and Burres Skinner (d. one990) linked reward and punishment to “operant learning” and developed a very important “teaching approach” for understanding behavior.

Abraham Maslow (d. one970) led the American humanistic school of psychology. He rejected Freud's psychoanalysis and various schools of behaviorism. He considered man as a creative being, striving for self-actualization through the fulfillment of needs. For him - in contrast to Freud - a person is born in perfect harmony, and society threatens to spoil the process of human development.

For humanists who find support in the development of the practice of hypnotherapy and hypnosis, the unconscious was considered a positive source of energy. The unconscious seeks to prepare a person for actions that are best for him. 2.

Many other great psychologists have added strong branches to this mighty tree of knowledge. Now, towards the end of the twentieth century, numerous branches have appeared on these branches. Psychologists write popular books and articles more often than academic papers. The “self-help” industry—some people call it “pop(ular) psychology”—is booming all over the world.

All this influenced astrology, transforming and endowing it with acute psychological susceptibility.

In one936, when the psychological systems of Freud, Jung, and Pavlov were in full bloom—mainly in Europe but not yet popularized in America—Alice Bailey’s French-born protégé Dane Rudhyar published in America his book Astrology of the Personality—Reformulated astrological concepts and ideals from the point of view of modern psychology and philosophy”. Historically, this book heralded the beginning of "humanistic astrology."

The name itself covers the relationship of psychology, philosophy and astrology. At the turn of the century, the brilliant English theorist and author of a number of books Alan Leo simplified astrology in terms of practical technique, and fifty years later Dane Rudhyar


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